Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, March 29, 2019

IPO’s or bust.

Today's Tids Issue 4,355
Stable objective:

I have to tell you, If somebody asked if I’d like to take a low cost trip on “WOW!” airlines, I’d probably respond, This is some kind of scam, right?

If I were to think of one word that has arisen in prominence to intrude continually upon the comfort of many Americans, it is “Overreaction”. For every tragedy, lawmakers rush to enact encumbering restrictions. Reverse pendulum syndrome is prominent locally, statewide and across the federal domain. Right now, Social Network sites are over doing it in their effort to block bad stuff. Overreaction is abetted by tweets and the new pop inclination for people to march in the streets to protest just about anything. The cowards in town halls, statehouses and congress bend to the huff. I’m even seeing innocent things in spam, like never before, as social networks and internet email sites acquiesce to regulation overreaction. And of course, you, my beloved readers, may also find your wonderful Tids residing in some junk mail collection repository

The second you are born you hold a world record as the youngest person on earth. A little fodder for your Obit – “Former World Record Holder”.

One of my favorite movies of the past couple of years was “The Greatest Showman”. It was fun and musically pleasant with a little pathos thrown in for drama. So, I’m expecting the same form Dumbo, which opens today. Your inner child always needs a little nutrition from time to time.

The Question:
Humans are born with only two fears. What are they? Bonus: Who was the only non-human to win an Oscar?

The Headlines:
--Stocks Set to Post their Best First Quarter Since 1998; Friday Looks Good After Positive Comments Form Mnuchin In Beijing China.
--Lyft IPO Price At $72/Share.
--India Says It Now Joins US, Russia And China As Space Powers; India Attempt To Shoot Down Own Satellite With Missile Very Successful.
--House Intel Committee Repubs Call For Resignation Of Schiff As Chairman; They Claim He Promoted “False Narrative” Of Trump Collusion.
--Trump Gets Michigan Rally Hootin” With Exuberant Speech.
--SK Says NK Completely Rebuilt Long-Range Racket Test Site In One Month After Trump-Kim meeting.
--Puerto Rico Proposed For Statehood.
--Navy Says It needs 32 Nuclear Attack Subs In Next 15 Years; Russia Says It Has Every Right To Deploy Troops In Venezuela.

Right now, today, there are almost as many non-profitable Techs going from venture capital to public funding, IPO’s, then there were just before the big “DotCom” implosion. Money Losing Uber, Lyft (Lost $911 Mil) and a Pinterest (Lost $63 Mill) are just three of the more prominent names. Throw in AirBnB and you’re seeing a host of trendy companies, that can’t make money, enticing emotional investors. Of course, the investors will say, we‘re into for long run developments, like, for instance Uber and Lyft’s work on Autonomous Vehicles. Well, that’s’ something, but it’s a long way off regardless of sensational news blurbs about the joys of robotic life.  Of course, Uber and Lyft and Air and others are also vulnerable to an obstacle long predicted by this Tids Finance Department – the real world. Like, for instance the problems of driver’s pay for the ride sharers and municipal regulations among other things for Air. Pinterest also admits it could face possible new global and domestic regulations that could affect growth. And even restrictions from contributing companies like Google and FaceBook. But they will be IPO. And they will be bought. And the founders and early investors will make bundles.

40% of births in America are of unmarried women. So, I guess calling somebody a bastard has been pretty much normalized.

Is Theresa May sacrificing herself to get a Brexit bill passed? How noble.

Speaking of bad ideas, Boston is proposing a way to enable the growth of the Peregrine Falcon population. It’s not out of pure animal kindness, but as a means to rid city parks of Pigeon Poop. Great idea! Now there will be pigeon blood and falling corpses across the Commons and Public Garden. And the hawks won’t eat your popcorn. They’ll go for your roast beef sandwich.

When great golfers fade, it usually because the putting touch has gone astray.

To avoid capitalism at all costs, AOC writes everything in lower case.

An actual factoid tells me that I could survive quite nicely forever, getting all necessary nutrients a body needs, on a diet of only potatoes and butter. I’m on it.

The last thing I would want to win on The Price is Right is a $3,000 Fire Pit.

Did you know that cows have best friends and get stressed when separated? And that Swans mate for life? When one dies the other often is woefully upset and usually fades way shortly thereafter. Love and friendship are generally a lot more meaningful than a romp on Bachelorette.

The first two of the five best states in which to retire are Florida and South Dakota. I guess where you move depends on your internal temperature modulation system. (Did I actually say “depends” in a retirement story?) The next three are Colorado, New Hampshire and Virginia. Kentucky is the worst state followed by New Jersey, West Virginia, Rhode Island and New Mexico. It’s all about taxes, life expectancy, hospital care and cost of living. Actually, if I moved from RI, I wouldn’t be able to write about state legislature antics.

Reading Between the Liens Movie Reviews:
--You probably know the story of Dumbo. He is the ugly duckling baby elephant with obtuse ears in a beleaguered circus owned by Danny DeVito. But the kids tending him find that his ears let him fly, and he becomes the attraction that saves the circus. Another big circus buys DeVito’s and Dumbo magic takes over, until it is discovered that there are many dark secrets inside the circus.
--Hotel Mumbai is a pretty good thriller based on the true story of the terrorist attack on the big Hotel in Mumbai India. It vividly depicts the operation of the attackers and the heroism of real people in various areas of the hotel, form the front desk to the kitchen. It will keep you watching.
--Diane is the kind of film critics love and perhaps also intelligent people. It’s about a woman perfect on the outside whose day is all about checking on sick fiends, volunteering in a soup kitchen and trying to save her drug addicted son. But beneath her charitable exitance she is fighting a past she can’t forget which could tear apart the often-chaotic daily routine. Well acted by Mary Kay Place.
--Matthew McConaughey is in this weird picture that basically sucks. It’s about a rebellious guy who lives by his own rules. Another shot at a civil society.
--Unplanned is about a young, very dedicated Planned Parenthood director Her passion for women’s issues lets her become spokesperson for PP. She is in the forefront of Legislative battels. Until, one day she sees something that changes everything.

The Answer:
The two innate fears in humans are falling and loud noise. Everything else is learned. Bonus: You probably guessed it was Micky Mouse.

If mice are so lovable in cartoons and movies, how come everybody goes berserk trying to get rid of them when found in the house. They could be nice little pets. People are into unexpected pets these days. A woman on a popular evening quiz show last night said that she has two pet Hermit Crabs. It must have been a joke.

So, you just never know what to expect from human beings. You just hope their hearts are thumping loudly, and falling for you.

Enjoy a heart thumping weekend, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!!

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