Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, December 27, 2010


Today's Tids 12/27 Issue 2,262
Opening Stuff:

Are libraries destined to become museums for book?

Did you know you can go from poverty to very top without Government assistance? Check it out.

Is the word most dangerous to the future of America as the vast majority want to see it, "inevitability"? It is defined as "Incapable of being avoided, or evaded." It is the mantra for all of those groups who espouse one cause or another -- like legal marijuana, gay marriage, unwanted housing developments, massive wind power projects, veggies instead of pizza at schools. (Socialism?). Groups who only have one cause to promote continuously against a general public opposition where the general public also has to work at another job. A public who may have 100% resistance in their heart but only 10 % of the time needed to fight. Does inevitability mean that we are destined to live in a "Me and her" world as TV and lowest common denominator movies normalize bad and lazy use of language. Yup, evrything is easily inevitable if we give in to relentless pressure, pressure that will never cease. Sorry this took so long. But it was inevitable once I got the rant started.

The Question:
When was "Barbie" introduced to the public? How many Barbies have been produced. In what year did Barbie get a "Belly Button">

The Headlines:
--East Coast Storm Strangles Transportation.
--Stock Markets Expected To Open Lower After China Interest rate Hike.
--New Congress To Get Tougher With Law Breaking Immigrants.
--Bomb Found In Greek Embassy In Italy.
--US Missiles Kill Taliban In Pakistan Hideouts.
--On Line Christmas Buying Up 1,300% To $28 Billion; Brick And Mortar Sales Still Dominant At $458 Bil.

Back to More Stuff:
The latest candidates for capital punishment: Toy and tool packaging designers. Actually, packaging designers in general

In a news report about Nissan's new electric cars, a spokes man for something said the big underlying problem among consumers with all electric cars is the fear of not getting back home. He said "we have to get the government to build and open charging stations." Excuse me! Government? What ever became of business people taking calculated risks? Frankly, I thought I was living in another country when I heard that.

Is the Government take-over of everything inevitable.

It would be like some saying that Facebook is too big and the government should finance a competitor. Hey...wait a minute! The Government already has a social network-- the FBI Most wanted list.

Is partisanship turning the country into a nation of liars...or at least irresponsible researchers of the truth?

As far as I'm concerned, it is not Sunday if you are reading a newspaper without comics.

For my money, the store "Points" card that makes a lot of sense and dollars is the Stop & Shop program (Eastern Supermarket Chain) where points take big bucks off the price per gallon of gas. It is a reduction of 10cents/gal for each 100 points...and it easy to accumulate points. I know one person who found her per gallon cost drop from $3.00 to somewhere around $1.45 saving her $35 on a tank fill-up! Yikes!

The "Do anything at any cost" crowd is demonizing the "Go slow and thing about it" opposition as obstructionists.

Thank God the pannicked lame duck Congress now has to bow to wishes of the majority of Americans who clearly didn't like what they had been doing since 2007.

I vote NBA commish David Stern "Snake-oil salesman of the decade."

The Answer:
Barbie was introduced to mainly skeptical toy store buyers at the 1959 Toy Show. It rolled out to consumers in 1960 and has since sold 350 Million. It took forty years until 200 until barbie got a belly Button. Barbie and Ken were the names of founder Ruth Handler's children. Handler saw that her daughter Barbara had graduated from baby dolls to outfighting paper dolls. She thought that a 3-D "paper Doll" would be a winner. So I guess the only question that remains is: "Is it an innie or an outie?"

The End:
Yesterday 12/26/2010 at 9:11:37AM I put away my collection of Christmas music CD's for another year.

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