Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Anecdotal Overreactions.

Today's Tids Issue 4,432
Blast-Off and Bananas:

The Red, White and Blue still stands true, on the face of the cratered moon. When things look down upon this rhetorically scarred land of ours, look up and envision our flag ever waving, for freedom and fairness… for courage and imagination. Our flag of strength and kindness, planted firmly 50 years ago this day in July.

Donald J. Trump has deftly turned the national focus of the short attention span USA upon 0.9195402298% of the US Congress. The dastardly four could not have prayed fervently for more publicity. And the resultant sympathy from the US press.

It is less than a week until the opening of NFL Training camps. Be still my beating heart.

A friendly reader writes to tell us that he was so concerned about his four sons wanting to become valets for their careers that he asked his doctor what was wrong with them. The doctor said it was the worst case of parking sons disease he had ever seen.

(The question: Should we ban that reader from ever again writing to the Tids?)

The Question:
Today you will be hearing plenty about the Apollo 11 Anniversary, the tragic death of JFK Jr. anniversary. It is also the horrible day of remembrance for the day when the great Harry Chapin died after his car was hit by a big semi on the Long island Expressway. Name five of Chapin’s great hits. Bonus: I remember as a kid in early grammar school having ot to learn about the great artists of yore. The first painting I remember was “The Blue Boy”. Who painted it? Extra Bonus: Who said: “It’s a great country where everybody can grow up to be president … except me.”

The Headlines:
--Wall Street Could Pause Today After Record Closings; JP Morgan Beats Estimates; Goldman Profits Down On Weaker Trading, But Beating Estimates; J&J Profits Up 42%..
--Biden Pitching ObamaCare 2.0.
--NK Threatens To Resume Nuke Testing; Claim US Reneged On Deal.
--EU looking To Restore Balance To Iran Economy; Concerned It May Be Past Point Of No Return On Nuke Devleopments.
--Dems Loud, Repubs Silent In Aftermath of Trump Tweets.
--Man Confesses To Murder of American Micro-Biologist Suzanne Eaton In Greece.

I wouldn’t be surprised to hear a Dem candidate suggest that illegal immigrants be allowed 3 legal days of shoplifting per month. It would be a new way to share in corporate profits, wouldn’t it? Let’s hope this Tid doesn’t reach into the DNC

I have been watching CBS for my local news and following with their national news for a number of years now. I’ve gone through several anchors lately including most recently the basically smug, biased and unlistenable Scott Pelley and the quite likable and fair-minded Jeff Glor. So now it’s time to evaluate Norah O’Donnell. First reaction: Dead, vacant eyes.

Have you noticed that the press tends to overlook the dastardly four’s demeaning of America?

When the rhetoric turns to poison a bigger person will walk away and stand tall, and let the toxin eat away at the lesser.

I expect that the next big chunk of national transportation funding will be to support painting bright yellow and white lines on highways and byways. That’s what the fledgling Auto-Drive industry will need most for initial survival in this public opinionated world. I’m thinking that’s what aging Americans require most today for driving at night.

I believe that the Big Three Auto contract negotiation could be precedent setting ahead of a world that will be certainly losing jobs to automation. The final date for a new contract will be September 14. Will there be a strike? I think so.

As much as I hate to say this, there is a group in America who make Dem politicians appear smart and reasonable. It’s Hollywood movie stars, that’s who.

I don’t think tattoos are pretty. Period. If that makes me appear crotchety and inflexible, than that’s ok with me.

I am proud of who I am, of my ancestors before me and of my children and their children who will succeed me. I only feel guilt when I have failed to take advantages of the talents within me. I do not weep for what others have done in the past but only for those who can’t see what they can accomplish today.

Shaq O’Neal pitching Icy-Hot has been helping with my aches and pains. But, I’d prefer him telling us how advice from Jeff Bezos tripled his wealth. I’m writing to Shaq, for a rebound.

Well, tomorrow is July 17 and it looks like the markets will hold until at least September.

The Answer:
I thought Harry Chapin was one of the best. His songs are 30,000 Pounds of Bananas, Cat’s in the Cradle, Taxi, Flowers are Red, Dreams Go By, I Want to Learn a Love Song, W.O.L.D., Dancing Boy, A Better Place to Be and Sequel. Bonus: In 1770, Thomas Gainsborough painted The Blue Boy. Something’s you don’t use much are embedded in your mind, The Blue Boy is one of mine. Extra Bonus: That was a quote form Barry Goldwater who maybe one of our most quotable near-miss presidents. If it weren’t for a couple of flower petals, eh would be in.

Goldwater also said, “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And, moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”

This is the Harry Chapin I remember today.

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