Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, October 15, 2010

How good is your brand of tea?

Today's Tids Issue 2,213
Opening Stuff:

Wow! Time sure flies when the air is crisp, the sun is low and glistening and the leaves are turning. We’re half way through beautiful October and I have yet start sewing my Halloween costume. I’m thinking that there will be Chile miner costumes and kids dressed as Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus. I heard of a couple going as Jack and Jackie – well half Jackie. The other half of the female costume will depict Marylyn Monroe. I heard of another humorous couple costume – interlocking puzzle pieces. I expect we will see Red, White and Blue Teabags or lots of scary Nancy Pelosi masks. Me, I’m going as a meatball sandwich.

I’m starting to see the possibility of a lot of fractured voting on November 2. As Tea Party candidates begin to make real progress in campaigns around the country, you have to wonder how many will siphon votes away from Republicans and Independent candidates, probably making the prime beneficiary Democrats, who the majority may not want. The net result is a continued Dem majority in the Congress…and the first Plurality Congress. It’s possible. It’s sad.

Some of the best golf of the year is taking place in the PGA Fall Series and the Nationwide Tour right now. The reason, every golfer is playing for their future and the avoidance of “Q” School. Every shot counts. Every player counts. You like tension? This is all tension.

The Question:
Based on a combination of the four categories Gas Prices, Insurance Rates, Infrastructure/Safety and Legal Protections…which are the five worst states for drivers? Bonus: What does Clint Eastwood say are his six favorites of movies he has directed?

The Headlines:
--Reid Angle Face Off In Debate; Twosome Unable To Agree On Anything.
--Fed Expected To Buy Treasuries To Rejuvenate Economy; Bernanke Undecided On Size Of Plan.
--GE Sales Slump Rattles Recovery Hopes.
--Unexpectedly Higher Auto, Electronics and Appliance Sales Push September Retail Numbers Up 6%.
--Israel Declared Hottest Real Estate Market On Planet.
--Whoopie! And Joy! Turn backs On Guest O’Reilly And Walk Off View Set.
--Swiss Complete Longest Tunnel.
--First Chile Miners Released From Hospital After One Short Day; Docs Impressed With Overall Health Of Group.
--3 In Cleveland Scam Mortgage Lenders Out Of $7 Million.

Back to More Stuff:
For some reason there are often some funny typos in Church Bulletins. For instance this one: “Today’s Sermon: ‘Jesus Walks on Water’; Tonight’s Sermon: ‘Searching for Jesus’. Or…”The peacemaking meeting scheduled for today has been cancelled due to a conflict.” And finally – “low elf Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM. Please use back door.”

Some of the vacuous in the local intellectual elite crowd have managed to place a referendum on the RI November 2 ballot that would ask the people to vote to change the official name of state from Rhode Island and Providence Plantations to Rhode Island. The political correctness gone amok reason is obviously because the word Plantation dredges up thoughts of slavery. At least for the mentally brittle who some how think they are guilty of something that happened a couple of hundred years ago. Anybody with an ounce of curiosity would soon learn that “Plantation” refers to a “community where agriculture is a primary occupation”. And this word Plantation was applied to RI around 1660, long before the first slave was traded for a pint of rum. If the academic crowd thinks that changing a name will somehow make the past good again, they should look to Brown University – Named after John Brown who made oceans of money as the primary mover in the notorious Triangle Trade.

Did you see where Minister Terry Jones received a brand new car for not burning the Koran. (Or is it Quran). Extortion is alive and well.

Reading between the lines Movie Reviews:
--I’m seeing a decided trend towards geezer movies as agents try to keep fading careers going. The latest might not be bad primarily because of the presence of Helen Mirren who has the=e talent to push most things above formula blah. This one also has Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich, Richard Dreyfus and the oldest actor on the planet, Earnest Borgnine (Who is planning his 175th Birthday Party). It’s about retired former CIA assassins who are now framed fr a high profile killing and become targets of their old organization. They rejoin each other and uncover the biggest Government conspiracy in history.
--Conviction is a well done real life story about a woman with no career and no future, who after her brother is sent away for life for murder, goes back to get her High School, College and eventually law degree to free him. Uplifting tale about Rhode Islander who finds the DNA evidence that sets him Free. (Back Story: Brother died shortly after freedom falling off a fence as he cut through backyards. Sister is suing sister for not getting credit in film for her contributions to brother’s release.)y captured
--Buried looks like a bummer downer about a guy captured by Islamists and buried in a box with a cell phone pencil and paper. After ninety minutes it gets a lot tedious.

Whoopie and Joy seem like such happy names. You have to wonder why they are so angry.. And, if you haven’t noticed, Joy Behar may be the biggest bigot on National TV. Check out her anti Christian/Catholic rhetoric. 

For the most part weather people issue dire warnings of things we have experienced every year of our lives.

The Answer:
California (Ranked very low in all categories) is tops followed by Illinois (Low in all but particularly low in :Legal rights.), New York (Very bad in road maintenance and legal rights), Michigan (How ironic…This state crushes drivers on insurance rates. Q: Does this Auto Capital of US they know something about the quality of manufacture that other states don’t?) and Alaska )The gas pipeline state with highest gas prices, and frost heave roads). Of course you have to know what movies he has directed first! They are “Bird”, “Letters From Iwo Jima”, “Million Dollar Baby”, “Mystic River “, “The Outlaw Josey Wales” and “Unforgiven”.

The Weak End:
Sometimes on Friday my brain just stops working. There is nothing left inside it. I’m taking the rest of the day off.

Love your weekend.

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