Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Churning seas under sodden clouds.

Today's Tids Issue 2,903
Opening Stuff:
Remember when three times the cock had crowed;
When Saint Peter retreated to his human mode.
Well, that is still the sin of modern day striving.
Too many leader's heads into the sand are diving!

You have probably realized by now after a little over 2,900 Tids that when I start with a bad poem, it generally means that I have no idea where my mind is going.

The Question:
Jodie Foster reemerges in the new movie Elysium. Quick, what is the name of psycho who who was obsessed with her, and name her five best movies.

The Headlines:
--Flash Floods Hit Midwest After Drenching rains; NOAA Reduces Earlier Prediction Of Big Atlantic Hurricane Season; Wildfires Continue To Spread In SoCal.
--Apple's BoD Says Prez Cook Should Wake Up And Do Something Creative.
--US Orders Non-Essential Staff Out Of  Consulate In Lahore Pakistan.
--Obama Meets In Secret With Nation's Top Surveillance Executives; I Know Nothing.
--Russia Says "No Deal" After Talks With Saudi About Reducing Aid To Syria's Assad.
--Furyck, Scott Head Up First Day Of PGA.
--Egypt Christians Quaking In Corner Between Brotherhood And Military Standoff.
--Israel Ambassador To US Takes NYT's To Task After Paper Belittles Israeli Settlers In Favor Of Palestine Thuggery.

Since the beginning of time the business owner's main objective has always been to get more done with fewer people. So, paying a  burger-baggers $15/hr will only mean over time fewer fast food stores and probaly lower revenue at existing stores as prices are forced to rise. But then, when did the average FF worker last take a course on economics? It is just another case of labor agitators not telling their folks the truth.

A reader reminds me that one of the good things about being a Muslim is that if you change wives you can still keep the same photo on your desk.

Actually, the good news that seems to be under the radar, is that Europe's recession may be over as Germany gets stronger and stronger. This news comes while here we have dueling WS Prognosticators warning or cheering. Some say it's all  doom and gloom as peakng stock prices have us heading to a major collapse in late 2013. Others say, not so fast, today is absolutely nothing like 2007. However even the optimists are not predicting a boom. So as I keep an I on the chatter of the day, I keep on seeing "Caution" as the word of the moment. Even as the EU crawls out from under the smog.

If you don't think college football is about big money, consider the Alabama U. recruitment mailer that says combined contracts of Bama players drafted in 2013 was $51,810,000! Lace em' up for dear Ole' alma mater.

A real Republican and/or democrat leader will say, I don't care if I'm reelected, but it is really, really good for America to defund ObamaCare." That is the truth.

Back to school season has started and already it is a flop. Well, people have looked at ads and roamed stores but haven't bought. The reason is that they know the retailers will cave, and lower prices will be available in late Aygust, early September, like they are commonly at the end of every big ballyhooed season. 

Do you think that the media will be honest when they are asked to detail all of the things that Hillary didn't accomplish during her whirlwind Secretary of State gig? 

I have just heard from reliable sources that the Maryland DMV is more dense than RI, if you can believe that. From here, it seems their lack of diligence in performing routine tasks fro USA citizens is because they are spending too much time issuing drivers licenses  to illegal immigrants. I guess that makes sense. If you have snuck in and are looking for the best goodies, it pays to be near the source, DC. Well, at least RI'ers can stop the self-flagellation over that.

I am really interested in tonight's NE Pats preseason game again st the "Iggles". We have so many new players, it will be a surprise to see who's doin' what to whom. My popcorn is hot and waiting.

Reading Between the Lines Movie Reviews:
Elysium is a small story in a big pic format. It is typical Hollywood where the rich are really, really bad and the poor are very good.  Surprise, it stars Matt Damon, the new Sean Penn. In it we see the rich of 2054 safely ensconced on a giant luxury Space station while the rest of the people are downtrodden, earning big bucks for the upper crust under the supervision of a robot army. Guess who wants to change all that? 
--The movie "Cars" made big money for Disney and the toy companies, so the studio has morphed it into "Planes". I thought Cars was a good one and I expect the same from Planes.
--While Elysium is against the successful, The Millers is in praise of losers and dysfunction. And frankly I'm just tired of movies about dysfunctional families...nd the Millers isn't really a family at all, but a foursome -- dad - a low level loser dealer, mom - a stripper, son - a nerdy boy ill-equipped for life, daughter - a street urchin -- put together for the purposes of smuggling drugs out of Mexico. So they rent an RV and we are to supposedly laugh our way through a road trip. But it is more raunchy than funny, and frankly, I don't give a damn. They will probably discuss it on the Katie Show or Doctor Phil.
--If you want real life losers, you can out to see the new film "Lovelace" about you know who doing you know what. About her life in ruins and reclamation in the end.

Some of the chain pizza places atarted out ok, but messed up tehir basic product when they began chasing each other with crust innovations. The more stuff you pile on a pizza the less you know whether or not it is a good pizza. It's a little like politics.

The Answer:
Of course, he was the guy who shot Ronald Reagan, John Hinckley Jr., and he did it for Jodie! She rose to fame in Taxi Driver and was acclaimed for The Accused and The Silence of the Lambs. Other Joodie flicks were Nell, Panic Room, Bugsy Malone, The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane, Hotel New Hampshire, Sommersby, Shadows and Fog,  Her first stint as a director was for Little Man Tate. She began as a child actress in TV, her first role being on Maybury RFD. She starred in TV's version of Paper Moon with Christopher Connelly. Personally, I have always gotten her confused with Debra Winger who is one of my all time favorites, so many of the movies I guessed for Jodie -- like Legal Eagles -- was actual Debra's. Sorry Debra. Whatever happened to you, anyhow.

Happy Weekend everybody!

Well, the Tids that got nowhere is finally over. There are days, m

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