Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, July 4, 2019

God Bless America.

Today's AmeriTids Issue 4,424

Yesterday I wrote about Samuel Johnson, the British academic and lexicographer who was the leader of the Anti-Pun Movement. I said that that squelching of puns was reason enough to go to war against Britain. Today I read in the local big paper editorial that Johnson also said: “(Americans) should be thankful for anything we give them short of Hanging. They are a treasonous group...,” the Brit opined.

Another member of Parliament said, putting down the rebels would be easy, and that Americans were of a “Pusillanimous disposition, utterly incapable of any sort of order or discipline.” They would never dare face a British army.”

They didn’t know America then, and many don’t understand America today.

Well executed words abound today, and many of them are against the very foundations of our great American experiment. We should never be mired by intellectualized pomposity, nor led astray by charismatic temptations; any that would cloud the common sense of the people who feel, live and understand the freedoms, those all, of every demographic value. We are America, individuals sustained by principles of goodness, fairness and achieving. We have and will stand strong against the disruptors. Little did the British know about the heart of the men and women who understood the flaws of tyrannical governments, of the king, by the king, for the king. Those who saw the new light and made it shine. And little do many know of the resolve that resides in the soul of the United States.

Enjoy a hotdog, hug a friend, laugh out loud, and breath in the open air of truth.

Happy Fourth of July, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!!

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