Todays Tids Issue 2,956
Opening Stuff:

Fall. The colors, magnified this morning by crisp freezing temperatures. The beautiful signs of a dying summer, when trees are progressing from rich greens, yellows, oranges and reds to bare. The mighty evergreens emerging, as maples, elms, oaks and chestnuts fade into the annual nap. Yet as colors fade from the land, seas and lakes, rivers and streams continue on, blue or green, rich and deep. The cooling season freshens the mighty waters. The sun seems to sparkle more on rolling seas blown by winds. There is a constant in a changing world, the quiet, mysterious depth of the inspiring oceans and the waters that nourish them. I see comfort in the waters neath endless blue skies.

When Nancy Pelosi said of the pending Affordable Care Act, "We have to pass it to find out what's in it"... a physician called a radio talk show and said: "That's the definition of a stool sample." Thanks to an alert, knowledgeable, exasperated reader.

Competition for Free Money, Department:
For decades now the US has been pouring billions and billions of aid down various rat holes around the world. Dictators and third world government goons from many countries have become so used to it that now hey are demanding it. But, frankly we get less and less in return, and most wonder if we get any return at all. But now it seems that China and Russia want to get into the global welfare act, which means the do-nothing countries will have both hands out trying to extort these countries, playing one off of another. This is the new global war, and it will determine massive alliances.

Anybody who had bought health insurance early in their lives would never have to worry about pre-existing conditions.

The Question:
Bonus day -- 1. 4% of Government workers report an absence in a typical week (Vacations, Sickness, Weather related absence not included). The average for the Private sector is 2.9%. What 2 private sector jobs do you think are higher than the Public employees. What are the best Private sector absent rate jobs? Bonus: In which country did Christians just erect a 40 foot high bronze statue of Jesus? Bonus 2: Twitter is the exciting new IPO on the horizon. A new AP/CNBC Poll provides potential investor opinions of the stock offering. What do you think they said?

The Headlines:
--Stocks Up Early; Blackberry Bombs; All Eyes Are On twitter IPO For Thursday.
--US Military Being Purged Of Quality Officers Who Disagree With Obama And Admin; No Prior President Have Rid The Military Of Independent Thinker's More Than "O"; Observers Say It hurts US Security.
--Thousands Of Supporters Of Opponents Of President Rouhani's Overture To The USA Rally At US Embassy In Tehran.
--In Court, Morsi Says He Is Still Egypt's President.
--Asian Naval Ops Supplier, Fat Leonard, Sells Out US Naval Secrets For Lady Gaga Tickets And Hookers.
--RI's Congressman David Ciciline In Libya Analyzing Rebuilding; RI Votes To Let Him Stay.

Wouldn't it be nice if those conditioners in the showers could help you stop jogging and going to gyms? Stupid.

as we see more and more of the anointed one, that Hillary, "2014 President Elect" if you're reading newspapers, was the first person put in charge of bringing nationalized medicine to the US. Now that "O" has nationalized her pet segment of the economy, what will she bring under total government control, Legal Care? Everybody should have access to a lawyer. Right? Especially all of the so-called poor, some who have a real career of arranging fake accidents in department stores knowing that the big corporations will settle to rid themselves of nuisances. Being a lawyer, Hillary knows that this is one way to rid the country of welfare -- scam fat cats.

The next RI governor's match-up is already proving  excitng and we have just about a t=yeaar to go. Surpirsingly, the repubs are rich in good candicdates. Ken Block, the former funder of the Moderate Party, is very smart and puts his finger intelligently on all of the states ills, and is probably exactly what the Ocean Sate needs. But thta's his big problem -- the state never electsz exactly what it needs. I love Alan Fung and he has already done as Mayor what the state level government needs -- worked with unions to reduce casts and reduce spending. He also has a great immigant family story...he came to America in his mother's stomach, and was born here into a family that never accepted a handout from any governemnt, worked hard to provide for themselves. The Dems are eqaully loaded with the 600 pound gorilla being the nationally known public employee cost adjuster, Gina Raimondo,  who has a loaded campaign chest and the hatred of union Leadership. The mayor of Providence, Angel Travaris, is a close personal friend of Fung, and is good thinker with respect in the growing Hispanic community. he rebuilt te City after the disastrous reign of the criminal, now Congressman Ciciline. The potential upset artist in this mix is the grandson of the revered RI senator Claiborn Pell, Clay Pell  -- married to Olympic skating star Michelle Kwan.!

