Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Don't read the news; Just look at the people.

Today's Tids Issue 2,811
Opening Stuff:

In the search of heroes in this society of lowering standards, I submit Central Falls RI High School's Chess team. CFHS is in a town of mostly Hispanics that is one of the poorest in the state. In fact it was put into  receivership less than a year ago. But the plight of the citizens did not deter some bright and determined kids in High School, and a resolutre teacher. They put their innate energy into a school chess team. They just returned from a national HS competition involving over 5,000 kids, where they placed in the top 10! these kids didn't look around at their meager surroundings and say we're doomed, there is no hope. They went out, and did something great. They used what they had and made the most of it.

In the, "Why accomplishment in Africa is difficult," Department, you only have to look at Timbuktu Mali. In appreciation for the efforts of the French in the recent wars there, the people of the nation gave President Hollende a nice camel. The camel was left in Mali with a foster family while vaccination papers were documented. Unfortunately, that family became hungry, slaughtered the camel and put it in a stew. The problems that arise in fixing the world come in many unexpected packages. I doubt if they teach the "Care and feeding of Camels" at Tuft's Fletcher School of International Affairs.

Quote from Bill Clinton: "You mean there is acatually a school for International affairs?"

A woman told me that she and her usband were divorced over religious differences. "He thought he was God and I didn't."

The Question:
What are considered the Top Ten Undergraduate Universities for International Relations and Policy?

The Headlines:
--North K Delivers More War Rhetoric; US, SK Put On High Alert.
--Major Storms Wrack Midwest.
--News Of Lower PC Shipments Has WS Analysts Downgrading Microsoft And H-P; Global Shipments Down 14%; Dell Valuation thins.
--Conn Gun-maker PTR Moving Out Of State After Passage Of New Anti-Gun Laws; More Companies Expected To Follow.
--Obama's Pastor Wright's Daughter Charged With Fraud In not For Profit Organization Scam.
--Post Office Union backs Down Management On Elimination of Saturday Mail.
--Note Dame's Prized QB Recruit Leaves School For More Playing Time.

On the "Street" today, it will be the PC Blues versus the better unemployment news. Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets.

So part of President Obama's budget is cutting back on SS costs by reducing cost of living increases. How brave is this guy -- there hasn't been an increase of note in three years. Yup, cutting back on nothing will surely reduce the debt.

"Adults are always asking kids
what they want to be when they grow up, because they are looking for ideas. -- Poundstone.

A Tampa area reader sends
in this idea for the first Bumper sticker of the 2016 campaign:
Elect Hillary & Ben Gazie.

So, did you hear what one deer said to another? "The only sure things in life are death and taxidermy".

The biggest problem facng the US Post Office is that you can't move activities off-shore.

Austerity fatigue department:
Just in case you are wondering why the global opportunities for US businesses are a bit daunting, check out GDP growth predictioins for the EuroZone. Leaders France and Germany have reduced frocast drastically to .01% and .17% respectively. And those are the healthy economies.

The Answer:
#1 is Harvard. The rest are Princeton, Stanford, Columbia, Yale and Chicago (Tie), UCal-San Diego, Cal Berkley, Michigan and MIT.

A Big American Idol Finish:
I noticed as I listened to the recap of th esingers last night that all of the women sounded exactly the same...and Lazaro sounded out of tune, and then proceded to make excuses as usual. The judges looked exasperated, fed up with his whimpering. They sang Bacharach/David last night, and women did it again, but unfortunately the kid who should never have been selected for the top Ten will probably beat out Angie and Janelle in the bottom three. Candice hit it a country mile. Randy said, "The best in-the show's history!"

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