Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Words that haunt.

Today's Tids Issue 2,912
Opening Stuff:

This Syrian thing is a quandary, especially considering that Russia has a stake in the game. Even yesterday, Putin told Cameron of the UK that there is no proof that the gas attack was sponsored by Damascus. Talking tough about Red lines  sounds like a nice political move at first, that is before it becomes a journey into the proverbial rock and a hard place. Without action after the much heralded promise, in this new era of bitter ideology disputes the Prez was naturally lambasted by the Repubs. In his response to that we now are on a precipice a war that could easily ooze out beyond the borders of Syria. You have to figure that al-Qaida would welcome an attack on Assad, an attack that would create a vacuum in yet another Middle East State. That region is much too unstable to be a pawn in US internal politics. There are too many countries that rely on the oil. It's become a choice between stability offered by despotic regimes and the freedom of peoples, against the economic necessities of countries well beyond the border of this tinderbox. And of course, the incessant pursuit of world domination by Islamic fundamentalists. It is a predicament indeed.

Watch out! -- a devious little tax plan from the mind of our Governor Chafee-Lite may be heading your way. I went to Verizon Saturday to check out a special offer for IPhones. When we asked about a "catch" to the 99 Cents phone we were told that the RI sales tax would apply to the manufacturers retail price of $550. Upon further investigation we learned that Chafee-Lite had a law passed that would tax all phones at full price regardless of discount incentives; Regardless of the fact that to get the reduced price phone you have to sign away your economic life for two years. Vermont and Connecticut have already asked RI for details and will soon introduce their programs. Is this the first step towards taxing all discounted goods at full manufacturers suggested retail price? Hey, we live in the era of governments out of control, over-promising self serving politicians without guts to face the nasty reality of real economics. Anything is possible. Representation of the people is fast becoming a ice little warm piece of nostalgia.

The Question:
Quick now -- name the two states that who's names begin with double consonants. Bonus: What is the difference between Horde and Hoard. Bonus II: You have to figure that comic strip artists have to make the decision whether to keep children the same age for eternity or allow them to grow old as the years pass. Which great comic strip has treated us to the growth in life of a couple and their family through the changing years from their marriage to their children's marriage and then grandchildren?

The Headlines:
--Stocks Tanking Early; Syria Conflict Potential Has Brokers Skitterish.
--Tensions High Has Obama Admin Weighs Next Syrian Move; Russia Warns That Any Use Of Force Would Have Catastrophic Consequences.
--Sgt. Ty Carter Praied For Medal Of Honor Heroics; Observers Compare Beauty Of Carter's Silent Courage With Crassness Of Cyrus Porn Performance, Asking -- Which America Do You Want.
--San Fran Water Supply Still Threatened By Enormous Yosemite Wild Fire.
--Afghan Taliban Continue To Kill; 12 Gov. Workers Killed Yesterday.
--Trump Says Obama May Be Behind Law Suit Against His "University".
--Bernice King Says Blacks Still Not Free; Statement Will Ignite New Investment In Race Industry.

Atlantic City was once in the early 20th century one of the great and upscale seaside resorts of our times. In effort promised by developers to bring it back and save it from deterioration, gambling was introduced. It wasn't too long thereafter when walking the streets of the once proud AC was a completely depressing event. It didn't take long for not only the old town to further deteriorate with poverty on the streets and prostitution in the alleys, and for some of the new gambling palaces to become seedy and uninviting. Now, in an a new effort to save the fast fading gambling mecca, Trump and other gambling moguls are offering the latest solution for salvation -- strippers! What's with America, anyhow? Are we destined to become the lowest common denominator country. Is vileness becoming the only remaining answer to economic growth. Miley Cyrus resorting to pornographic gyrations for fame as opposed to talent. Is this the new culture of permissiveness. Where raunch smothers right.

You know it's time to wash your glasses when everything looks clearer without them.

The Fort Hood massacre by an Islamic believer was an open and shut case from the first bullet and first utterance of "Allahu Akbar"! The hand wringers received all of the press while the reality as evident by pure logic got smothered in prejudicial journalism.

Here's how dumb journalists can be: They are continuing to ask, "when will the US attack Syria?". Do they think Washington should have told the Trenton town crier when  he was crossing the Delaware?  Lunkheads.

Every time I type the word "Ain't" in here I remember clearly all of the nickles I had to give my parents for saying it! They still make nickles, don't they?

Kids are smarter than we think, and I just don't mean academically. Last night on Jeopardy, the program's Teen Championship featured three 13 year old whizzes. One bright 8th grade girl when asked about her use of Twitter answered quickly that she didn't, "I don't get the point of it". A boy who claimed he wanted to be President some day, was asked what he would bring to the office. "After seeing or hearing about the past couple of decades," he started, "I would bring competence and accountability."

The Answer:
Hordes is used to descripe groups of people as in growing Hordes of Hoarders are perplexing to psychiatrists looking for new theories. Hoards applys to valuable goods as in hoards of gold are sought by hordes of pirates. Some say Hoard can be used with both good and people, but tradition says no. Bonus: Rhode Island and Florida are the only two states whos names begib with double consonants BonusII: For better or for Worse is that wonderful venerable comic stip that lets you grow tiwth the characters. It is actually right now as we speck just into its second go-around.

Bill Belichick might just be the best possible future President. He just never says anything that could get him in trouble or that could come back to haunt him. In fact, he just says nothing. It is what it is.

I just hate skitterish stock brokers, don't you.

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