Today's Tids Issue 2.961
Opening Stuff:
The new thought emerging in the political alleyways of DC is that the Libs may have severely overreached when they went for an all or nothing healthcare takeover. They may just have demonstrated eactly how dangerous to the very good American way of life, pervasive government intrusion can be. The passage of this infernal package in a highly partisan manner, may finally unite the population against unfettered government growth. Americans get really, really mad when you take away there ability to choose.

Thanksgiving Puns, Department: "If Mr. P got a degree in matmatics it would be fair to say, P can Pi." You could say the boy who wasn't happy skinning potatoes would peel-grim." "Why couldn't the zuchinni marry the butternut squash? you can't pump-kin." "The guy who mimicked the horn of plenty was a cornacopier." Shoot me.

AG Holder continues to take his personal view, or perhaps representing The Admid's view, of what he wants the US to become a little too far.  In Bond vs. the United States, the justice department argues that international treaties/law can trump our Constitution. While not a hot cultural topic like others on abortion, guns, this case maybe the most important of the current session. The fact that Sandra Day O'Conner and more scholers than usual showed up is significant. If this case goes in favor of the US, it would become significantly more difficult to maintain limits on Government power. Bacially, Carol Ann Bond, who is accused of poisoning her husband's mistress, is being prosecuted under the law implementing the chemical weapons treaty! You're thinking, "say what?" This is a simple domestic crime prosecution that not only by-passes the states but the constitution also. It is a power grab by the Justice department that would in effect bypass the checks and balances of Congress. Even more amazing is that 3 justices, Sotomayor, Kagan and Ginsburg, agree. Judge Alito suggests that the treaty language is so broad that it could be used to ban Halloween handouts of chocolate which is toxic to dogs!

Close the borders. Stop foreign aid. Manufacturer all of our own products. Go retro!

The Question:
What five college majors are most regretted by graduates after they get a taste of real life? The prime measure of desirability is mainly lower early starting salaries and slow advancement. Bonus: What company makes Chester's Cheese Puffs?

The Headlines:
--Janet Yellen Says She Will Stand By Fed's Interest Policies; Economy Better, But Unemployment Still Serious.
--New Report Says Businesses Are Cutting Employees Or Changing Full Time To Part Time To Meet OC Mandate, And Control Health Care Expenses; Some Firms have Or Will Drop Health Care Altogether.
--Obama Scrambling To Patch Helath Care Flaws; Says Now That Insurance Companies Can Renew Old Policies For One Year.
--Egypt says They Don't Need The USA; They have Russia As An Ally
--Putin Calls Assad To Praise Him For Destroying Chemical Weapons.
--China Joins In With World Powers Boosting Aid To Philippines.
--Record Number Of US Citizens Are Renouncing Their Citizenship; 2013 One Third Higher Than Previous High.

The picks get harder and harder. This week again, almost every game looks like a toss-up except perhaps Seattle-Minn and maybe SD-Miami or Ariz-Jax (Coming off a win). Maybe it's because there have been so many upsets, that the new inevitability of something not going to form clouds the mind. For above three I'm going Seattle, SD and Arizona. I've gone for Tenn but they've let me down, but, I'm a masochist - Tenn again over Indy. Chi will bounce back against a mystery Ravens team. Houston is in shambles and Oakland is, is...what? Houston at home. I keep picking Buff and losing, so I'm going Jets. TB to make it 2 in a row over a disappointing Atlanta. Det should beat Pitt. I like the way Philly is going now and who knows which Skins team will show up. I'm picking Cinn over Cleve, and the Giants over GB. Now for the "Show" games. New  Orleans is at home and SF is showing cracks -- The Saints. Peyton will find a way in the game of the week and stop KC for their first loss. The second game of the week is a surprise, with Carolina going up and the Pats being another mystery team. The Panthers swill stifle my beloveds. Another mediocre slate last week brings the year to 93-53 dropping the percentage to 63.6%.

How about those new ObamaCare ads aimed at Colorado 20 somethings, pushing casual sex as the main reason to hop aboard the train wreck. Selling lines like "Let's hope he's as easy to get as my ObamaCare birth control pills", or "My insurance covers the pill, so all I have to worry about is getting him under the covers". Am I still on the same planet?

You'll never feel better than after playing golf in forty degree weather, with the sun high ab=nd bright in a glistening blue sky, and a soft wind off the deep foaming ocean nipping at your finger tips and nose.

I have made a big decision to change my life for the better. I'm gong from crunchy to puffy Cheeto's and facsimiles.

Hamburgers have become too complex.

The Answer:
If you kid or grandchild says he or she is going to major in Anthropology, History, Visual Communications, Social Sciences or Journalism, give them a little bit of your advice from experience. Of course I would easily have enjoyed majoring in all of the above except Social Sciences. Bonus: Chester's seems like a folksy local brand of cheese puffs, but in fact they are from the giant Frito-Lay, the maker of Cheeto's.

It is becoming more and more apparent that giving a inch is about the worst thing a society, any society can do. Most of the people who ask for an inch, developers, politicans, activists, could care less about the public at large, only their own pocketbooks and ideologies.. What they know about an inch her and an inch there is that it is the best way to break down laws designed to prohibit them from doing what they do best -- encroach on lives and communities.