Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, October 22, 2018

Will the noise cease in 2 more weeks?

Today's Tids Issue 4,241
For having faith in those you do not know:

While a hot, sunny, hazy summer day will at times make it hard to breathe, a crisp, breezy Fall day will take your breath away!

Have you ever noticed how Hollywood-ites will always boast about the powerful impact of their films, that theirs is the ultimate word on social issues of the day, but have steadfastly refused to admit that the depravity in many of their films has any affect on children?

There’s no present like the thyme, said the cook.

I started on a “5 Hour Energy” drink regimen but found it was interfering with my naps.

Every morning, Northeast and Western coastal Repubs should say a little prayer for all of the Republicans in the central part of the nation:
Dear God,
Shed your light on Nebraska, Ohio, Wisconsin
Help our brethren remain strong, steadfast,
To resist all of those biased, media blasts.
For without them, reasonable thinking cannot win.
Yes God, shed upon them your rational light
To help them resist temptation, to wage the fight.
We on the coasts endure through oppression
By our faith in those to preserve succession.

The Question:
What global event ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month?

The Headlines:
--New Poll Shows Blue Wave Ebbing, But Still Favoring Dems For House Flip; NBC/WSJ Poll Says Trump 1st Term, Midterm Approval Rating (47%) Higher Than Obama’s (45%) At Same Period; Dem Senate Strategy Shifts From Winning Majority To Limiting Losses.
--Stock Futures Look Up To Start Week Full Of Earnings Reports.
--Fiat Chrysler To Sell Auto Parts Business To Magneti Marelli For $7 Billion; US Consumers Showing Declining Interest In New Apple IPhone Announcements.
--Saudi Khashoggi Excuses Becoming Laughable.
--CBS Interim Chairman Parson Resigns Due To Increasing Complications From Multiple Myeloma.
--Australia Changes Course With Massive Vote Against Liberal Controlled Government.
--US General Jeffery Smilely Shot In Afghanistan During Taliban Attack.
--Big Lottery Jackpots Get Bigger For Week Ahead.
--Jamie Leigh Curtis Revival “Halloween” Soars To Huge $77 Million Weekend.

One of the eternal enigmas roving around my mind is why our intrepid journalists are not even mildly suspicious of a highly organized immigrant march against our legal boarders planned to culminate a week before election. Talk about election interference. Maybe it’s a Russian trick. Or, could it be US progressives who like the chaos that furthers divides.

I always reply to “Out of Office” automatic replies.

A guy told me of a unique family honoring of his brother, who had just died at a young age. Apparently, this particular well-liked brother was somewhat of a rascal, who among other things was very adept at scalping tickets at major sports events. So, as a tribute, 53 of the aunts, uncles, cousins and siblings snuck into a recent major league playoff game in his honor. My friend bought a ticket. How did they do that?

One current, ongoing Rhode Island story that lately makes us laugh is the case of the stubborn Turkey of Johnston RI. About two months ago, 3 or 4 turkeys began gathering in front of the door to City Hall. They resolutely protected their space much to the concern of employees reporting for work. The Mayor became incensed after several ineffective shooing sessions, and called in the Towns animal control experts. They managed to catch three. But, one got away. It has become a real Road Runner story with the now extremely frustrated Mayor ordering many unique potential deterrents from the “Acme Manufacturing Company”. Last week Mayor and company thought they finally would tame the troublesome turkey. He called in an expert with a “Netgun” (No not Spiderman), who was surely going to catch the bird. The turkey came across the parking lot and the Mayor, the shooter and assorted intrepid city workers stood tall awaiting the final capture. The turkey took two steps forward. The shooter did the same. The Mayor clinched his fists; a small grin of triumph snaked across his face. The expert raised his Netgun, an pulled the trigger. Silence. It misfired. The Turkey turned and walked away. The citizens of Rhode Island laughed for another day. 

One of the greatest things the President could do for the USA is to remain silent and rise above the cacophony.

When Oxygen and Potassium mix it’s not OK.

Let’s face it, generations throughout history have always been jealous of those whose new ideas would encroach upon their own cherished eras. I never thought much of the overwhelming presence of the Boomers. Now, every day we read about boomer’s anger against the precocious Millennials. Actually, that is odd as the Boomers seem to have dismissed an entire generation, the “X’ers”, who immediately followed them. I guess the X Generation is just a quiet, pleasant group who never threatened the Boomer rush to political correctness… and other annoying intrusions into my simple life of the past.

I would bet that over-promoted fancy tequila brands in the not so distant future will overtake all of the fancy, designer vodkas so over promoted by predecessor generations. What ever happened to 7&7?

Speaking of taking over popular brands, I tried a nicely designed promotional package of two Harry’s razors. One was pretty good, but the second, not so great. I’ll revert back to My Mach 3 Gillette plastic throwaways, which are really quite excellent.

Our Governor race is a match between a highly educated, formerly wall Street woman, and a Chinese Mayor of a large city who grew up working in his parent’s Chinese restaurant. I’m thinking that if he is elected he would send his budget to the legislature in the form of a Chinese menu – take one from Column A and two from Column B. It would have to be better than the way we are doing things now…you know, freedom of choice promoting harmony.

As I read political comments about the increase in women candidates, it is becoming apparent that Women’s group leaders and their allies in the Press don’t consider females of the Republican persuasion, women.

That KC Offense with Mahomes is explosive…and fun to watch.

The Answer:
11,11,11 was when the World War I ended. And, that is why even our progressive government employee unions have been unable to change the date if Veterans Day – November 11. It’s sacred.

I imagine I go off the deep end from time to time. But, I get it out here instead of throwing bricks at my TV. I can’t afford a new TV every week. But, that’s way it is going as I watch the president say something inane, suffer through unbalanced reporting. So hopefully I offer some opinions that make more sense than not.

“An honest man armed with the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going.” Francis Crick from his, “Life itself: Its origin and nature.”

Love the week ahead.

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