Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, February 5, 2018

The fun is in the buying.

Today's Tids Issue 4,053
For Eagle Fans Everywhere.

Ole Two-Way Chuck Bednarik must be smiling somewhere after his Eagles won a championship for the first time since 1960 when his gritty play as offensive Center and defensive Linebacker brought home the title – the teams last title. Philly last night played great. Period.

Browsing slowly through a grocery store is still a treat that can’t be replicated buying food by swiping pages online.

“The Memo” was probably a big letdown to most who thought it would be juicier.

GE Is expected to be removed shortly from the Dow. Think about that for a minute!

I really liked Pink’s Star-Spangled Banner.

The Question:
What do you think are considered the Prettiest flags of world nations?

The Headlines:
--NE Patriots Defense Helpless Against Philadelphia; Philly Store Owners Helpless As Thousands O f Looters Declare “Free Stuff” Day In Down City.
--Wall Street Opens Lower, Again; BitCoin Continues Downward; Broadcom Sweetens Final Offer For Qualcomm.
--Janet Yellen Says She Was Disappointed She Didn’t Get Second Term; But, Hails Replacement As Good Choice.
--New Bipartisan Immigration Policy To be Introduced In Seate.
--Deadly Crash In South Carolina Also Injures More Than 70.
--Judge Rules That Comey memos On Trump To Mueller Will Stay Secret.

The only SB Commercial that I remember as being anywhere near good was Lionel Richey trying to avoid saying All Night Long for Ameritrade after hours. Most all of the others appeared to be creative types trying much too hard to be clever, and I can’t remember any of them

My next book will be a series of essays entitled: “Wandering Aimlessly with Carts Though Costco.” You get to spend so much time in aisle gridlock, that you have a chance to study the faces and formulate tales about the lives of many different types of people of all ages, sexes and ethnicities. And, you hope that these same people aren’t driving cars on the same road upon which you are traveling.

You know you’re getting older when the “Oldies” on radio are from the generation that followed you. Actually, you know you are older if you are still getting music from the radio.

In case you are interested, at the 1995 SOTU, Bill Clinton said: “… All Americans…are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering the country. The jobs they hold may be otherwise held by Citizens or legal immigrants. The public services they use impose burdens on our tax payers. That’s why our Administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders…by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring, by barring benefits to illegal aliens.” He went on to say, “We are a nation of immigrants but we are also a nation of laws. It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years.” I wonder if they are posting that around ‘Sanctuary cities’.”

Americans are into discovering. Marketers are into finding new things for consumers to discover.

Google Deep Learning AI seems to be able to determine if you will leave a hospital by the front door or, as they say, from the shipping dock in the rear. The idea is to predict death or life prospects upon entry to the hospital in order to give docs a 24 to 48 hour head start in finding solution if the preliminary word is curtains. Much goes into this instant analysis including genealogical patterns, health records and assorted universal indexes of life habits. So far, I have seen no inclusion of Cheeto consumption in their life extension factors.

One of the significant conclusions from analyzing mindless shopping cart cruising, is that you realize how few people care about the other people around them -- our new national malaise.

A factor that could bring down a red-hot market place is the over evaluation of tech start-ups. Lots of investors jumping on board to back a newbie like to think they are owners of the next Amazon. Wall Street is beginning to take second looks.

For me, the SB halftime show is a useless interruption to a great main event. Not say that Justin Timberlake didn’t work hard to put on a great show, but in the end it was just another monotonous over done display of gratuitous romping. It was the same as most previous shows, -- the similar pyrotechnics. Laser lights, drum beats, waving arms of fake audiences, the jumping up and down performers, and the total absence of anything melodic. It was great time to refresh the cheesy snack bowls.

Speaking of mindless repetitive rhetoric, how about the Tids inability to come up with anything new except another tired Cheetos joke.

Did you see where an employee of Homeland Security left in the seat pocket of a commercial airplane sensitive documents that outlined measures to be taken to secure the SB against a potential biological warfare incident? Yikes. A CNN employee just happened to have found them but agreed that publishing them before the SB would be a bad idea. The employee was notified of his error while pushing shopping cart trough Costco

When you are enticed to go into a trendy new store that is getting raves by one and all, you still have to find something that you like.

Meat and fish counters in supermarkets are offering more and more ready to cook tantalizing creations that have me panic- breaking my shopping cart. I also think it is cool that the cooking instructions are printed out on the price tag label.

I have to say that in the days leading up to the big game yesterday, I was incredibly tense. But, not being home, I missed the community sharing and receiving of tension..

The Answer:
The flag considered prettiest is that maple leaf of Canada. Next in order are United Kingdom, Brazil, USA, Mexico. Nepal, Albania, Bhutan, Wales, Spain, South Korean, Norway, Australia, Sweden, South Africa, Pakistan, Greece, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Japan, Iceland, Republic of Macedonia, Philippines, France and at #25 Argentina. I kind of like Sweden and at #79 – Ukraine. BTW, for the three major ethnic groups in the US – Germans, Irish and Italians – their flags are #29, 66 and 37.44

Now what? Football withdrawal or rededication to MLB.

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