Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Saturday, June 29, 2013


Today's Tids Issue 2,851
A tear trickles down the cheek. An arm slides gently around the waste of a elderly woman, who's head leans heavily upon the shoulder of the man, her son. They stand in sorrow, with pride looking out upon the fields of white crosses atop Omaha Beach. Her man is there, Her courageous man who fought for the freedom of others unknown. A good man who faced the relentless guns of bunkered German soldiers looking down at their exposed prey marauding brave American forces. Soldiers that came in waves from the sea. She has lived the scene, which had never left her mind since nearly 70 years ago. The scene she had imagined as she sat in her small home with an infant boy on her lap, now this man who has been her strength, who had never seen his brave father. But has his heart. The two who shed another tear today, upon that field of white.

I am beginning to learn that we humans are capable of just about anything, if we don't allow societal imposed boundaries to hold us down. Or self drawn limitations to drown our aspirations. Most of our minds are lodes of un-mined golden talents. Now they tell me.

Over time, a small problem in the cemetery became a grave mistake.

I think that today's kids growing up look at greatness and achievement and say "I can do that to". And then they do.

The Question:
Double Q Day. 1. Name the ten best stocks in Buffet's protfolio to buy now. 2. What are Paul Giamatti's five best pics, roles?

The Headlines:
--Americans Remember D-Day.
--Market Opens A Hair On the Upside; Hopes For Stopping Two Day Slide Shady.
--Admin Defends Request For Millions Of Verizon Customer Phone Calls.
--New Unemployment Apps Fall 11K.
--Assad Forces Continue To Make New Progress.
--NK-SK Talk About Reopening Factory Complex.
--M Jackson's 15 Yo. Daughter Paris Taken To Hospital After Possible Overdose.
--Turkish PM Becomes Conciliatory; But Continues To Condemn Tactics Of Protestors.
--Building In Philadelphia Collapses Killing 6, Injuring 14.

Insiders talking about the power of the large institutions and professional traders say, "Having retail investors compete with high speed computerized investment firms is like fighting the US Air Force with spears." In other words, the average investor doesn't stand a chance. The market looks so unstable to me right now, that this could be the summer of money markets. Better to be satisfied making a little interest for while, than to face a 20% slide, which is always quite possible when computer programs are making the decisions.

Smokin' Dogs, Department:
The Medical marijuana producers are now targeting dogs as a new market opportunity! Yup, Fido could be sitting in the back yard smoking a joint, tail lifeless as squirrels quietly gather their nuts nearby, themselves enjoying the effects of secondhand smoke. Hey man, gimmmie an acorn.

The White House is shifting policy, a reader writes to inform. Instead of deporting illegal immigrants the Government will deport senior citizens. They're easier to find and the benefits of lowering SS and Medicare costs is immeasurable. It is also known that the seniors most likely will forget the way back.

With my new "Can Do" attitude, I have decided to write a short Indy film titled, "Typo". In it, a misspelled word changes the course of a man's life. The film would explore a parallel life for the man with and without typo. See, even your flaws can be turned to success if you recognize them and do something positive with them.

A dog bites a person and all of the dog owners come out of their kennels to defend o the animals as probably being provoked by the human. 

The Conscience: Chapter 22 continues.
    James sat back and placed his arms behind his head, and closed his eyes. He often did this and Milton know when to be quiet. He didn't know that his old friend was back in their neighborhood, if you could call shacks on dusty roads a neighborhood. If Milton knew here he was he too would remember his good times there with his friends and family, poor, but working hard each day for their own way out. Mostly, he would remember James his pal sitting here now in splendor, who then always seemed to be able to see beyond the squalor of their existence. 
    "Milton, I want you to take care of Jeffery Morgan. He is a good man, I know it. But, this explosion is a surprise. But, maybe also an opportunity, a means towards finding the end of our journey." Milton just sat there listening intently as he always did when his friend talked in riddle, riddles that always had an answer. "Just watch the players on that Genoa stage." Then abruptly, "How well do we really know Wu?" 
    "He has been an attorney in several of our situations and has performed well."
   Coming in over Milton's last word, "And now, he is working almost entirely for one company, Bernard. Does that seem odd to you?"
    "Not odd, but different."
    "Ask him to come up here."

The Answer:
1. Buffet buys value stocks and doesn't much conform to Wall Street norms. Here are stocks he owns that are considered best for upside movement in today's market (Note: Data shows upside % based on current market value against consensus analyst target): Deere & Company ($86 to$97 - 12.7%), GM (15% upside), JP MOrgan (8%), Coca-Cola (13.5%0, IBM (10%), National Oilwell Varco (19%), Precision Castparts (13.5%), P&G (10%), Phillips (13 - 17.3%), Verisk Analytics (12%), USG (Not a typical Buffet stock, but 27% upside potential makes it attractive in his portfolios). 2. From the reticulated to the sublime Paul Giamatti, son of the Baseball Commish and one of the consistently best actors I have enjoyed time after time. He first hit tech creative side of my brain in Sideways. Before that he had a number of small roles in 39 movies, beginning in 1990, like Truman Story, Saving Private Ryan, Private Parts, Deconstructing Harry and Paycheck. Post Sideways we ahave seen him in Cinderella Man, The Illusionist, as John Admas in the TV mini-series, Duplicity, The Ides of March and Win Win. He has completed or is in production of 9 more films.

For years we have said "It's a dogs world." Looking around at today, I guess it has always been more right than we ever knew. "Arf". "Yes I know, you want us to have steak tonight."

God Bless America.

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