Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Swim with the fishes.

Today's Tids Issue 2,856
What was that I said 11 days ago about "lovely June, Bubbly June; June awash in rich green hills and lush forests. Fagetaboutit. Lush? Mushy, squishy, watered down June. Gray skies and white lightening. Sloshing, Puddling June, That's what this June is. Oh well, the people of June are still gushingly great; a bit watered down, but still  able to soak up the smiles. 

Before intense lawyering over took this country, life was indeed simpler. It was easier to get things done, and daily living was certainly more fun. People would say "Yes mam, I can do that", instead of we can't help because we may be liable. We had swinging, banging screen doors, now under the watch of noise control officers; Shirts and towels and sheets and pants merrily blowing in the cleansing wind on clotheslines now in the critics eyes of the visual nuisance control officers. Dogs that ran free, and always come home tuckered out for a long after noon nap. Everybody is afraid to do what people have always done. But then, maybe doing what we have always done is a thing of the past, becasue...Google may be watching.

The Question:
--Double "Q" Day. 1. What is a "Derecho"? 2. Who are the top 10 most famous and infamous people in the history of the world based on a combo of Google Searches and number of books written abiyut them?

The Headlines:--US Stocks Wobbling'
--Turkey: Tourist Mecca Turned Protest Wrecka.
--Major Storms Threatening Area from Iowa To Maryland.
--Bloomberg Readying NYC For Effects of Climate Change; Expected To Build Surge Barrier From Now Dormant NYC Slurpy Machines.
--Protestors Blanket Moscow Square As Putin Tries To Solidify Political Gains.
--Greece Moves Back Into Crisis Mode.
--Sales Of Orwell's 1984 Soaring Since Spying Leaks.

The Voice got it right last night with The Swon Brothers, my choice as the most entertaining group each week, Michelle as the most creative performer on the show and Danielle with the richest voice of the show. Sasha has her moments, but was a bit screechy at times, especially as she tried to venture froth beyond her range. Amber was had alsted well beyond where she should have with Judith Hill and Sarah Simmons being far  better candidates than her for the final five. The Swon Brothers just keep on getting better. Michelle may have palteaued. Danielle with the rich, giant voice and singing confidence may surprise at the end. 

I have been watching the Previews for the Lone Ranger movie and what I'm not hearing is making me think that this is a forgery. How can they ride confidently against evil and corruption without the William Tell Overture urging them on?

We have more leaks now in this country than RI dams this rainy June. But do we have a leak from an ObamaCare insider? Noooo! In a critical area where the public really needs to know what the Gov is dong to them, nobody steps forward. Could it be that the insiders don't understand PelosiHealth?

Rory McElroy has been playing this year like he is running late and jumping out of a cab just seconds before tee time.

If you happen to see leaker Edward Snowden on a street somewhere in Europe or China, avoid him at a ll costs. A US drone may be lurking behind a cathedral on the piazza or a Pagoda on the hill.

The Answer:
1. A "derecho" is a new word being used by Weather forecasters to describe a widespread and long lasting storm that comes with fast moving thunderstorm and rain, plus high winds, hail as big as Golf balls and oftern tornadoes. Derecho is a Spanish word for "Straight". Doesn't make much sense to me. 2. Starting at 10 we have Sir Isaac Newton. Next is Lonardo Da Vinci and then William Sheakspere. Seven is really bad boy Adolf Hitler whi is followed by an Apostle, Paul Of Tarsus. Five is Siddhartha Gautama or as he his popularly known, Buddah. At 4 we find Moses, who is just edged for 3 by Abraham. Number 2 is Abu al-Qasim Muhammad ibn Abd Allah. Number one you may have guessed -- Jesus Of Nazareth. Those who just missed the cut are Confucius, Napoleon Bobnapart, Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Jack the Ripper, Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong...and yes...American pop culture icons Elvis and Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson over George Washington and Bing Crosby?

Tomorrow, the Tids US Open Special will give us a run down on the favorites. I've played Marion a couple of times, and it will be a different kind of place for a lot of golfers.

This morning, the ducks were swimming in the sand traps and fairways were soggy, but my two friends and I had the course to our selcves and the sun was shining brightly. The air was brisk and the winds were blowing steadily across rolling hills that go down to the sea. Is t doesn't get any better than that.

We have always wondered what the Government has been doing to us while we aren't looking. These leaks have let us know that it is a lot more than we ever thought. Leakers by definition may be treasonous traters, but what congress and the executive branch does to us every day is down right criminal. Every agency location in te gvernemtn should have riding shotgun someone like a marshal on an airplane, monitroing and ready to jump in at the slightest hint of a congressional person selling a constituent down the river.

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