Today's Tids Issue 2,916
Opening Stuff:

The first Tids issue of the Berrrrrr! months is upon us, those magnificent days when a little chill in the air ignites the soul. Septemberrr the beginning of the fading foliage, the segue from the hot, muggy days of the warmer months to that invigorating crisp in the air. Yes this is the month the body finally re-surges, from lethargy to vitality. It's also the month we can never forget, that fateful day of September 11 when a band of Muslims murdered 3,000 innocents in lower Manhattan. Amen.

I have to wonder if one of the reasons the South lost The Civil War is becasue they couldn't get beyond the sluggishness of steamy autumn days there, versus the North's consistently more stimulating Fall.

If you don't think that the Internet is changing the ways of the world, get this: Assad's 11 year old son is taunting Obama on FaceBook. Nobody is isolated. Public opinion can be easily swayed, especially since too many people think everything they read is true. We are in the era of "Nah, nah - nah, nah... your mother where's army boots" diplomacy.

We live in a world today where anything can happen at any given moment. It's not very relaxing.

Did you hear about the savant Monarch? He's called the Reignman!

The Question:
US Cars have gotten better  and better ever since the days in late 2000's when the manufacturers finally figured out that Americans don't like the crap they're getting from Detroit. Somebody pulled together an consensus of car reviewers to develop the list of the Five Best Ameican cars.  Name them.

The Headlines:
--The Battle Begins As Legislators Take Sides In the Syria Debate; Pro Obama Puppets Find It Hard Supporting Warlike Decision By Leader; "O"Looking For Support From McCain.
--World Shares Up As Factory Activity And Better Economic Data From China And Eirope help Stocks Overcome Negativity Of Syria Mess; Analysts see More Volatility Through September.
--64 Yo. Diana Nyad Looks To Be Nearing Finish Line In Florida To Cuba Swim; In her Fifth Attempt She Would Be Only Swimmer To make It Without Shark Cage..
--Russia Not convinced That US Intel Has It Right In Alleged Syria Gassing.
--Afghan Militants Attack US Base.
--Egyot Military And Courts Banding Together To Remove Legal Status From Muslim Brotherhood Party.
--Mandela Goes Home.

President Obama crafted a pretty good speech Saturday afternoon, hitting all of the key points -- "I have made the decision to strike"; "America must honor it's commitments"; "We cannot act unconstitutionally, Congress must be consulted and involved"; "Even though, I have the executive powers to make this decision alone." "We can't wait for the UN." He went on to say he had met with the Congressional leaders and they agree that they will call an emergency session when the members return from break on September 9, 10 days from now! Emergency? What I should have said at the beginning of this Tidlet, was "Great political speech". He drew the "Red Line" and maybe thought that Assad would cower to US might. They didn't, and he -- basically an anti war guy -- was in a box, a deep black hole looking up to the expectant masses, with a spotlight squarely upon his forehead. Yesterday he probably appeared tough to a lot of Americans, but, in one magnificent stroke he put the final decision on the backs of Congress. Yet, he could also look weak to the world if Congress denies his request. I can see him now turning to advisers: "Who's "F-ing" idea was it to add that Red Line reference to my speech?"

Nowhere are traditional beliefs manipulated abd subsequently liquidated more and faster than during summer  concerts by comedians and singers. Of course it is kind of educational where, for instance, young tweener girls can learn techniques for a promising career -- stripping in seedy bars. Comedians in the name of good old folksy humor demean, ridicule and minimize the importance of God, Jesus and the bible, disparaging believers along with the hoots and hollers of gullible audiences and spongy minds. How an parents, priests and ministers compete with that?

You have accumulate knowledge equivalent to understanding tides to navigate narrow channels to live in a popular small tourist area. You have to know clearly the ebb and flow of traffic, when their are lulls, when to move in one or the other direction. It's kind of a pleasant puzzlement.

Personally, I rate the talent of a comedian by how many laughs he or she can get with the fewest utterances of the "F" word...none being perfect.

I hate being obvious and crass pointing out that only French "Socialist" Hollende is joining 0-Man in his effort against Syria. Remember when all of the libs used to hammer GW for not being able to form a coalition in Iraq? And the Repub apologists could only come up with a list of minor players to shoot down the criticism. So far, "O" can't even claim a minor country list. You can always play "Gotcha" if you remember history. For instance, remember when Biden was veins in the forehead irate calling for Bush's impeachment because he didn't go to Congress first? 

Republicans were asked to speak at the MLK thing and refused. Stupid.

Ocean wind power advocates  now are changing direction, creating the false argument that they are cheaper than solar power to take away the focus from the real fact that they are at least twice as  expensive as conventional power sources.

I did a search for Worldview: Etc! -- That's actually the name of this Tids thing on the web -- and it came up fourth...right after "Weather underground: Worldview.

The Conscience: Chapter 27.
Jason invited me to have a drink and eat lunch in the office, but I decided to walk around the yards to look at the damage. Maybe I could see something not yet noticed by teams of experts. Maybe I'm giving myself more credit than I deserve just because I refused a drink. It didn't take long to feel the damage. It was pretty horrifying. I can only imagine about how awful it looked two days ago.
   My cell phone vibrated against my thigh, I took it out of my pants pocket and saw it was Angelica. I was planning my lies as I put the phone to my ear.
   "So?", she began.
   "So, don't play dummy with me and so what was in the pictures you sent"
   "Oh, that so." I was still reluctant now to trust anybody at Biglietto, even my friend the daughetr of the utterly weird Sanna. I paused a little too long.
   "Are you making up a story to keep me in the dark?"
   Am I that easy to read? "Of course not. It's just complicated."
   "You won't hurt my feelings. Remember that I am your only friend  in Genoa."
   "What made you suspect something was going on beyond your basic business." It's always good to beginwith a question, they tell me.
    Now it was her time to pause. "Lot's of things. Mainly the secrecy of my parents led me to look around for incongruities, the warehouse where the terrible Bruno never left his daily post. The apparent strong cash position in a time when boat sales world-wide were down. Why is Bernard looking for a merger in tough times, while we aren't? My intuition  is always very good. I saw the good in you Jeffery Morgan. That must count for something.
    "How you say incongruities in Italian?" I could hear her smiling through space.
    "Really. Now tell me."
The Answer:
It's probably a surprising line up, but it does show a variety of options available from the fading Motor City companies now built in states with more reasonable labor demands. First is the Corvette Stingray. That is followed by the Dodge dart (With comments sayiign that Chrysler has a lot of cars the belong in the top gorups), Ford Fusion, Tesla and the Chevy Impala (The Consumer reports "Best Sedan" winner).

We seem to be in a T-Riffic era where one must choose between the lesser of three evils -- Tweeting, Twerking or Tidsing? Our culture is doomed.

One basic way to retain your privacy is to buy weathering with cash.

Anybody on the "I want $15/Hour from mac" protest lines need look no farther that all of the cars being built in Korea, Japan et. al.