Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Distorted Mirror..

Today's Tids Issue 2,844
The true personal view of the world really depends on which side you are on.

Rhode Island continues to lose population, and you can bet it isn't the smart ones who are staying.

It looks like Assad is using the NK, Iran playbook, agreeing to a peace meeting while solidifying battlefield gains. Assad is not dead. Even Israel, who is Syria's true natural enemy and closest neighbor, says that Assad's position is strengthening. The astute Israeli's say that he will retain at least half of his country, the mean half. The rest will be a wrestling match between the good rebels and the Islamic rebels...unless of course you are an Islamic and then it's the bad rebels and the Islamic rebels!

I'll tell you something that was a pleasant treat yesterday. We drove from Mid Maine down to RI, through many a small town filled with colonial era houses. On the greens in the center of these towns were flag raising ceremonies and people, just every day people and all shapes ans sizes, standing shoulder to shoulder honoring the heroes. Just the people, and that's really what America is all about.

The Question:
Give me ten unusual jobs that pay quite well.

The Headlines:
--Positive Support from Japanese Banks Should Push Stocks Higher.
--McCain makes Surprise trip To Syrian Rebels.
--Texas Continuances To Offer Better Tax Breaks To Attract Businesses.
--WH Security Adviser Calls For Deeper US/China Military Ties.
--Colorado Gun Control Supporters Facing Recall.
--Travon Martin's Less Than Angelic Past Subject Of Evidence Discussion In Forthcoming Trial.
--Greece Conservatives Increase Popular Favorability In Public Opinion Polls.

All good actresses have several excellent blond wigs on hand...for court appearances.

Last Friday I did a little expose on the origins of puns. Did you notice that Ancient Egypt and Iraq were among the first to use that literary orphan regularly? Could it be that this use of puns since the beginning of human activity is the real root cause for disruption today in the middle punderstanding?

Why do construction project activities always seem noisiest at 7:00 AM?

Rhode island continues to lose population and the developers keep on developing. Weird, huh?

As towns, states and the Feds continue to create new laws with more restrictions, could it be that the biggest industry in the US of tomorrow will be Inspectors? I mean already I'm seeing institutions hiring inspectors to inspect inspectors. Yikes!

How about a look in the eyes and a simple handshake, Department:
I just read of a dispute over $250,000 that went to court and now has accumulated legal feels of $2,800,000! Is there something wrong with this picture. Distrust of fellow human beings is very expensive. Countries have Trillion dollar armies standing around to react to the egos and paranoia of dictators and megalomaniacs. Corporations have legal armies designing products. Doctors are leaving the business becasue of the high cost of patient actions. Whatever happened to -- Look-into-the-eyes-and-shake-a-hand-in-agreement.

Despite what the Government tells us, yesterday was not Memorial Day, May 31. But frankly, every day, we should be aware and not stop remembering the brave -- the scared kids, the grisly veterans -- who went onto the fields of battle to protect the freedoms for all. As one delightful reader "banged" out on her computer keyboard yesterday, " the home of the free because of the brave."

The new wedding vow seems to be, "Until debt do you part."

Isn't a pop-up that drops between fielders because of mutual indecision also a fielders choice"?
When a state continues to lose population in a world that's populating madly; When it is also a state that is completely and utterly breathtakingly beautiful, and quite pleasant in which to live; Then something must be awfully, awfully bad...somewhere.

The Answer:
--Did you ever feel sorry for a NYC Hot Dog Vendor? Don't, these hawkers earn around $100K /year. Also you may want to be an Embalmer, Personal Shopper, Ice Cream Taster, Virtual Head Hunter, Funeral Service Manager, Body Part Model (Hands, Feet), Live Mannequin $100/hr, Genetic Counselor and Cruise Ship Entertainer.
There's no truth to the rumor that Newport Creamery's "Awful Awful" was named after the State Legislature.

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