Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, September 7, 2018

Facts versus innuendo:

Today's Tids Issue 4,212
For Compromise:

Personally, linguini is much too slippery for my pasta eating skill set. I much prefer capellini.

Brett Kavanaugh was very good during his two-day attack. The legal expert on CBS, yes that mainstream media, said he schooled everybody very well in constitutional law. That he was probably the best nominee in her memory, and that, she said, includes Chief Justice Roberts who she considered outstanding. Our own RI Senator Whitehouse seemed to acquiesce to his approval right from the start when his questioning centered on asking how Kavanaugh would work with him on some ideas he had. Kavanaugh took notes and said he would. Oh, there were histrionics from the younger Dem set, probably intent on running for president, namely Booker and Harris. But both faltered when the subject of their indictments proved to be meaningless, even false. I won’t even get into Booker’s over the top grandstanding. Or, the egregious hyperbole from the left like “Kavanaugh will kill women”. I suspect that a lot of opposing party Senators would vote him in on his merits and character if we weren’t in such a caustic society.

To me, Burt Reynolds was always an idle curiosity and not the mega star I am hearing about this morning,

Sunday begins the great Jewish Holiday of Rosh Hashanah. It is the beginning of the Jewish year and marks the anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve. It is a true beginning. It is a time for Honey.

Despite the high cost of living, it is still popular.

The Question:
I have another interesting list which should generate varied opinions. Who do people think are the best female characters ever in literature?

The Headlines:
--Markets Turn Positive In Late Morning After Opening Lower; New Jobs Report Beats Expectations; Trade Concerns Trump (Verb) Job Gains And low 3.9% Unemployment.
--Mattis Visits Afghanistan As Push For Peace Intensifies.
--Obama Joining The Campaign Circuit To Drum Up Excitement For Dems And Their Candidates; Opponents of Cal’s Feinstein and Newsom Narrow Deficits To Single Digits; Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz Musing Prez Run In 2020.
--380,000 British Airway Customers Hit By Cyber Attack.
--Ford Recalls 2 Million F-150 Pickups Over Potential For Fires From Seat Belts.
--Amazon Orders Thousands Of Vans To Beef Up Own Delivery Services.
--Melania Surprises Coming Out Strong Against NYT’s Op-Ed And Coward (Not Noel) Who Wrote It.
--GoFundMe Says Homeless Hero Johnny Bobbit To Get Full $400K.

So, when they build a statue in memory of Colin Kaepernick, can we tear is down if 25 years. Or do we have to wait fifty?

The cow was put down because she was Pasteur best.

Cheeto dust is destroying the gorilla glass on my phone.

The left is lining up to run for Rahm’s seat. Poor Chicago.

With their publishing of the now infamous Op-Ed piece, the NYT’s has pretty much endorsed Trump’s “Deep State” conspiracy theory.

I see where vegetarians have finally found a shark they can call their own – the plant eating “Bonnethead”. Isn’t it nice the way nature creates a balance for everyone.

And then there is that medical nirvana for many -- probiotics, which have just been proven in a couple of new studies to not work as advertised. Probiotics are supposed to congregate in the digestive system. But in new studies using endoscopy on humans and mice, scientists find nothing there where they should be  in most of the trial patients. By the way, how small is a mouse endoscope?

The best college football games among this weekend’s morass should be Clemson at Texas A&M, followed by UCLA at Oklahoma, Colorado at Nebraska and Michigan State at Arizona State. Not titillated.

I see where some Dem candidates, as voting nears, are distancing themselves from the hysterical dissolve ICE rhetoric. Interesting how winning over losing can bring people to their senses,

He who laughs last, didn’t get it.

Reading Between the Lines Move Reviews:
--Peppermint, starring one of my favorites, Jennifer Garner, doesn’t have a chance with critics, but regular people will enjoy this revenge film that harkens back to Chares Bronson. Her family is murdered in a brutal attack. After waking from her coma she sets out to avenge after the Justice system fails. She hones her body and mind and becomes the hero of the forgotten.
--The eerie horror film The Nun makes you stretch your imagination and accept inconsistencies just a little too much. After a young nun takes her life, a priest and young novitiate are sent to investigate a Romanian orders deadly secret. They risk their life, their faith and their very souls confronting a fiend in the form of a demonic nun. I probably won’t go.
--Critics give God Bless the Broken Road a thumbs down. Maybe it’s because it is about faith, country music, stock car racing and paying tribute the military. It’s about a woman’s difficult journey raising a daughter after her husband dies in Afghanistan.
--I Am Not A Witch seems to be getting a lot of love. I don’t know much about it, except that it seems to be about a young girl in deep Africa being found guilty of witchcraft.

The Answer:
#1 is Hermione Granger of you know what. #2 is Jane Austin’s Elizabeth Bennet of Pride and Prejudice. 3 is Lady Macbeth followed by Eowyn (Tolkien), Natasha Rostova (War and Peace), Jane Eyre, Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games), Alice (In Wonderland), Scout Finch and at #10 Arya Stark of “A Song of Fire and Ice”. Some others are Anna Karenina (11), Jo March (12), Scarlet O’Hara (15), Matilda (16), Mary Poppins (18, Hester Prynne (19) and Eponine (21) of Les Misérables. Nancy Drew shows up high as does Anne Shirley (Of Green Gables) and Dorothy Gale and her red shoes.
Because of general all-around lightweight reporting, inuendo is swiftly attached to a person’s character way before the facts are in. Misguided opinions are formed and accepted regularly merely based on shouting in the streets, mass denunciations and basic ill-conceived hysteria. Yet just around every corner there is always pile of facts available to all who truly want to be well informed instead of just being blindly led. If, the truth wasn’t so scary.

I think most of all, the Kavanaugh trial showed us that some just don’t want to listen regardless. How will we ever reach a compromise on anything if all opposing thoughts are rejected out of hand. Kavanaugh said, the US Constitution was a giant compromise in itself! Think about that. The greatest of countries was formed based on people willing to compromise for the greater good.

Have a great weekend, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!


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