Today's Tids Issue 2,896
Opening Stuff:

I hear a pleasant laugh, the way I like my days to start,
I hear a natural laugh and know, it's from a lively heart.
I feel a good laugh, and know that a special friend is fine.
A laugh I keep held deep inside; enjoy it as if it were mine.

A couple of days ago I wrote about the big East Hampton celebration party thrown by "Hedge Fund King" Steven A Cohen in honor of himself for duping the Feds once again. But, hold on SAC, not so fast. Former FBI guy Mark Rossini says the Feds will never give up, and expects Cohen underling Steinberg to be found guilty or plead guilty and then appear as witness against Cohen. This guy Rossini has been right about every aspect of the case and now says this time the mountain of circumstance evidence is just a hair away from being authenticated by a substantial witness. So maybe this will be the time when the crooks stopped walking away free.

So did you hear the one about the guy, a Detroit home owner, who told the nervous resident-to-be that life was fine in the city if you just went about your business and lived well. He was a tailgunner on a Budweiser truck.

The Question:
Name ten of the top selling brands of outdoor clothing.

The Headlines:

--US Endorses Egypt's New Leaders.
--International Human Right's Group Warns Egypt Leaders To Cease With Force Against Citizens.
--Factory Orders Strong For July; Weak Hiring And New Highs Have Markets Retracting.
--US Hiring Slows In July; Jobless Numbers Drop To 7.4.
--EU Ends Arms Embargo On Syria.
--Germany Cancels Cold War Era Surveillance Pact With USA; Snowden Leaks Trigger German Withdrawal
--After Snowden Deal, Obama/Putin Summit In Doubt.
--Brown U Golfers Win Academic Average Crown.
--Italy's Berlusconi Conviction For Tax Fraud Upheld By Courts; Country's Fragile Government Weakened.

Let me see if there is a way to understand the logic of the US State Department. Through John Kerry the US has apparently denied the existence of a coup in Egypt when the Secretary said that"The removal of (The Freely elected) Morsi was restoring democracy." Huh?
If you don't get it that all of these music talent contest shows are controlled by the country folk, then consider the results of Wednesday nights AGT selection show. Country singer Marty Brown was voted into the next round after he did absolutely nothing right, completely blew it on stage, during the competition. But, in all honesty, he is vary good, and maybe he was being given a second chance. Maybe, but I think country folk watch these shows more than any other segment.

In case you missed it, Americans now average 5 hours a day on digital devices as opposed to 4 1/2 watching TV. So basically the USA citizenry now look like zombies in public instead of just on couches. Nothing really ever changes except the medium -- from drums to smart phones, somebody is always waiting for a message. Maybe the new migration is a sign that buying stock in a sunglasses company is a good idea.

A headline this morning Quotes George Will: "Detroit Killed By A One Party State." Let's see, there are about 37 Republicans in Rhode Island! Tim-berrrrrrrrrrr!

"The Truth as I See It" Versus "The Facts as they Are" Department:
Rosie lives. Chicago State rep Monique Davis told a Detroit radio station that she has heard whispers that the Chicago Cops are killing the black teens." When called out on the incendiary rumor, she said she didn't think any body would hear her becasue she was speaking outside of Illinois. Say what? As a leader in her community she should be rallying her constituents, not enabling them For all of us who live in Lal-La land think that the truth will solve the problems just have to get used to the facts that a lot of people with personal agendas just don't want to accept and promote the reality of situations.

Good eating today apparently requires a degree in Chemical Engineering.

Last night's RedSox baseball comeback should remind everybody why the Grand Old Game is still as exciting as ever. It was a great lesson in never giving up. So these days when at times it feels like we as Americans are down 6 runs in the bottom of the ninth, there is still hope that the character of our origins will rekindle a dramatic comeback to rational thinking.

Personally, I keep on saying with every ground ball hit against the Sox theses past couple of days, "Inglesis would have had that." Sorry to intrude with my own emotions.

Reading Between the Lines Movie Reviews:
The biggie this week is the Washington/Wahlberg comedy thriller about two undercover agents trying to hang on inside the Mexican drug cartel. The big twist comes when their own handlers and government disavow them and of course they can't turn to the deadly drug lords. Left on their own they must overcome their differences. Sounds like a plausible plot, but it looks a little over the top for me...and it occasionally drifts into a sermonizing event against poverty in Mexico (Decoded: Let Illegals In USA). The trailers tell me to stay away. I'll probably watch it on FX someday.
-- If you like the Smurfs, Smurfs 2 will be a good family outing.
--World War Z is a gigantic catastrophy movie where out of nowhere citizens begin attacking eachother and the government. It appears that an infectious virus has spread through the population turning them into unthinking and feral mobs. The first half builds well, and then the race to find the cure for the virus begins. It could be ok for people like me.
--The Spectacular Now is a nice little romantic tale about two high school kids, who are the unlikely duo of the day. One, the boy and "life of the party" falls hard for the "nice Girl. The girl looks to the future while the boy is all here and now, Somehow the love is so deep that the romance strengthens and we get a look at the haunting passion of youth.

The Conscience: Chapter 26 continues.
    "As you may already know, Milton works for, is the alter ego of, the richest man you never heard of, James Smith." The mention of Milton again had me searching the face of Jason for a recognition of my lie. That big lie that has become me. His eyes looked at me as a friend, but my guilt wouldn't let it be that simple. I asked for a drink. "Oh," said Jace as his eyes widened a bit, "will that help you remember more?" About what, I wondered. My throat tightened.
   "No it's just been a long trip, and it's time for my medicine." I smiled a bit, trying to make the fears beginning to overwhelm me roll out on laughter.
   "Don't worry my old friend. you can have your drinks. You have been doing good work for us." He looked over at Wu who was bringing me a piece of art, amber fluid in a Waterford glass. I reached out, took and sipped. God was that great. I heard Jace continued, "Which is a great segue to those pics. You must have sensed something about them, or you wouldn't have taken them. What was it?"
    "I've looked clear eyed and through significant hazes at marne drawings to help guide manufacturers in there quest to adhere to sound marine law and ship design. To me, something looked out of place, butat the same time, legal in terms of marine design."
    "Well, your instincts are still strong. We think they are building boats for drug traffickers, or perhaps arms dealers. Boats that look like any other boat but with hidden capabilities for smuggling. They are beautifully designed not only for the application but for speed also. It tells Wu and I that Biglietto makes a lot of their money illicitly. It suggests to me that the Cartel may have wanted to warn us with that explosion. It tells us that Bernard in Mobile harbor is a perfect spot for the Caribbean distribution centers."
    My mind started running.

The Answer:
Well my mind goes immediately to LL Bean, Northface and Helly Hanson. But there are many great brands like Woolrich, Patagonia, REI, EMS, Lands End, Eddie Bauer, Columbia, Timberland and Orvis. I'm sure you have your own favorites.

Helly Hanson had a big tent sale downtown and I'm still laughing. 75% off some of their wear is still light years away from my budget. Anything for a laugh.

I had an early smile on my face this morning after reading the Shoe comic strip. In it a "Tweener" male is looking longingly at an attractive "Tweener" female: "When I stop hating girls, I'm going to start hating her first."!

Have a great weekend, Everybody!