Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, August 21, 2020

Sometimes odd stuff just happens.


Today's Tids Issue 4,719

Still normal:


Did you ever get a tune in you heart and you just can’t stop humming it all day long? Probably. Maybe more so in today’s conflicted world. How do you find peace, when so many people are attacking what you have ever always believed in, and still do.


Which brings us to another question. Are we all really conflicted and divided, or are politicians just telling us we are? Are we seeing the open conflicts between 10 % of the people while in real life the other 90% are doing what they have always done -- loved, lived, worked raised families or supported friends, smiled at all you see walking down a crowded street? Life does go on despite what the Politicians may tell us.


Covid may easily be the most legitimate crisis I have witnessed in my life time. It has created so many questions, and the answers are so scattered, so questionable, so open ended. People are beginning to accept it, but still seemed stunned and confused about what they are accepting. You sit back and perhaps think, “Finally I have this under control”. And then you traipse into the outside world and do things’ which would never have entered your mind 6 months ago. If you are looking for solutions here, fagettaboutit!


Thanks for explaining the word many to me. It means a lot.


The Question:

Who wrote the Great Patsy Cline’s signature song, Crazy?


The Headlines:

--The Market On A Sideways Tack; Apple Lifts The Dow: The Street Asks: What Comes After An All Time High For The S&P? Market Expected To Pull Back After Nasdaq Also Reaches New High.

--Biden Accepts Nomination.

--Steve Brannon And Three Others In Court Appearance After Build-a-Wall Fraud Charges; Bannon Pleads Not Guilty.

--Florida Could Be In The Way Of Two Possible Hurricanes.

--US To Re-Seek The Death Sentence For Boston Bomber; Barr Says US Authorities Under “Operation Legend” Has Made 1,000 Arrests Including 90 Recent Murderers.


Now, a real news headline would be: “Joe Biden Decides Not To Accept The Nomination.”


The NY Times Opinion page writers gave Biden’s big night scores that ranged from “4” to a “9”: One 4, one 5, One 5.5 two 6’s, two 7’s, three 8’s and two 9’s. Some comments from that organization” “Speech was good, Admit I had worries”. “May have been best speech of his career”. Best moment “13-Year-Old Brayden Harrington.” Other comments: “The Dixie Chicks Can’t sing the Star Spangled Banner’ Julia Louise Dretfus fell flat. “Daniel McCarthy was as least as painful as JLD.” JLD Bombed”. So basically, Joe exceeded expectations and Brayden H was great but the rest of the night was “bland”, not memorable.   


Sign language is pretty handy.


Have you noticed that as stock  indexes reach new highs, that the publicity drumbeat out of Wall Street is, “Record prices is no reason to dump sticks”. Happens every time!


What happens to the struggling restaurant business when it’s too cold to eat outside?


That is certainly one of the iffy businesses with lots of employees that may cause problems when it comes to predicting the country’s economic future. There is a list now that ranks industries according to “Probability of Default” models. Based on declines in that model index number since March, the five industries most affected by Covid are Airlines, Casinos and Gambling, Leisure facilities, Auto parts & Equipment and Oil and Gas Drilling. The least affected are Property and casualty Insurance, Health Care REITs, Multi-Line Insurance, Life and Health Insurance and Industrial REITs. Retail was initially damaged severely but the opening of highly sanitized stores coupled with increased use of digital buying has turned that around quite nicely.


Biden last night pledged if elected that his,, ”Firsts step will be to get control of the virus that has ruined so many lives.” Does that mean he’s going to put colleges students in cages formally used for  the illegal immigrants he will release?. How does a President get control of a virus? Hyperbole. Then he ran through the Duh obvious: We’ll never get our economy back, have children go to school; Never get our lives Back.” And this is part of the nucleus of Biden’s best ever speech?


I suspect that the NY Times will be doing more panning than lauding the Repub conventions next week. Trump will say it’s the greatest virtual convention ever.


The Answer:

The great Willie Nelson wrote “Crazy” as sung by the Great Patsy Cline.


Have a great weekend, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!!


Some days, Crazy sounds like my theme song. (Stay with it until Willie talks)






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