The greatest gift a person can have is the trust of those who love them.

Duck and Cover, Department:
China has flexed its muscles, showing how easy it wouyld be for them to destroy US cities on the West Coast or East Coast cities by coming over the Pole. Yikes.

The only thing I don't like about Free Cell is that after I Win, it always asks, "New Deal?" I always answer, "No way." And, nothing happens.

Christie will romp in the NJ Governor race next Tuesday. Repubs should look carefully at that big Democrat stronghold where they will see that the key to winning is taking care of all of the people for whom you are responsible. "Not being Conservative enough (Or liberal enough)" is good for the heart, but not the ballots.

We have become a "1" Majority country where the courts regularly reward the resentful and selfish against the wishes of the vast numerical majority.

Guiseppe Six Pack, Department:
Americans love sipping wine in Italy. It's a good thing because fewer and fewer Italians are nipping the nectar of the grape. Wine consumption in Italy today is 1/3 that of 1970. And beer is one of the reasons, as that brew's consumption has doubled since then '70. Italian vineyards are scrambling to sell more abroad, but may be running into new porblems in the USA, which is literally going to pot, as state after state legalizes recreational marijuana. Will billionaires of the future have weed cellars?

If I were to buy a new tablet tomorrow, it would be the Microsoft Surface. I think it is more flexible than the current popular favorites. They just have to overcome the 'Microsoft ain't cool" delemma. The early tablets have been great toys, but now we need some that can do the work. I think MSFT is the place,  if we can get past the idea that new colors are innovations.

You have to love the Yahoo Finance headline, "Healthcare shoppers aren't as dumb as Obama thinks." The story is about that 5% of Americans who were responsible enough to buy health insurance on their own, and bought a policy that fit their economic capabilities and healthcare needs at the time. Of course the new Obama talkng point is "Junk Insurance", which to the millions who relied on it, was exactly what they needed, and... they didn't have their hands in the taxpayer's pockets. Isn't it sad how regularly the President demeans good honest Americans?

It's becoming fairly obvious that the gimmie crowd is moving rapidly into once rock-ribbed Republican Virginia as the significantly arrogant "me" candidate McAuliffe is zooming up in polls. In addition Northern Va is loaded with Public employees and major business/industrial government benefactors and their lobbyists who have no desire to see a smaller suffocating Government. Virginia may be the new national symbol for what the USA is destined to become -- A "Freebee" society.

The Answer:
1. Healthcare Support at 4.8% and Community and Social Services (4%) occupations were the only two private sector groups higher or at the the Public employee level. The lowest private employee occupations were "Mining, Quarrying, Oil and Gas extraction" and Wholesale Trades. Bonus: Syrian Christians, right in the midst of the al-Gaida battle grounds, erected a 40 foot high, magnificent bronze statue of Jesus, which, including the base, will tower 105 feet over the fighting fields near Sydnaya Syria. Hey, al-Gaida already hates us, so lets put our love of Jesus in their face. Bonus 2:  The people with the money are luke warm compared to the enthusiasm of the promoters. "Do you have a favorable opinion of Twitter?" Yes - 19%; No - 27%; Neither 26%. "Would Twitter shares be a good investment?" Yes - 36%; No - 47%. "Is twitter likely to be successful in 5 years?" Very - 35%; No - 17%; Somewhat - 30%. One of the problems with companies like Twitter, is that there is a good chance that success will be but short term as technology typically changes exponentially -- i.e. "Here today, gone tomorrow". But then, we live in a short term world.

I wish this was funnier.

Enjoy a new week.