Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, April 24, 2023


Today's Tids Issue 5,416 

Fairness Lost: 



One of the interesting things about getting old is that we learn that there are pleasant, informative or provocative discoveries looming around every corner. Not thinking you know everything keeps you vital and aware. 


Fox just fired its top Show host Tucker Carlson. CNN fired its well known, controversial commentator Don Lemon. Hmm. Are the big cable news networks moving away from their extremes ot soften the anger in America, or are they just being advised by lawyers and accountants to avoid anything that may spell lawsuits?  


Cavemen who wandered around were called meanderthals. 


I’m glad I have good pedestrian values, so I don’t feel embarrassed by music elitists for getting into Tchaikovsky. Listen closely to this 4th Symphony and you will discover some really cool stuff. 


The word most corrupted by government officials is “Fee”. 


I hope you all enjoy the musical interlude at the end of this mess as much as I did. 


The Question: 

Who was Ted Kaczynsky? 


The Headlines: 

--Stocks Meandering Aghead of Key Earnings Reports Firm Big Tech. 

--Countdown Begins for Ticking Debt Timebomb. 

--State Department Tells Remaining Circa 16,000 US Citizens in Sudan It is too Dangerous to Make an Attempt to Free Them; US Military Managed to Get out 70 Embassy Staffers on Saturday. 

--4,000 Britons Still Stuck in Sudan; Say Their Government Has Abandoned Them. 

--Susan Rice Resigns as WH Chief of Domestic Affairs/ 

--Lemon CNN and Carlson FOX News Fired.  


Those who think they know everything will discover nothing. 


I think the new Netflix series, The Diplomat, is worth investing some time in watching. Although at times it is hard to know whether it is serious or satire.  


I'm glad the Pillow guy has sold a lot of pillows. I like entrepreneurs and I think his commercials are pretty effective, but I just don’t get the excitement over needing a new pillow or slippers.  


Wealth Redistribution Department: 

Starting in May 2023 a new Biden Rule will have the current structure of the Loan Level Price Adjustment (LLPA) matrix upended by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). What that means is that people with good credit scores will be told to pay an extra fee up to $60 a month to help those with bad credit scores low down payments get a mortgage. Say What. -- the people, who sacrifice to save for down payments and pay their bills to create solid credit are going to be penalized for their positive virtues. Isn’t that just like Biden disregarding those who pay off their student loans at great sacrifice being smacked with a wet fish across the mouth by the Gov paydown of loans of debt scofflaws. Is the core Biden constituency irresponsible laggards? 


While we are on the subject of unfairness in America and the destruction of American values, the state of Washington is banning single family home zoning, another slap at the responsible middle class. Oh, there is an exception for “defined” neighborhoods which are most often wealthier enclaves, America has lost its mind 


A lot of these lunacy laws tell me, and I tell you, watch your local politics. You never know what is slipping in between the cracks in the floor. 



I don’t want to say anything negative about another city which I know little about but based on news I’ve seen I'd say that Oakland Athletics following the Raiders to Las Vegas will be a polar opposite experience -- from blah glittering lights. 


BTW, the Oakland A’s have plans to build a 31-35K seat stadium which is really optimum for baseball’s 162 game schedule. Not only is playing before empty seats in cavernous arenas defeating for players, but the small seat stadiums make each seat that much more valuable, much more in demand. 


Did you see where the NFL just suspended 5 players for gambling on games. Hypocrisy Alert: What organization has been a bigger promoter of widespread gambling than the NFL! 


The Answer: 

Ted was the Unabomber, a true mathematical prodigy who traded it all in to become a domestic terrorist. I just wanted to see if you remembered the real evil doers. Kaczynsky abandoned his academic career in 1969 to pursue a more primitive life Between 1978 and 1995, Kaczynski killed three people and injured 23 others in a nationwide mail bombing campaign against people he believed to be advancing modern technology and the destruction of the environment. He authored Industrial Society and its Future a 35,000-word manifesto and social critique opposing industrialization rejecting leftism and advocating for a nature-centered form of anarchism. 


Personally, I would prefer a nice little meal in few hours in a little Italian restaurant. 





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