Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Too many people with too little to do.

Tpday's Tids Issue 2,819
Opening Stuff:
Washington State is a pretty spectacular place...for vistas. But, not so much for rational thinking. Their legislature has just voted for gender neutral words where Fisherman will now be a "Fisher", Penmanship will now be "Handwriting" and Freshman will now be "First Year Student". How incredibly insane is that? Will there be Language cops giving out tickets. They say that they have yet to come up with a suitable replacement for Manhole Cover. How about street hole cover? How hard was that? Of course they think that replacing "Journeymen" with Journey-Level" is suitable. Ststrangely, this all happened right after the enactment of liberal Marijuana laws. Is there a connection here? Well I was laughing along my morning about the loons in the Northwest corner when I read farther to see, "Washington joins other states like...Rhode Island". Hey, wait a minute, RI's Chafee-Lite just signed more liberal marijuana laws.

There's a story out that the Boston Bombers probably had no Foreign help. But, the reporter on the story is ABC's Brian Ross who more often than not gets it wrong. So, I'll wait for the facts.

The Question:
Double "Q" Tuesday: 1. What are the five top causes of accidental death in the US? 2. Which five countries eat the most bread per capita?

The Headlines:
--Wall Street Up Stone Early After Europe Posts Positive Gains For Three days; Wall Street Holding Breath Over Apple Post Closing Announcements.
--European Stock Gains Should Power US Today.
--Two Canadian Men Arrested After Muslim Community Exposes Plan To Bomb Passenger Train; Men Supported By al-Qaida in Iran; First al-Qaida Act In Canada.
--Israel Says There Is Evidence Of Chemical Usage In Syria.
--Car Bombs Rattle Capitals Of Iraq, Lybia; French Embassy In Lybia Struck; 23 Dead In Iraq As Incidents Rage On.

In RI, there are only about three and a half degrees of separation. I know a guy who's sister is the best friend of Boston Bomber's wife. And, I knew when I called him last night that he would tell me something like that.

Do you ever realize how meaningful to others a casual conversation opener like "Howya doin' " might be?

The world is such a disbelieving place anymore. In a news item, Israel says The (Syria) regime "probably used nerve gas on its people. Now the Israeli's know that Chemical is Obama's so-called hot button, the red line that would cause him to act. So I'm immediately thinking is this an Israel ruse to draw the US into the Syria mess? "Probably" is not a conclusive word. 

Growing career opportunity Education: Drone Piloting School.

There is no doubt in my mind that Fiat/Chrysler is sissyfying the Jeep.

I have always wondered why when say, Police departments do what they are supposed to do, people laud it as unique. Now, I'm not demeaning bravery and danger on the job, but police and/or firemen (Oops, sorry Washington state. or the Coast Guard enter into dangerous situations because that is their job description. Or, how about how the cost of police protection at a big event is isolated to be "X" Million, when the police are doing whet they are already being paid to do. Like when the cost of the Secret Service, which is paid to protect the President at all times, is considered as "Extra when the Pres takes a trip. So people go to work and do their job and sometimes they are just being paid for what they do and other times when doing exactly the same thing they are an expense. Must have something to do with politics.

Speaking of dangerous jobs, how about accountants who have to find truth in audits? Let's hear it for accountants, our last paragons of truth.

What would the people in Washington State's Government be doing for the last six years if they weren't scouring state regulations, administrations and legislation to eliminate the words "man" or "men" from all written state documents? Why did taxpayers have to pay for people sitting around in dull grey rooms with metal furniture, amidst paper cups half full of coffee and donut crumbs, making up replacement names for traditional and well accepted descriptions of occupations and inanimate objects. Sounds a little like communist Russia to me.

1984 was just a little too early.

If you can get past the blood oozing's, "The Following" is one of the best, most tense thrillers on TV in years. Every time you think they must have finally run out of new ideas, they sneak one by you and you are completely surprised.

The Conscience: Chapter 19 continues:
   Mrs. Biglietto was a dark haired, very attractive woman, about my age, Though not as worn down by a constant alcohol transfusion. Her English seemed more natural than Papa. Some day I will surely introduce him as Mr. Papa. Sanna and Ernesto, took their seats on the couch as I turned my chair towards them. Angelica sat in the soft leather chair that matched the couch. This was obviously the small talk session before they beat me up at lunch.
   "That was a terrible thing at Mr. Stevenson's boat yard yesterday. Have you talked to him. Has he said anything?" Papa nodded along with his wife's words as if he was saying them in unison. His eyes looked soft, non-threatening. Sanna's eyes were more alert, like her daughter. I quickly told her what I knew. She paid strict attention, making notes in her mind I would suspect. Half way through my little talk she crossed her legs, skirt riding up up bit. I thought I noticed her eyes flicking down, asking mine to follow. Which they did. Two things drinking causes -- over eating and declining resistance to woman's advances. Now this wasn't an advance, Well I'm thinking it probably wasn't, but I seemed to be breaking down fairly rapidly. I glanced over at Angelica and felt guilty.
   I was surprised to have my wandering imagination interrupted by Ernesto, who up til now I thought was basically staging for his wife., "Mr. Morgan,"
   "You can call me Jeff," I interrupted.
   "No, I will call you Mr. Morgan Until I trust you." My stomach tightened. I glanced quickly at Sanna's knee. Ooops, Already I'm breaking his trust. Then I eyed the bar by the window. "I don't know why you are here. We had a business deal moving to completion, but my wife," He looked at Sanna. "She had a call from one of her contacts saying that Mr. Stevenson was sending a lawyer to mess things up. And now we have an explosion. So, you are bad portafortuna." God, Italian again. But understand the word "bad".
    "But," now he smiled, my daughter says you are a nice man, and could be trusted. So we can proceed, but you will see me watching you." He stood. "Enough with the friendly part of this morning. Lets go to lunch and talk, what do you Americans say, "Turkey"? I have never said Talk Turkey in my life. But I nodded anyway.
    I stood and looked over at Angelica and mouthed, "Thank you". She smiled a little and walked over to her parents. Ah, three against one.

The Answer:
1. I don't think you would be surprised to learn that Auto Crashes is #1 (43,200). The next five  are Falls (14,900), Solids, Liquids Poisoning (8,600), Drowning (4,000) Fires and Burning (3,700) and #6 is Suffocating (3,500). Rounding out the top 10 are Firearms (1,500), Gas Poisoning (00), Medical, Surgical Misadventures, Complications (500) and Machinery (300). 2. The Country that runs away witht eh bread eating title is Ireland followed by UK, New Zealand, USA, Australia, France, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Ukraine and Canada/Mexico. I wonder if anybody ever suffocated to death by bread?

I just have to figure that there are many in Government who's job it is to create programs solely designed to create new hiring opportunities. 

Before a mother knows the sex of her baby, it's a hidden agender.

Have fun today. Wait a minute, that might not be appropriate for everybody. Oh well, screw it, have fun anyhow.

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