Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

It didn’t just happen

Today's Tids Issue 4,368

Yesterday was the day when the fight for American independence began. It also marked the beginning of the week when the promise of salvation was fulfilled. There are so many emotions. The most glorious week in Christendom, now is filtered through the smoke of a grand Notre Dame ablaze; though the tears of Parisians mourning the destruction of a unifying symbol. This I a church that held the Crown of Thorns and pieces of the original cross. Under attack at a time when it prepares to celebrate the rebirth of life.

One of the things you notice while driving the lanes of Maine is how well kept are the beautiful homes of the original days of settlement. How it makes you think that in today’s world so many look at it is something to be torn down and built anew, and along with that losing the reminders the sweat, tears and love of regular families who built the country we now sometimes take for granted.

Some look at America as something to be rebuilt, forgetting about the strong foundations.

An actual Newspaper headline: Power failure in Midwest cancels fights.

The Question:
Name three events that took place during Holy Week.

The Headlines:
--More Earnings Out Today; Markets Sluggish; Big Day Of Revelation For Netflix Shows Strong Subscriber Increase, Not So Hot Future; IBM Beats mark, But Revenue Short.
--Notre Dame Spire Crumbles To The Ground; People Stare; People Cry; Artifacts, Arts and Main Structure of 800 Years Old Cathedral Saved; Macron Vows Rebuild In 5 Years,
--Top Democrats Concerned Over Bernie Sanders Momentum.
--Lack Of Boeing Info A cloud Hanging Over Investors.

But…I thought the masters was more exciting as a golf event before Tiger took the lead.

Money is what US politics is all about, sadly. Today we have the report card from those voting with their wallets. First Quarter total intake for the many democrats hit $75 Million candidates is out. The lone Repub DT raked in $30 Mil. But, Barbie did relatively well in a crowded field of 20 and counting with $18.2M. Kamala Harris is to be reckoned win having brought in $12M. Beto, another popular favorite had just over $9M. South Bend wunderkind Buttigieg came up with over $7M. Those are the frontrunners. The rest are Elizabeth Warren, ($6), Klobuchar ($5.2), Booker, ($5),  Gillibrand ($3), Inslee ($2.2), Hickenlooper ($2), Gabbard ($1.9 and Castro ($1.1). John Delaney got $500K from fans, but loaned himself $11M. Most insiders say that there is a bundle of cash on the sidelines awaiting word from Biden

Summing up AOC’s opinions of Biden: Democrats Don’t need geezers. Nancy on AOC: A glass of water with large “D” could win in her district.

I have to wonder, is Kamala Harris’s Money all California or is it National too. There are many ways to analyze money.

There is just something hypocritical about writing of politics during Hole Week.

This will be a short Tids as I was up early traveling.

The Answer:
The three I have in mind are the Agony in the Garden, the Crowning of Thorns and the Crucifixion.

This is a good week to be silent. To think deeply about what you can do better.

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