Q: What has two humps and lives at the North Pole?
A: A lost camel!

Yes folks, it's going to be one of those days. Some days you just have to step back from bombastic exaggeration and relax within inane solitude.

Well, it's out. 0-Man has finally let us in on what he had hinted to Medvedev and Putin before the election. Yup, yesterday he told the world what we all knew, that he is a left winger through and through. And if anybody had hope this man would attempt to change his ways and actually work with congress, he slammed the door in their faces with his agenda that basically requires nothing more than irresponsible spending.

Is there anything nicer, than on an icy cold morning, waking to discover a blanket of pure white snow hiding the pockmarks of a city's streets.

The Question:
Some days a song just mysteriously enters your head, and it won't go away. What is the name of the song that contains the line "I couldn't sleep at all last night". Who sang it. What are some other songs by same singer?

The Headlines:
--Prez Revels, Proposes Progressive Agenda; Analysts* Across Board Rate Speech Mediocre, Uninspiring; *Except Chris Matthews.
--Syria Rebels Clash With Kurds In Northeast.
--Biden Hints At 2016 Presidential Run; Dems Cringe.
--Palestine Sees Netanyahu Re-Election As Bad For Peace.
--0-Man Says he Likes Wife's Bangs.
--Blasts In Iraq Continue To Kill.
--Italy's Berlusconi, Former PM, Porn Addict, Drops Friends With Ties To Mafia.

Obama's giddy newsman sycophants were orgasmic yesterday reporting that before the inauguration he took time to meet with the leadership of Congress. "What a guy," they slobbered. The only thing this President wants to do with Congress is paralyze the Republican Party so that he has the chance to gain two Democrat majority houses for the final two years. That's the strategy, pure and simple. Can you imagine the horror wrought upon our great country without loyal opposition.

I guess Twittering and FaceBook are the official new measurements of America's heart. Research companies monitor the tone of reactions to events closely, and rely on what they see as accurate estimates of the national mood. For instance, after Oprah the noise was solidly against and decidedly unsympathetic to Armstrong. So, maybe I should tweet out the Tids in 140 character segments.

I just don't understand at all why people bare their souls on FaceBook.

Basically, the evidence says clearly that it is Democrats who shouldn't be allowed to buy guns. Obama and the Liberal side of the dem party must be trying to circumvent the Constitution, because, in fact, guns are dangerous to the image of themselves. It turns out that of all of these horrible mass shooters over the past few years, from Sandy hook to Fort Hood to Columbine to Virginia Tech to Aurora theater were registered democrats, progressive liberals or from homes of liberal activists. None of them were NRA or Right Wing Nuts or Survivalists. (Ironically, Timothy McVeigh, a survivalist and NRA member, didn't use a gun at all.)

Two Muslims in a speed boat crashed in to a barrier on the Thames River. Police said it signaled the start of Ram-a-dam.

In an effort not to become what most people think old people become -- set in their ways -- this morning I decided to read the comics in an entirely different rotation. It worked out fine. Even as I was anxious in the beginning. Take a step down a different street each morning.

The Conscience: Chapter 13 continues.
   By the time Jason settled his tired, six foot four inch frame into his dark tan leather chair, Wu was already talking to Jeff. Jason could hear the conversation in the background, but it was very fuzzy to his disjointed mind. He was angry as hell, but he didn't know where to push that anger. He knew that anger would get him nowhere, As he has done all of life, he knew he could harness that useless energy and transform it positively towards accomplishing this new challenge before him. He has always loved the impossible, and this was certainly that.
  "Hi Jeff," he interrupted Wu and his old college friend. "You sound pretty good for a fraternity sot."
   "Actually, Jeff, I am, and this meeting has been going better than I had expected until your news."
   "So, you told Angelina about our tragedy?'
   "Yes, she could read my expression, and it wouldn't have helped to deny that anything was happening."
   "Where is she now?"
   "We were at lunch when Eliot called, and believe me, it got very tense for a moment. In my eagerness to get her to react me, I went a little too far. Her Italian ire exploded. But, eventually she and I came back to rationality. A few minutes ago she saw a friend or somebody walk in, and went over to talk. So your timing is oddly perfect. Must be the reason you are a leader. So tell me about what happened."
    "First, before she returns, I'm tabling this negotiation. They may want to also, anyhow. Since you are there, I want you to put your ear to the ground. See what you can find out."
    "I don't think Angelina knows anything."
    "Don't fool yourself. Don't get over confident with her. She may not know details of anything, but she probably suspects a lot. She is very smart and plugged in."
    "That I have learned for sure".
    "How are you holding up?" Jason sounded concerned for Jeff. Like a friend.
    "Surprisingly terrific." Maybe this challenge that forces my brain to work again is what have needed for a ling time. I know I will jump into a bottle again while I'm here, but some how I think I 'll be able to swim out, tide or no tide against me."
     "That's good Jeff. That's very good. Since you are staying a little longer, and I want you to take your time, I'm sending a little more expense money. Don't worry about a thing. We'll be gathering information at this end too. " Jason then proceeded to describe the damage. Jeff could sense the pain Jason had in his heart.

A big part of "O" Speech yesterday was about freedom, equality for gays. Which, must mean marriage, because most of the gays in this area have great careers, are well respected and are just plain folks in the community. Friends next door. But then I read that married couples pay higher taxes, and I'm thinking -- Huh? Fight for marriage so you can pay more in taxes? In reality, if you want to use taxes to induce people actions, it should be single people who are taxed higher. That may contribute to a decline in fatherless families.

The Answer:
The line comes from "Tossin' and Turnin' " first recorded by Bobby Lewis in 1961. It seems, not getting sleep at night is a popular subject in songs. The Fifth Dimension had a song hit "Last night I didn't get to sleep at all." Sinatra had "I couldn't sleep a wink last night" and  Joey Ramone had an updated version of the '61 Lewis #1 hit. Lewis also had One Track Mind, Two of the Usual, Ti Something better Comes Along, Hello Mary Lou, Each and Every Part of Me, Simple days and Simple Ways, What a Difference a Day made. Here With You, Its So Nice to be With You, I See Love and For Your Love. Lewis was prolific, having 9 top 100 hits and 39 Top 100 Country Hits.

The Prez also stated his intention of going to war over alternative energy. Now, let's see, the middle class avergae salary is declining at a rapid rate mainly because manufacturing CEO's moved there facilities went to the lower production cost regions of the world. Now, energy has always been a  big cost factor in Manufacturing, and alternative energy us way more expensive than traditional sources. So, this again is the description of a man more interested in the emotions of a small minority in a country rather than  what is good for the people of the country,

It's hard to maintain a comfortable mindless environment, when Politicians continue to talk. 

I think it is amazing how camels over the years morphed into what they became to survive in their environment. Could it be that humans in the future will grow cupholders on their midriff?