Today's Tids Issue 2,754
Opening Stuff:
On this brisk, beautiful morning, when ice cubes seem to tumble off of crests of wavelets in the harbor, I am annoyed. And do you know why I'm annoyed. It's the same reason I seem to be annoyed more and more -- ObamaCare. And it's not just the act it self, it's the travesty of how such burden upon happy contented Americans was levied entirely without any sense of rational thinking; Only because of intense ideology. Oh yeah, and it is also the act itself. The act that nary a legislator could begin to understand even as they voted. An act it now becomes evident will provide less, take away a lot and cost more. The real reason I am so annoyed is because America always made sense, until now.

Did you know that on the Chicago streets since 2008, there has been a Sandy Hook school tragedy every month? 553 kids have been shot dead, senselessly. The National media sides steps it every month too. Maybe it's because part of the reason the culture is so deplorable there, perhaps the biggest part, are the liberal programs put in place by and since LBJ. Programs that have crippled the heart of families, eviscerated ambition and self determination.

I've seen and heard a lot of beautiful women who have worn bangs well before the White House "fashion icon", saying emphatically, "I Have had these well before Obama." In other words, "I have always been comfortable with my hair style, so please don't label me a Michelle minion."

The Question:
R&B/Soul, Jazz singer Anita Baker has among other things received 8 Grammies. What are five of her best songs?

The Headlines:
--Hillary Testifying.
--US House Begins Vote On Debt Ceiling; Wall Street Watching Closely.
--Netanyahu Regains Power; Upstart Centrist Party Deduces Netty Win To Scant One Vote Victory; Signals Move Away From Foreign Policy To Domestic Issue; Obama Happy.
--Dems Criticize New GOP Debt Limit Action; Duh.
--Christie Appears Shoo-In For NJ Gov Re-Elections.

Computer hackers seem to be the new breed of arrogant celebrities who are dismayed when they don't receive special considerations form the law.

"I can't recall", Department:
In her testimony this morning, Hillary's hand waving makes her look very nervous justifying her reactions to the Benghazi murders. And, it appears she contradicted her earlier statements about the film hoax as the culprit. She will be analyzed and scrutinized, and probably nothing willl happen. They will all shake hands and chortle. But, you can be sure she is mainly trying to avoid snippets that could be used against her in a 2016 election, just as questioners are trying to create them.

I just love my favorite new national pastime, the battle between smart phone, tablet producers. The Microsoft Phone, well behind, but with pretty good critical reviews, is offering it at Verizon at $99. IPhone is $199. Microsoft is thinking of buying Dell, another move that will get them deeper into the hardware biz. But then, all of their biggest customers are competitors of Dell. Reports due out shortly will probably show big declines in IPhone 5 sales according to Japan newspapers and WSJ monitoring China factories. Droid and Google continue to rise in the race for dominance. I mean, this is the superbowl!

A local medium to low sized school system is proposing spending spending $550,000 to provide every student with IPads. Hmmm. Maybe Apple should give each school system stock in return for taxpayers handing them a competitive advantage over Android.

So, Obama still wants to look back to the sins of the past on slavery, but Hillary doesn't want to look backwards at the sins of the State Department and Admin mismanagement of the Bengahzi Embassy. Is that about how it works?

With all of the great restaurants in this beautiful but flawed state of ours, why does the media become giddy over the arrival of another chain? Becasue the P'R deprtments of the Big Chains overwhelm them and they need ad money more than ever. It's hard to stand tall on the bridge as captain of your ship, 30 foot waves breaking over the decks as you lash your self to the mast shouting, don't give up, don't give up" -- when your ship is sinking.

To be fair, I go to Outback every couple of years.

To be fair again -- I would ordinarily decry the intelligence of a newspaper that would run as a headline "RI (Puppet) Congressional Delegation Unnites in Suppport of Obama on (Fill in blank). So today I have to point out th esame about a headline that reads: "Republicans criticize Obama Inaugural Speech (or fill in the blank)." It would be nice to see the editors dig a little and learn that it should be "Hard working Americans criticize Obama speech".

Every once in a while I'll pick up a section of the Sunday NY Times -- from Books to Politics to Entertainment to Culture-- and read it. And, more often than not, I find a lot of precious drivel. Unfortunately a lot of people take it all as gospel. Especially the parts against religion.

The lesson of Wounded Knee is "Beware of a Government come to confiscate your firearms for your own safety."

I have a friend I truly like. A friend who is the classic definition of liberal. A true intellectual and world known expert on International relationships. But one, with all of her innate intellectual curiosity, is unable to get beyond misconceptions about business, religion and conservatives as perpetrated by the press and Hollywood producers.

Too many fans of teams forget that the other teams have good players too.

I would like to ask Piers Morgan why he came to America. I hope it wasn't for better health care.

The road to the passage of ObamaCare was driven by the myth that socialist country health care was better than the US. If a diligent 4th estate had taken the time and a little energy to investigate, they would have learned that that was far from the truth. Now that we have it, the same negligent journalists could save America from impending financial disaster by reporting on the loss of jobs, the probable decline in care, the true costs of a law that can only be defined now by entitlements and symbolic handouts. It is that classic socialist burden that could squash once and for all the Great American Middle Class for good.

There may only be a declining middle class left in California if Phil Michelson's action becomes a trend. The native San Diego golfer is planning moving to anther state, saying that the taxes there which would take 60% of his income are just becoming to much of a burden.

The Answer:
The 54 year old singer has been singing since she was 12 and has given us "Sweet Love", Giving you the Best I've Got", "Body and Soul", "Angel", You Bring Me Joy", "Same Old Love", "Caught up in the Rapture", "Ain't no need to Worry", "I Apologize", "Just Because" and "Fairy Tales".

That noise you hear intruding upon your calm Wednesday lunch are feminists a cross the nations shouting "Go Hillary, Go.

The horny widow living in a well known Florida retirement conglomerate asked a stranger why he had left the community for a couple of years. He replied that he had murdered his wife. "Oh good," She said,  "That means you're single!"