Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Awaiting the newly embolden.

Today's Tids Issue 2,253
Opening Stuff:

I think I'll decorate my tree today. It's about time to get that ole Christmas Buzz goin'. Even for an old curmudgeon. LaLa La... with bows of Holly...lala lala la la la lala...

It seems to me that I'm hearing more people say Merry Christmas this year. Or maybe hope has just overcome reality.

There's a growing faction that is saying taking a closer look at the proposed Start Treaty is a good idea. It's not about Russia at all. It's about modernizing current US nuke capabilities and Missile Defense systems (Which the 0-Crowd considers relatively unimportant in general) to be agile against rogue states including Iran and North Korea. You may be hearing more about this as the "No" gang is a lot bigger than Senator Kye.

The Question:
Dick Van Dyke just keeps on abubblin' along. He has a pretty great resume. Name his best movies and TV roles.

The Headlines:
--Virginia Federal Judge Rules Buying Mandate Part Of Pelosi-Palooza Unconstitutional; Admin Expects Long Legal Battle.
--Retail Sales Stronger Than Expected; Stocks Up.
--CEO Round-table Sees Stronger Economy
--Brown U. Grad, US Diplomat For All Dem Presidents Beginning With Kennedy, Richard Holbrooke Dead At 69; Remembered As Peacemaker In Boznian Wars.
--New Education Poll Shows That Americans Overwhelmingly See Need To Create Mechanism to Fire Bad Teachers.
--Cliff Lee Nixes Ya-Ya-Ya,,,(WYKWIM)... For $50 Million Less To Play For Phillies.
--British Film "Kings Speech" Picks Up Most Golden Globe Nominations; Other Best Drama Nominees Are Black Swan, The Fighter, Inception And The Social Network; Best Comedy Musical Pic Went To Alice In wonderland, Burlesque, The Kids Are Alright, Red and The Tourist; Best TV: (Comedy) Glee, 30 Rock, Big Bang Theory, Big C, Modern Family, Nurse Jackie. (Drama) Boardwalk Empire, Mad Men, Dexter, The Good Wife and The Walking Dead.
--Midwest Still Digging Our; Bone Chilling Cold Moving East.

Back to More Stuff:
The series of arsonist large home fires on Cape Cod with slurs against the rich as a calling card is disturbing. Is this the result of "big bad rich" rants by Bernie Saunders, Claire McCaskill and other irresponsible critics of the Tax breaks for all? Is the class cacophony inciting a new level of class warfare? Be careful what you wish for. just ask the Romanov's.

In case you missed it, it didn't take long for the Gosslin woman to learn that Sarah Palin's show is reality. Kate Gosslin whined continually and eventually left after a very short stay. Maybe now we know why her husband left.

Yale Librarian Fred Shapiro annually releases what his group considers the top quotes for the year. This year's list is topped by Christine O'Donnell's "I am not a witch" which is considered unique for a political campaign! Second on the list is Tony Hayward's "I'd like my life back". The rest of the list: "If you touch my junk I'm going to have you arrested." -- Passenger John Tyner to TSA worker; "Don't retreat, instead -- reload!" -- Sarah Palin; "Chi! Chi! Chi! Le! Le! Le! Los Mineros de Chili!" -- Chant at Chilean mine rescue; "I hope that's not where we are going...People are looking at 2nd Amendment remedies...What can we do to turn this country around?" -- Sharon Angle; "We have to pass the (HC) bill to find out what is in it." -- Nancy Pelosi; "I'm going to take my talents to South beach." -- Lebron James; "You're telling me that separation of Church and State is found in the 1st amendment?" -- O'Donnell; They should never have put me with that woman, ...she was just the sort of bigoted woman who said she used to be in labour." -- Gordon Brown.

Do you know what bothers me...? When I'm watching a TV program like a drama and they go to a commercial. So I switch to a sports event which should be free and clear, Right? Wrong. Invariably they are in commercial too. It's not fair!

A local news report says that a Maine man was feared drown after falling from a Rhode Island lobster boat outside of Rockland Maine. But my sources deep with in the Mid Maine lobster community say that it might be murder. Ooooo-weeeee-Ooooooo. Maybe that ugly turf war is reigniting, and the RI encroach-er was not viewed on as kindly as those Mainers seem to be. Stay tuned.

If you watch commercials you develop perceptions that are often a far cry from reality. For instance, I would have said that AT&T and the iPhone are far and away the leaders in their fields. But in actuality, serious smart phone users are much happier with the Droid and and AT&T ranks last (In a new Consumer Reports about wireless services) behind US Cellular, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile. Go figure. Ad guys only lie about politicians, right?

If you think advertising folks are slick, you haven't seen anything compared to investment people. A financial expert commenting on the crackdown of wild fraudulent schemes like Ponzi's et, al., said that while the regulations get tougher in one area, incredibly bright financial people will be thinking of new very creative schemes to defraud the public. So, the basic rule of thumb continues: If it sounds too good to be true, watch out! Don't let your ego get in the way.

Every time I go into something called "Worst food for 2010", I find that my definition of "worst" and there's is 180 degrees apart.

Yahoo Search (#2 to Google but still quite small) reports that their biggest search of the year was the BP oil spill. Two other smaller search engines, Bing and AOl reported their top searches as Kim Kardashian and Tiger Woods. Hmmm! The rest of the Yahoo Top Ten were World Soccer Cup, Miley Cyrus, Kardashian, Lady Gaga, Apple's I-Phone, Megan Fox, Justin Bieber, "American Idol" talent Competition and Brittany Spears. Google will be out later this Month. Interestingly, nothing about the game changing November elections were at the top of America's mind.

The Answer:
Dick Van Dyke's first big movie success in his "Six Decade Career" was Bye, Bye Birdie. Of course he is also classic in Mary Poppins and Chitty, Chitty bang Bang. Some others were not so classic including Divorce American Style, Fitzwilly Never a Dull Moment and a pretty good drama The Comic. Of course his Dick Van Dyke Show with a veteran cast of comic actors Morey Amsterdam, Rose Marie, Jerry Paris, Carl Reiner and of course newcomer Mary Tyler Moore is still today one of the all time great programs. His "Diagnosis Murder" also went on to become a popular light mystery series. Wow, 6 decades! That's longer than Robert Bird, and think how much more fun we had.

The End:
Is the demonizing of the overweight destined to become the new racism. And this one is Government sponsored. Let people live, Nanny.

I also think that next year will see increased noise against anti-privacy measures like Airport pat-downs and X-Rays and cameras on streets.

As a matter of fact, I think there will be a lot of new style noise out there, mainly about freedoms and responsibility.

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