Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, August 27, 2018

Moral Authority Deficiency.

Today's Tids Issue 4,203
For Ten:

Perhaps the only moral authority left for all of us being continually swept out to sea in waves of deceit, are the Ten Commandments. Chiseled in stone, and not reinterpreted by lawyers; not followed due to whims of personality. They are the guide without human frailties. Don’t kill, don’t steal, don’t lie and so much more. How simple is that? The concept of the Big one, the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you” should not perish from this earth -- to paraphrase a certain gently considerate man of yore.

To all those kids who say, “I don’t know why I have to learn this. I will never use it,” I say, you will be happy you learned it all when you are older, watching Jeopardy.

The Mighty Tid’s NFL pickers are in full preseason training mode. Early signs are saying it could be a topsy-turvy year for sure. See, part of preseason training is learning how to make excuses before he fact.

This morn as the sun first peeked over the quiet hills running down towards the sleepy bay, I strode towards the pro shop of the small local golf course. There sitting arrogantly in front of the door was a skunk. “Shoo me away, I dare you,” it seemed to say. I’m thinking, I hope that isn’t an indication of the aroma of my golf game today.

This morning, the iconic Union Coffee Shop in NYC closed due to high rent and demands for $15-18 minimum wages; Irony: High min wage advocate Ocasio-Cortez used to work there. Dreamland candidates are only relevant in an academic textbook Society. Turn the page on progressivism.

The Question:
Name the greatest Sean Connery’s best movies.

The Headlines:
--Nation* Stops To Mourn John McCain.
--Pope Tells Ireland Audience He Shares Their Outrage Over Priest Attacks On Innocents; Papal Nunzio Says Pope Should Resign For Hiding Priest And Cardinal Abuses.
--Markets Open Strong; Tesla Shares Drop.
--US And Mexico On Verge Of New Trade Deal.
--Gamer Angry At Losing Opens Fire On Fellow Contestants Killing 2, Wounding 11; Police Soot Home.
--Lanny Davis Admits That Despite Media Frenzy, Trump Had No Prior Knowledge Of Trump Tower Meeting; National Media Has Not Corrected Earlier Frenetic Reports.
--Alphabet Expands Waymo Into China.

The age of communications not only keeps us abreast of everything great and small ad nauseum, it also bares the sins of the past, large and minute, of humans great and unassuming. People are stoned in the square regardless of whether or not they have made amends, taken a new road. The sins of one are spread to groups of others. This seems to be the Get-Even era of modern society as more and more are dredging up even the smallest of incidents. Will there ever be a leader not colored gray. What is it…Will those without sin cast the first stone.” The mobs don’t seem to care much about their own sins any more, as long as they can get payback.  

One of the glories of late summer, around this Northeast at least, is fresh native tomatoes. If your plants are really producing you are at ends about what to do with all of the succulent fruit – or is it a vegetable? The promise of winter freezing may not sit well within your bones, but it is just plain Ok for your tomatoes. And, it is simple. Wash them, then take time to dry them thoroughly. Place them in gallon zip-lock freezer-rated bags. Make sure all air is sucked out of the bag. Use a straw if necessary, except if you are in California. You can also send about $300 on a dehydrator and dry them, For smaller cherry tomatoes, cut them in half before dehydrating. For large tomatoes cut them into 3/8 inch slices. You can freeze but it isn’t necessary. You will find this delectable hoard great for soups, sauces and even dehydrated slices warmed up in sandwiches. Better than the best supermarkets have to offer in January.

Lots of USA trends have come from Australia, and it appears that the next one could be entirely soothing, and may catch on quickly – cuddling. A housewife, massage professional there offers a service of comforting contented cuddles to walk-in clients. She makes about a thou a week and feels warm allover every day.

The only problem in America may be some creep turning it into a front for you know what.

Discomfiting is investment sectors on Wall Street always looking for new negatives. The latest it appears is the noticeable divergence between the booming US and the sagging International markets – like US up YTD $1.897 Trillion and Foreign down $1.523 Trillion. The ripples of small events in foreign lands could wash ashore here as crushing waves. So, if you wonder why your portfolio sinks upon news of small events in Turkey, Albania and Luxemburg – that’s it.

I was thinking of getting one of those new golf swing analyzer cameras, but I figured it would scare me. There are times when too much knowledge is a bad thing.

America’s Got Talent, the show that seems to go on forever, begins its semifinals September 4. Last week fans were upset by the exit of Mochi, Savitsky Cats and the horror comedian Sacred Riana. Mochi, while very good at what he does became boring to me. The Savitsky cats weren’t even that good in an endless array of tricks generally done better by dogs. The eerie comedian failed to impress me by her magic last week, although she was definitely unique and might be picked as a comeback kid. Right now, leaders in the clubhouse are singer Courtney Hadwin and super cool magician Shin Lim with sibling singing group We Three hanging in solidly. I personally enjoy Angel City Choir. This week brings us to another week of playoffs

AGT should change the name to “The World’s Got Talent”.

By the way, AGT viewer comments say pretty definitively that the show would be better without Tyra Banks and “Sob” stories. And, they are little tired of the judges feigned surprise at acts of which they are already quite familiar.

The Queen of one-sided reports, NY’s Old Grey Lady, criticizes Tucker Carlson for a one-sided report on South Africa. The Times can’t even see the other side, much less understand who they are. Aaah, the hypocritic world we live in.

*National Mourners don’t include those plotting to tear down his statue at some point in the distant future.

A reader reminds me of the importance of using better grammar. That is the mighty comma which transforms “Let’s eat Grandma” into “Let’s eat, Grandma.” Commas are killing old people.

It appears to me that the NFL has accepted Obama’s rules of engagement to govern the field of play. Don’t hit me, please. It hurts so bad.

Here’s an excuse for Trump in his continuing fight to recover from a serious character issue: I was a pretty good guy, a choirboy, until about a quarter of a century ago when I saw the President of the US groping and abusing women. I figured if the President is doing it, it must be the new societal standard. I guess I just tried to outdo him. I’m a competitive guy.

The Answer:
Connery in my book is one of the best. His movies as rated best by IMDb are #1 Goldfinger followed by Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, The Hill, A Bridge Too Far, The Rock, The Untouchables, Finding Forester, From Russia With Love, The Hunt for The Red October and The Man Who Would be King. The next five are Family Business, Marnie, The Offence, Dr. No and Medicine Man.

Maybe we should stop looking at the top, in institutions for moral authority. It’s already right in front of us -- in spouses, family, friends and work and team mates. In the hallowed precepts we have learned. But, how do we get out the word about human goodness to those who can only see their entertainers, clergy, politicians, teachers, bosses and other paragons of questionable influence. Recalibrate your compass, find magnetic north and steer to it.

John McCain believed in American Exceptionalism. Never settle for less.

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