Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

See the dawn and shout hallelujah.

Today's Tids Issue 2,829
Opening Stuff:
I heard a great little tune by a couple of good Blue Grass, folk singers Robin and Linda Williams, "My Lucky Day". I was going to play it here as a good sign for everybody wakening from a weekend slumber. But, then I figured that everybody who reads this Tids thing is mart and resolute enough to make their own luck each day of their lives.

I always thought old people were old until I got there, and found out I was still me.

With the TV season finales winding down, I can only hope for a prolonged, surprise a minute Congressional investigation of Benghazi.

The Question:
Name the anchors for the ABC, CBS, NBC Nightly News Since 1950.

The Headlines:
--Stocks Taking Breather At Opening.
--News In US Limited To Several P/R Releases; Ongoing Boston Investigation; Various Vehicle Accidents Including Sad Bridal Party Limo Fire In SF.
--Israel Awaits Retaliation After Striking Inside Syria.
--More Bombs Kill More Middle Easterners.
--Arabia Enters New Century Permitting For The First Time Sports For Girls.

Rats, I missed Cinque de Mayo.

Often in this morning mess you have seen pointed out the influence of Public relations on cultural, medical or business achievements, and even so-called pure news. Or making it appear that politicians are doing something. One of the bigger surprises of late was the selection of Gwyneth Paltrow as most Beautiful In The World. Now we learn that the Studio producing the Iron Man III in which she is a principle player bought the cover of People mag for her. And even more disturbing, these journalists accepted the payment. So the question now unresolved is: Is "GP" the most beautiful in the world or the best promoted. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, not in the pen of the publicist.

If you ever see me wearing a flat brimmed, Nike golf hat, shoot me. That is, if the second amendment still exists.

Why do so many of the liberal media elite push for Americans to accept Muslim ways so they will all like us better? Oh, I know --- because they're liberal media elite. And, they have no pride.

The Voice is getting down to the final decisive battles. Now, I still don't like those big red chairs, but I have managed to get through that superficiality to find that the singers here are of enormous talent, better than American Idol. The judges are also more likable and less intrusive. I don't care much about the team concept, but only who may be the best talent. Frankly, I think some good people have been booted because of the team gimmick, like Warren Stone. Judy Hill is one of the more entertaining singers I have seen anywhee in a long time. But I don't want to get ahead of myself, so I'll be waiting til after tonight for a complee look at the live battles to come. The Voice in the beginning probably thought they needed gimmicks like the red chairs, boxing ring et all because of the over whelming power of AI. That has all changed with great talent.

I see where the average Midwesterner pays about $780 for a Prom night, while the average Northeasterner pays about $1,515. Are Northeast teens having twice as much fun, or twice a stupid.

There's a cultural change going on in Rhode Island. Historically the majority of the citizens clustered around the Bay and Ocean. Now they cluster near the Massachusetts border, near where prices are cheaper. And...easier to get to more jobs.

In case you missed it
, the Pitt-Joli combo was paid $11 Million for pics of their twins. Does that bother you...or is it just me?

The Answer:
1950 to now is 63 years. That's a pretty long time, but there have been a relative handful of anchors. Continuity with a person ha always been an element of trust, but, with social media, who knows. ABC was the laggard in the 5o's with CBS the historic giant. The network tried many gimmicks to unseat the leaders which included a rapid succession fo anchors NBC;'s ex John Cameron Swayze, Bill Shadle, Edward P. Morgan, Bill Lawrence and Howard Smith. John Daly wss the first big anchor. After that there was a young Peter jennings, Frank Reynolds, H Smith again, Harry Reasoner and Barbara walters, Reynolds, Jennings and finally once and for all Peter Juennings form 83-2005. He was followed by Elizabeth Vargus, Bob Woodruff, Charles Gibson and now Diane Sawyer. NBC and CBS are much Simpler. CBS: Douglas Edwards, Walter Cronkite Dan rather (With Chung at end), Bob Schieffer, Katie Couric and Scott Peley. At NBC it was John Cameron Swayze, Chet Huntley and David Brinkley, David Brinkley, John Chancellor, Tom Brokaw and Brian Williams. For me, David Brinkley is the one I look back on as being my favorite.

I see where CBS was very excited to have broken new ground on the Benghazi story. In fact Sunday morning's Schieffer used the word "Coverup" several times. The Repub chief accusser was anxious to reply, "yeah, yeah, yeah....coverup," But he is trying to play it non-politically. He must have some good info which he wants to let stand and grow organically. Persoanlly, Hilary is looking more and more like the culprit here. "I lost my law records."

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