Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Simple thoughts; wonderings.

Today's Tids Issue 4.636

I’m thinking that laughing at little things will keep us going for a long, long time.

Cheep thrills: A chicken on a rollercoaster.

Meanwhile, predictions about the future ramifications of our global dilemma seem more confusing now than they did back when we knew absolutely nothing.

If NK’s Kim dies, let’s hope they don’t have a 21 long-range-missile salute.

The Question:
I found a list of male and female historical figures who no body would have considered as being “Foxy”, Lookers. 45K voted. Name the top ten?

The Headlines:
--Negative Oil Pricing Deepens Stock Declines; Coke Beats Sales/Earnings Number For Quarter, April Global Revenue Off 26%; Lockheed Also Reports Very Strong Q1 Numbers But Slightly Less Happy Future; Trump Tweets On Immigration, Oil Pricing Add To Mooning Wall Street Gloom.
--National Covid fatalities Seem To Be Slowing; Cuomo To Visit Trump Today.
--Netanyahu Finally Forms Israeli Government With Rival Gantz, 3 Year Coalition Will Have Netty Serving First 1.5 Years, Gantz To Follow.
--NK’s Kim Reported To Be In Critical Condition Following Cardiovascular Surgery That Went Amiss; US And SK Reports of Situation Differ; Global Markets Have Succession Concerns.
--Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Unveils Handheld Device Said To Be Able To Detect Virus.
--Canada Officials Expecting To Find More Nova Scotia Dead Than 18 Already Reported; Major Digital Memorial For Innocents Planned For Friday.
--Schumer Says He Expects Senate To Pass Small Biz Bill With Agreement From Both Sides.
--Trump Temporarily Halts Immigration; Democrats Howl.
--China Reignites Offensive In Hong Kong.

Write a nice handwritten note to a friend, or a child or a mother, father or a spouse.

So much sadness. The Nova Scotia Murders further emphasizes the tragedy of sudden, unnecessary deaths of innocent people, loved ones. The Covid-19 deaths are all wrapped up in mass statistics but the extreme hurt from sudden unexpected loss is no different. There is anger, there is emptiness. There are questions.

What a monster lurks.
Innocents in sanctuaries.
Those who loved mourn

That Coca-Cola revenue, earnings, futures report this morning is probably a good picture of what we can expect going forward – Generally healthy Q1’s followed by signs of significant sales slippage and question and after question after question on guidance going forward.

It’s one thing to think about somebody, it’s another thing to take a little extra time to express those thoughts.

Every time you say this staying inside the house thing is getting long, it will surely get longer.

There will be a time coming when people will try to outdo each other with tales of personal misery. Avoid it.

I don’t know whether or not you noticed it yesterday, but the usually reliable Tids editors let escape the mother of all typos! Maybe some of you Tids’ warriors didn’t notice it because you have been bale to read through editorial slipups like yesterday: “…take to the bank during htisnestx acapihg. temedia willoverlok anfy Biden…” Yeah, you got that.

My mind and my fingers don’t seem to be wired as efficiently as they have been in the past.

It’s easy to avoid people when taking walks because for the most part there are no cars on the streets.

I have to be honest with you. I do feel tense when I go into a supermarket. I’m not that brave.

The Answer:
Ok number one Looker is Herman Rorschach of inkblot test fame! (Come up my apartment and see my inkblots.) Next surprisingly is cutie Barbara Bush. She is followed by Joseph Stalin, Lincoln conspiracy member, Louis Powell, and then Hunter Thompson, Cherie Chaplin, Paper bag inventor Margaret Knight, Poet Rupert Brooke, great composer Johannes Brahms and #10 Nikola Tesla, Continuing on we have Bonnie Parker, Harry Houdini, Charlotte Bronte, Mark Twain, Tenzing Norgay, CJ Earl Warren, composer Alma Mahler, Thomas Edison, Frederik Douglas and Richard Francis Burton. It’s an interesting list, but how would anybody know.

I’d write each of you a handwritten note but I doubt if you could read my handwriting. So, you have to live with my typos and knowing I’m thinking of you all. good health and happy reading.

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