Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, November 25, 2013

Publicists are the new God.

Today's Tids Issue 2,970
Opening Stuff:

You might be able explain why our culture and society is becoming what it is when you consider that NYC appears to have just launched a massive publicity campaign with its objective being to convince people paying enormous sums for a Superbowl seat, that it will be fun to watch a football game in the snow in 25 degree weather. It isn't hard to believe that people will buy it, when you consider the people they elect to office or the types of pop culture icons they put on pedestals.

The out of control horse never left the barn because he was unstable.

On Saturday, the odds-makers made Florida State a 57 point favorite to beat Idaho! Why do they even schedule a game like that, especially now when you look for more of the games as meaning something. FS won 80-14 as did Clemson over Citadel 52-6, South Carolina over Carolina Coastal 70-10, Alabama over Chattanooga 49-0 and, among others, Stanford over Cal 63 -13. Does everything have to be about money?

Newport RI was just named by the League of American Bicyclists a "Bike Friendly City". Now we just have to find some friendly bicycle riders, who actually have some concern for people and drivers on the streets other than themselves. "BFC" -- Big Fat Crock.

In the history of NFL football, only 5 of 492 teams behind 24-0 after the first half have won. Last night The Pats made it six, in one of the best games of the decade. I stayed up way too late listening to the Belichick press conference (He was close to giddy, for him) and assorted post game analytics and revelries. The best part of a win is what you talk about after it.

The Question:
Double "Q: Day. 1. Over the years sportswriters have elevated five NFL rivalries to God in Heaven status. 2. name Five athletes alleged to have murdered/Killed somebody? And a Bonus Too: GQ has just named it's Least Influential Americans. Who are the top 3? Bonus 2: What do Jennifer Beals, Soledad O'Brien and Carol Channing have in common?

The Headlines:
--Chuck Schumer Not Happy With Iran Deal; Says Dems Will Join Repubs To Bring Back Stronger Sanctions; Netty Calls Deal One Sided In favor Of Iran; Puppet RI Delegation Robotically Support Questionable Deal.
--Below Freezing East Looking For Arrival Of massive Storm From West; Storm Expected On Big Thanksgiving Travel Day.
--Nasdaq Looking To Go Over 4,000.
--Companies Expecting Higher Health Costs After ObamaCare Will Shift More Of The Costs To Employees.
--Pentagon Can't Account For $8.5 Trillion; Finding It Could End Debt Problem.
--Afghan's Karsai Asked To Stop Movement To Bring Back Stoning For Adulterers.
--Amtrak Crescent Passenger Train Derails In South Carolina; 218 Aboard; Injuries Miner..
--Dominicans Expel 244 Haitians After Boarder Killings.
--US Influence Fades As Islamist rebels Unite In Syria.

Remember when aghans were something to keep you warm, made with love by Grandma?

There are many societal slugs who's "community service" should be, to get out of town.

My Yahoo! email service seems to have sneaked up on me and installed a new format, which quite frankly has me confused, and regularly misplaces stuff I have written. The good news, Spell Check seems smarter, more aware. Whats a little disconcerting, a little sickening actually, is the cheerleading slogans after I perform a routine mundane actions, like cleaning out Spam -- "You are my spam hero". Or, when sending the last message from my drafts folder -- "You are a good person who likes to finish a job." Somebody out there has too much time on their hands.

The "Arab Spring" is looking like--- every Dictator removed is an opening for Islamic takeover.

On of the most disheartening things is watching your favorite team win while you are away in a foreign land or state, and looking around to share the elation, find nobody who cares.

I just have to imagine that some day a liberal who professes love in his or her heart and walks upon the tides of human goodness will wake up one morning and think, "How wrong could I have been -- abortion is murder."

I think I'll trade in my Susan B. Anthony silver dollar collection for Bitcoins. I am a financial wizard.

As you look closer and closer at ObamaCare it becomes apparent that the main purpose is systematic wealth redistribution. It certainly wasn't to improve medical care, because we already were the envy of the world in that.

