Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, May 16, 2011

Give courage a chance.

Today's Tids Issue #2,354
Opening Stuff:

When I grow up I want to be like Mary Shurleft. She loves life as owner of the Shicksheen Farm in Kingston. And sole employee! For six months she works alone from dawn to dusk, totin', diggin' and tenderly lovin' each seedling she starts in her seven greenhouses. 30,000 healthy blooming plants later this 85 year old woman, yes 85!, sits back and rues the end of the planting and growing season. She thanks her lucky stars for finding something to keep off of the TV couch and out doing some vigorous work. Good honest work that makes her very happy and keeps her very, very healthy.

Deep in many of our hearts we are hoping that Ashton Kucher will be a gigantic ratings success.

One of the great things about cold weather is that when you forget and leave a doggie bag in the car over night, it doesn't smell in the morning.

The Question: 

1. Which country produces the most bananas? Bonus Q: In 1942 during the war years, a gas rationing program for non-essential cars was begun to help maintain the war effort. How much gas per week were Americans allowed to purchase?

The Headlines:
--Oil Prices Fall To $98/Barrell In Asia Monday.
--Huckabee Says No; Leading GOP Contender Out Of 2012 Race; making Too Much Money As Fox Entertainer.
--Two many Lawyers Complicating NFL Talks.
--Gingrich Back ObamaCare Mandate That Citizens Must Buy insurance.
--Head Of IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn Accused By NYC Hotel Maid Of Sex Attach; World #1 Banker's nickname Id "The Great Seducer".
--29 Regular Folks Dead, Most Decapitated, In Northern Guatemalan Drug Cartel center.
--Middleeast Countries Still In States Of Varying Degrees Of Chaos

Back to More Stuff:

An IPad is a home for an egotistical hippie.

Gina Raimondo for President! Hey wait a minute...she's a Dem. But, that's just the point isn't it? Gina (Treas trying put back together a severely broken RI) so far seems to have blinders on when it comes to party. Her focus squarely on the problem. Her solutions practical and not political. I often think how great it would be for our Country if the courageous were allowed to be understood before the ideologues demonize and ridicule.

Sometimes you think about something so vividly that you think you have already done it or asked some body to do it. And then are surprised when you find that it isn't done.

A perfect example of the fallacy of big government control is this notion of clamping down on senior drivers. State legislators listen to the occasional squeaky wheel who says that people over 80 should lose their licensee. And some lawmaker would push to have such a law passed. But the issue of senior driving lapses can't be defined by age. It is a personal thing, just as everything else human is a personal thing. The government if allowed to be in total charge of lives would put everybody in little easy to define boxes with brueaucrat in charge of each of these millions of boxes. Here's you sugary soda bureaucrat. Your SUV criminal bureaucrat. You crazed senior driver bureaucrat.

I often imagine how much better I could write if I actually had a vocabulary.

Almost Near: Chapter 20 continues: --"Ah, that looks better," thought Samantha as she fine-shed trying to clean up the marred heart and initials. She smiled warmly and actually felt her heart beating pleasantly. She turned to walk back to town vowing to herself to make Tucker's life beautiful when he returned. Ah that made her smile again.
In town she walked in the Clam Flats Inn. Zach was watching a newscast on the New England News channels. He turned as she walked in. "Oh hi, Smanatha!" he looked at her. "Samantha!" Hey, that was the name of the woman who was part of the story I just watched."
"Yup. Apparently up in New Castle New Hampshire there is a report of a missing lawyer, named Dante something or other. Some people he knew say he flew off to help a client named Samantha! Who happened to be an old school mate of his."
"It is always nice to hear that there are Samantha's that men care for," she said matter of factly.
"I guess." he turned to file some papers.
It didn't mean anything to Samantha.

Another pet peeve on my long list of pet peeves is people who don't understand that at 4-way stop sign alternate. The most prevalent group of offenders appear to be women in their 20's who for some reason are always in more of a hurry than any one else. Or is it just oart of some assertiveness training program.

If I didn't have a long list of Pet Peeves, I wouldn't be a lovable old curmudgeon.

Separated at Birth: Princess Caroline of Monaco with sunglasses and Michael Jackson with sunglasses.

The Answer:  

1. No, it isn't some Banana Republic, it is the 2nd fastest growing economy in the worlds -- India! You never saw a banana vendor at the Taj Mahal? 2. Think of the money you would save now if you were only allowed to but 3 gallons of gas per week! Maybe that's the solution to dependence on foreign oil. Don't tell your Congress person.

Little Anna Maria Alberghetti, the pretty petite girl with the huge voice is 75! Yikes!

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