Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, September 14, 2018

O say can you see…

Today's Tids Issue 4,216
For never giving up Hope:

Take a reverent knee
For Francis Scott Key.
For Our song of the free.
The courage it does convey.
Written in 1814, this day.
Say thanks, shout hooray.

Somebody observed the other day that the Amazon is full of piranhas, like the devil that eats retailers. Don’t test the waters unless you are ready.

Which should remind us all that in 1998 Kodak corporation employed 170,000 people. Today they are shallow shell, a former international icon basically out of business. It’s easy to sit back and resist change, tell jokes about it. But, car companies haven’t spent billions for new electric car manufacturing plants because they have extra cash. Software alters the world we know every day. Big, growing companies today don’t own assets but employ software to use other people’s energy and assets. Tech companies will build computers on wheels while auto companies will evolve computers into cars. Software will reduce greatly the need for lawyers, personal physicians and auto insurance agents. And, we shouldn’t be scared at all as long we don’t deny, adjust and learn. And watch our stock portfolios.

Only five more months until Valentine's day. Love somebody

The Question:
What was the original name of the Star-Spangled Banner? Bonus:
What are the most asked for words in the rhyming dictionary?

The Headlines:
--Florence Hanging Around NC and SC, Battering, Soaking and Destroying; Half A Million Without Power, With More Expected After Over Two Days Of Attack; Hundreds In New Bern Rescued After Huge Surge Forces Them To Roofs.
--Markets Up On New Trade Optimism.
--Widespread Gas Explosions Northwest Of Boston Destroy At least 60, Perhaps Up to 100 Homes, Kill One, Injure At Least 20; “Looked like Armageddon”, Says One First Responder; No Firm Answers From Authorities.
--Amazon’s Jeff Bezos Pledges $2 Billion To Help Homeless And Start Pre-Schools In Low Income Communities.
--Manafort Pleads Guilty To Lesser Charges To Avoid Second Trial.

Diane Feinstein is in a very difficult race for reelection, so don’t be surprised if she does some very crazy liberal things, over reaches to endear herself to the entrenched and growing California left. Yesterday she brought out a “mysterious letter” about something that may have happened when Kavanaugh was in High school. It was supposedly obtained from an “individual who strongly requested confidentiality, declined to come forward or press the matter forward”. Feinstein, has had the is alleged accusatory letter since July, and did not speak of it when meeting Kavanaugh personally, nor during her questions at the hearings. This is the eve of the voting, which Chairman Grassley says will not be delayed.

So, when suggested by the public defender to dress up for a court appearance, alleged thieves did what you might expect…they went i to a local WalMart and shoplifted new duds. And Got caught. And arrested again on a whole new set of charges. Yes, the brainless continue to confound, as it happened yesterday, 30 or so miles east of here.

Of course, the next statement might be, “And…they’re voters!” But probably not as voting is not a principle passionate pastime for this USA democracy. In RI this week about a little over 20% thought it not necessary to exercises that most valuable right. The last three presidential elections had voter turnout percentages of 57, 55, 55. In 1932, the first year for such recorded statistics, it was only 52%. The US government is ruled by the people through voting. Period.

In case some people don’t realize it, the USA capitalist system is designed to encourage super wealthy to contribute billions for the welfare of others. But, most of the time the desire to contribute lies in the magnificent hearts of individuals, without nanny state prodding.

Media Bias Department:
The NY Times made a big issue out of the installation of Nicki Haley’s $53K curtains at her UN NYC apartment, crying the blues about her human rights record and the rest of the associated liberal boiler plate. One problem, the curtains were budgeted and approved by Obama.

The big bruhaha in the snail community was a real slugfest.

Did you ever hear the term “Eggshell Plaintiff”? This is a legal tort rule that probably befuddles the average sensible person. “The law says that the defendant must take the victim as he or she finds him or her. That means, if the victim is more susceptible to injury than an average individual, the defendant is still liable for the damages that occur even if he or she would have paid less for another similar but bless serious injury. Confusing? If a bicycle repairman mis-repaired a bike, not knowing the child was a hemophiliac, the defendant would be liable for the all costs associated from more extensive injuries that came from an apparent simple scrape on the knee.

Reading Between the Lines Movie Reviews:
--A Simple Favor looks lithe best of the lot this week, to me. When single Mother, blogger Stephanie’s best pal Emily goes missing, she teams with Emily’s hubby to find what happened, in what is avery good mystery thriller, with all of the twists an second guessing I enjoy, and hope you will too. 
--White Boy Rick starring McConaughey as evil crooked father and a newcomer, Rick Wershe, as his drug king 15-year-old son. It is based on a true story in drug infested Detroit in the 1980’s, where they become undercover police informants, that doesn’t work out that well. I worry that they may try too hard to paint a positive picture of a kid who sells poison in the community. So-so reaction from critics and audiences.
--Mandy stars Nick Cage who is contented with his wife living in a pine scented paradise in in the Northwest woods. Until, that is, his perfect place is destroyed by a cult led by a super evil despot. Cage awakens to reality and a bloody vengeance ensues. Supposed to be pretty good. If you like blood.
--The Predator is not too good. Those outer space denizens have mutated and are even stronger and more evil than before. But, when they are sucked back onto Earth, a young lad and a disgruntled science teacher are those chosen to save the world and human race from destruction. Yikes!

The Answer:
Yup, 204 years ago today Key wrote an original poem during the night long bombardment called “Defence of Fort M’Henry”. Bonus: People who rhyme often ask for words that rhyme with love, you, me, life, time, day, world, now and up.

At times, I sit and wonder what FS Key felt as he penned the song that ignites the spirit of pride in the hearts of Americans. As the guns roared and rockets blasted a near defenseless fort, was he crying or shaking with fear? Or was he like so many Americans who have faced the darkest of foes, the direst moments – who have reached down, sucked it up, found the courage to be resilient the bleakest of moments. After all, that is what the Star-Spangled Banner should tell us all -- when hope seems to diminish beyond salvation, stand tall.

Have a great weekend, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!!

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