The Dems basic premise seems to be that if they do it, it's good, but if the Repubs do it it's bad. The Nuke option, happily trumpeted by our King  (Who formerly denounced it as bad for America) in the White House gives him the unrestricted ability to name people to anything in the executive branch without a stricter Congressional oversight. The aims of progressives has always been dilute the power of checks and balances and give more and more power to the executive branch. They just gained another inch, and set a precedent for many more inches to come. You gotta watch the God damned inches.

All I seem to see in the papers these days are stories about "Black Friday", that November 22 when Kennedy died. We have to put our Black Friday's in perspective. Last Friday was a tragedy. Next Friday is a travesty.

One of the more effective Public Relations strategies during the Obama reign is to throw out slogans and have everybody from the Admiin repeat them over and over again, almost always with complete disdain for logical discussion, until the public begins nodding in unison, in agreement. Actually this didn't work so well with the Benghazi myth about a video. The newest fabrication is that the health care mess leading to higher costs, people being thrown off plans is entirely the fault of the big bad insurance companies. That's like saying that the thousands fleeing RI looking for jobs is because of mean employers as opposed to the truth, onerous regulations of the State Government. The people in the  White House forget that their partners in Heath Care are a business, and in their zeal to get wealthier people to pay for those formerly without HC, they impose costly upgrades which Insurance companies are forced to to accommodate. Actually. last night I saw one of those Admin robotrons who in the face of overwhelming logic and evidence against her assertion, refused to waver from the accusation of the Insurance she might be a candidate for Jonestown.

I think one of the little pieces of dishonesty creeping in as one of the new norms for our society are people using small retailers to determine what they want to order on the Internet. "Everybody does it" -- the most destructive phrase in the history of mankind.

BTW, you may have missed it out there across America, but RI has just moved up to 9.3% employment and #2 in the nation. Also, the combined working and unemployed workforce in the state has shrunk. Talented, creative labor in RI used to be one of its great assets. RI is like a big pond with too much algae up in the state legislature sucking the oxygen out of the business community. RI is the progressive, union dominated model that President Obama seems to be using to sculpt a new America.

Actually, wasn't it Bill Clinton who first employed the repeat untruths policy, "Deny, deny, deny, deny, deny...and eventually people will believe it."

Health food nuts around here have to be in a quandary. They love paying high prices at Farmers Markets for fresh produce, but now must justify in their hearts new FDA regulations for safety that may curtail many farmers who can't afford to farm under the new admin requirements. The farmers can join doctors on the beach. Mediation anybody?

The Answer:
1. The five big historic rivalries that are considered to twang the heartstrings of sports wags, grew out of a past that doesn't really exist today. # 5 is Indy-New England, but Peyton is gone. Then we have neighboring Steel cities Pittsburgh-Cleveland, KC-Oakland from the early AFL; Chicago-Green Bay from 1921 and Washington-Dallas from who knows where or why. I would throw NE-Denver in there, first with John Elway and now with Peyton. Today we new have rivalries like the Jets-Pats, Cowboys-Giants, Steelers-Ravens, Seahawks-Niners, Colts-Broncs, Vikings-Packers and Falcons-Saints. 2. Aaron Hernandez, Oscar Pistorious, Runin Hurricane Carter, Wrestler Chris Benoit, Hockey Player Mike Danton, OJ...of course, Ray Lewis, Ray Carruth, Jason Williams and Javaris Crittenton. I've aways felt a little sorry for Jason Williams, a good man at heart. Bonus, Too: Dennis Rodman, NK Prez Pal, was number one upon the List of infamy. Number Two was Paula Dean and three was revealed as Anthony Weiner. Miley Cyrus slinked in as number 6 and  was nowhere at 17. Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga also made the list of the useless. Bonus 2: They each have one Black Parent!

You know it's cold when things start to groan.

One thing developers have always done very well is break down zoning laws that once protected beautiful historic neighborhoods and byways, and replace it with a hodgepodge of crap. It's a lot like this Health Care mess.

A Will-To-Win is an attribute every human should have securely stowed away in their hearts.

One of my old reliables is the 4th Piano Concerto by Beethoven. Here's the 3rd movement to emote you into a new week of triumph! (Preview)

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