Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Jeszcze Polska nie zginela.

Today's Tids Issue 2,108
Opening Stuff:

My heart feels their love and at the same time aches for the misery of the Polish people.

Dumping on the Tea Party is becoming very tired. The Dems and Republicans have been lifting our wallets for years, and yet the erudite opinion makers think they should use their position to belittle good Americans trying to help make the country sensible again.

The bad news is that small business is not doing very well right now. Economists are saying that the economy is showing signs of life primarily because of big company advances. But, after last major recession, small business accounted fro 4,000,000 new jobs while the bigs at the end of that downturn came out with 500,000 fewer employees.

The Question:
Some like it hot! But, you should know how hot is hot. What are the hottest peppers/pepper based products and what is the name of the measurement for Hotness?

The Headlines:
--Earthquake In Western China Kills 400; 10,000 Homeless.
--76 In India Killed By Cyclone.
--Icelanders Evacuate As Volcano Erupts Again.
--Newest Economic Challenge: Stagnate Wages Versus Rising Energy And Food Costs.
--US National Security Council Says Cyber-Attack Us At Your Own Risk; Military Leaders Assert Right To respond Even When Not Knowing Identity Of Attacker.
--JP Morgan Earns $3.3 Billion In Q1.
--US Stock Futures Rosy After Strong Report From Intel.
--Carcieri Sees New House Budget As Spending More Of What They Don’t Have; RI Governor Says He Will Veto Unless Senate Makes Big Fixes.

Back to More Stuff:

I remember thinking that backward baseball caps reduced a guy’s IQ image by 50-75 points. But male fashionistas have topped themselves in a continuing effort to look dumber than hell by going to the flat brim baseball caps. That’s just one man’s opinion. I’m not stereotyping or nothin’.

I just read about a hamburger that could conceivably bring on an early death. It’s a ½ pound black angus burger topped with fried onions between to pieces of…fired dough! You know fried dough – doughboys, beaver tails, whale tails, funnel cakes, malasadas, and yes, zepolis. It’s great with powdered sugar. But think of them oozing with beef juice. Put your cell phone on auto-911 before eating. It’s served at Jerry Remy’s Sports Bar across from Fenway Park (Remy is the official Commissioner of Red Sox Nation.

Yesterday Bernanke said Americans should bone up on finance so they make better choices about their money, and thus avoid facing 2008 style disasters. Americans say that if Bernanke and his gang had been doing their jobs we might not have had the downturn in the first place. If the Fed doesn’t have the ability to recognize diminishing sound banking principles – like determining if borrowers actually have the wherewithal to pay back loans – who does? Leadership, schmeadership.

98 Years ago today The RMS Titanic proved the validity of the “Tip of the Iceberg” theory.

Today I’m going to save you lots of money and angst with this recipe for meatballs from one of those “Hot” NYC restaurants that really over-charge if you can get in. Rao’s is a place for people who really think it is important to be seen! Combine 1 lb ground beef, ½ lb grnd veal and ½ lb grnd pork in bowl. Using hands blend meat with 2 large eggs, 1 cp grated Pecorino Romano cheese, 1 ½ tbs chopped Itl parsley, ½ small clove minced garlic and blk pepper and sea salt to taste. Now mix in 2 cps fresh breadcrumbs and then slowly blend in two cps water, 1 cp at a time. Make little 2 ½-3 inch balls. Heat 1 cp OO in sauté pan. When hot but not smoking cook meatballs until crisp on both sides. Now simmer in your favorite marinara sauce for fifteen minutes.

Through the Same Eyes: Chapter 66 continues. –“Hi Kent,” I answered as I slid into the booth. I actually smiled radiantly, I thought. I reached across and he took my hand and squeezed it, gently. I shivered a little. Then I just sat and looked into his eyes. “It seems like years…” and I trailed off without finishing.
“Yes it does,” He agreed. Just as Marie came over to take an order. I quickly drew back my hand and placed it in my lap. At the same time I felt his foot on my calf. He had taken off his shoe. All of a sudden, my mouth became dry.
“So, what can I get you, Sarah”. I looked up at her always happy face. Was she looking at me differently? Did I look as appear as weird as I felt?
“Hmm.” I wasn’t prepared to order. I really didn’t feel like eating. I just wanted to get out of there. Did I want to go home, or did I want to go to Kent’s bed room. Kent kept playing with me under the table. He seemed content to stay where he was and manipulate my emotions. “I’ll have a BLT Club.” I blurted. She smiled and wrote robotically. Was my face red?
Kent ordered a cheese burger and what else…a Diet Coke. “You guys aren’t very exciting,” I heard Marie say sarcastically as she turned and went into the kitchen.
“I think we are very exciting, don’t you?” asked Kent in a coyish manner.
“I am…I mean, we are!” We both laughed at my little joke.
“Sarah/Maggie. Sarah/Maggie, it is so nice to be together. You know I worried about you.” Then he switched subjects, “I just Left Henry’s. He said you were in there earlier.”

I have to think that this summer more people will be arrested for salt water fishing with out a license that for drive-by shootings in Providence. And certainly more than irresponsible celebrities and thug sports stars.

John Holdrum -- the Admin’s Science advisor and extreme pro-abortion enthusiast who has said a newborn baby isn’t a human until it has been properly socialized – has now doomed the US to perpetual mediocrity. Yesterday in a speech before US science students he esentially enabled Americans to choose loserville and feel good about it. In that speech he said “We can’t expect to be number one in everything indefinitely. He said “Forget about being number 1”. American’s have always said “Why not!” Americans have always seen the challenge and conquered it. Americans have never said I’ll be happy if I do ok.

Twitter is really taking the guts out of information. It makes finding details on the web nearly impossible, as the tweets invariably dominate search results, especially for the more remote stories not properly covered by so-called real journalists.

I have never been much of an Elvis fan, and I think his songs last night on American Idol showed that his popularity wasn’t in his music. Overall – dullsville. BoSox continued her way to the top. I also liked Siobhan and Lee. Mike was very pleasant and maybe one of the more enjoyable for the night. Katie’s voice was strong, but I thought she was a little robotic. Casey was decent but didn’t make it big. I thought Tim was weak, but his song choice may carry him home. Aaron looked sullen and I didn’t think that Andy was as bad as the judges thought he was. So…two go home tonight. One has to be Andy. He has been squeaking by. Aaron deserves to go based on last night. But is he, like Tim, too “cute” to go. My six for the top five are BoSox, Siobhan, Katie, Mike, Lee and Casey.

The Answer:
The heat in peppers is called capsalcin. Pure capsalcin has a SHU rating of 16,000,000 versus sweet bell peppers at 0 SHU. A guy named Wilbur Schoville invented the scale to measure the strength of spicy chemicals in foods. The number represents the drops of water necessary before the pepper juice is undetectable. The hottest pepper at 850,000 is the Bhut Jokolia grown in India. After that we have the Habanero at 500K, Tabasco at 60K, Cayenne at 25K, Jalapeno at 16K and the Anaheim Peppers at 1,000.

The End:

Sarah Palin is in Boston today as the featured speaker in a Tea Party rally on The Common. Expect “Red Cambridge” comrades to be there with demeaning signage. And expect the media to show those signs and and not the calm faces of good tea Party members.

The Polish are bound together in love.

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