Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Today's Tids Issue 4,065
For Thinking; Like using your brain:

My question of the day is: How did cauliflower out of nowhere become so ubiquitous so quickly? Probably for the same reason Brussel sprouts magically appeared on menus across the nation a few years ago. Somebody hired a PR firm to make it happen by manufacturing a trend. So now we have people putting cauliflower in mashed potatoes when there was never anything ever wrong with mashed potatoes. And even more blatant uses of the average vegetable which I actually have always enjoyed quite a lot. But now I have to give it up lest I be a considered just one more gullible, easy to be swayed American. Somehow, we gotta get back to people thinking for themselves. Remember what mom always said, “If Johnny jumps off a cliff, would you follow him?”

Some of you are probably wondering what was my porpoise in ragging on manatees yesterday. I guess I was just feeling crabby.

I think I saw a post shooting headline this morning that actually started to consider the real problem – mental health. You know, when a doctor tells a person that they have diabetes, the person gives up sugar so they won’t die. But with mental health, the doctors hedge and seriously afflicted people who could cause others die aren’t always properly guided to the best prescriptions. Now, I realize there are any ramifications surrounding MH diagnoses, but I would expect by now that doctors of psychiatry would be in a position of proposing the best, even if harsh, remedies. 

Cannibals think that People magazine is a cookbook.

The Question:

There is a category for a top ten list named “TV Shows that only Smart people Appreciate” You’re smart. Name them.

The Headlines:
--DOW, S&P Manage To Open Higher; Pull back In Mid-Morning As Nasdaq Goes Positive; Home Depot Tops Estimates; Wal-Mart Doesn’t; Godman Asks If US Debt Trajectory Is Sustainable.
--Trump Indicates Captious Support For Changes To Gun Purchase Background Checks.
--Diverse Accusation’s Multiplying As Middle East Tries To Figure Out Who’s Doing What To Whom In Syria.
--US And South Korea To Hold Joint War Gaems Post Olympics As Planned.
--Giant Albertsons To Buy Rite-Aid In $24 billion Deal; Big Retailers Merging To Fight Amazon.
--Michael Moore NYC Protest Against Trump Russian Affiliation Found To Be Organized By Russia.

I didn’t like yesterday’s Tids either.

With new baseball rules limiting catcher/pitcher meetings at the mound, can we expect a lot more texting?

Aren’t we in danger of having too much. I mean, how do you appreciate anything if you have it all.

I believe one of the things that is hard on the psyche of young people these days is that innately the vast majority have a moral compass, but the temptations to break it be part of a crowd is an assault on who they are.

Britain’s BAFTA Awards generally give us a good reading for potential Oscars. I think this is important, because knowing the winners beforehand means you don’t have to watch this segment of the Democrat National Mini Conventions. The London winners were: Three Billboards for Best Pic, Guillermo de Toro Best Director, Frances McDormand Best Actress, Gary Oldman Best Actor, Allison Janny Best Supporting Actress and Sam Rockwell Best supporting Actor.

 I see that the movie, “I am Not A Witch” won  a best of award at Bafta for new Writer director. I hadn’t heard that he knew Nancy Pelosi?

A reader just this minute sent in this item: Racist: A person who wins an argument against a liberal.

I hate to say this, but I think newspapers are beginning to be a considered purchase as prices go higher and higher.

If you have a minute, read the news story of the Latvian banking caper, full of extortion, bribery, secret meetings and codes. It reads better than the best Le Carre conspiracy novel.

Jennifer Lawrence who I liked a lot in Hunger Games seems to think that her script there was real. It appears that she will take off work for the next year to repair America, more than likely to launch slings and arrows against conservatives. She says her work will be non-partisan(?) This is the same woman who said: if Donald Trump gets elected it will be the end of the world.” I just pinched myself. I’m still here. Her most recent rambling was that the hurricanes were “Mother nature’s wrath at America for electing DT.”. Yeah, I think she will fix America. Yeah, Sure.

Another idiot American is about to learn that while stupidity in a America is often applauded, other civilized countries find desecration of art ad public spaces a serious crime. You may have read that a 24-year-old man snapped the finger off a sacred statue in worth $4.5 million. Do you think maybe we need a little more discipline in the US of A. Maybe beginning at homes and for sure the schools. Coddling misbehavior grand and small is not good for anybody’s neighborhood.

Head Hunters are known for their skullduggery. Oh yeah, and the cannibal who was late for dinner got the cold shoulder.

I used to turn to Puns for Tids humor. Now I just take a jaunt across the country to California. The newest lunacy is a proposal in the State Legislature that would force companies be forced to give the state half of their benefits form the new tax law. I’m certain that Pelosi’s district would get a few of those crumbs.

Today’s Horror Moment, Department:
They ran out of chicken at England’s and Ireland’s KFC shops. People were justifiably perplexed; many seen mumbling incoherently as they missed their daily fried chicken with gravy fix. I personally feel for those disturbed souls and my prayers are drifting to those isles of woe. KFC apologized profusely saying it was the fault of their new logistcs partner, DHL, due to merging the business into the system. Man, just when you think you have seen it all.

The two cannibals thought the clown tasted a bit funny.

The Answer:
#1 Is Game of Thrones. It is followed in order by Sherlock, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Dexter, House, The X-Files, Doctor Who, Hannibal and M. Robot. Some others are Jeopardy # 14, Big Bang Theory #17, Walking Dead #19, Fargo #26, Simpsons #35, Homeland #45, Bones #48 and surprising to me, the Americans way down at #58. BTW, Good old M*AS*H is number 65 and “24” is #76. Check them all at

I have always enjoyed the clever chiropractor comedian. He cracks me up.

See you tomorrow.

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