Today's Tids Issue 3,010
Opening Stuff:

It's tough to celebrate a Dream today after yesterday's crushing of a Superbowl fantasy. Of course a sports loss fast becomes yesterday's news, the great words of MLK will go on forever and continue to inspire -- "Let us not wallow in the valley of despair...I still have a dream...rooted in the American dream...I have a dream that some day tis nation will rise up...We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal..." I wish my fingers could emulate the passion of that voice.

Happy Deflated Monday Everybody...well Pats fans anyhow...and Niner fans too. It was Saturday morn when I finally said to myself enough talk, enough stories, enough opinions, lets' play the game. Now I'd like another week. Notes: --Talk about a feeling of hopelessness as Peyton zeroed in and hit hands with passes right where the passes should be hitting hands, Reciever after reciever, pass after pass. --I think ex-Pat Welker won it for the Broncs after he knocked Talib out of the game. Up til then Manning did show indications of indecision as the Pat Corner took away half the field of options. When thre whole field opened, so did PM's eyes. --I like Pete Carroll and am happy for him. I will have trouble though rooting for  Seattle team with wild mouth Richard Sherman on it. --On to cold Northern New Jersey.

Trust in this country, in society in general it seems, erodes continually. And, it's not just because politicians talk out of both sides of their mouth. You only have to look at Americans taking a step backward at the rise of continuous scams on the Internet. It was quite noticeable last week when 70 Million targeted Target customers received, and many rejected out of pure fear, an offer to help secure their accounts. Most, just saw it as a new scam, the result of the hacking into the Target computers, even though it was a sincere (Or at least lawsuit motivated) attempt by the giant company to help out. Then you have sweet talking pieces of garbage like Jordan Belfort who stole the savings of the innocent and gullible. It's getting to a point, where the only course of action is to initiate everything yourself, and reject out of hand anything that is incoming, no matter how gaudy the promise.

In response to The President's opened ended, hedging speech on NSA, Rand Paul said, "What I think I heard is that if you like your privacy, you can keep it."

The Question:
Double "Q" Day: 1. Who do you think will be the guests on Jay Leno's last week of shows? 2. Bobby Goldsboro made millions of Americans weep. Why?

The Headlines:

--American's Celebrate MLK Day.
--China Economy Grows 7.7% in 2013.
--New Englanders Weep; Bay Area Fans Hum; Superbowl Set: best Offense Against best defense.
--Syria Backing Out Of Peace Talks After UN Invites Iran To Join.
--Iran Officials Looking To Meet Nuke Dilution Requirements.
--Putin defends Russia Anti-Gay Policies While Welcoming With Open Arms Gays To Olympics.
--Militants Threaten Pottential Attendees To Olympics.
--Obama Urges Talks To Straighten Out Ukraine Mess.
--Gathering Groups Of Economists Rosier About US Growth Prospects.

Recipe, Department:
You probably thought that with the title of last Friday's Tids, you were going to get a Saltimbocca recipe. You are, now! I personally like smallish medallions of meat, thin sliced veal about 3 inches across, that can really soak up the other flavors. So, take your veal, and place on top thin prosciutto covering the Surface. Place plastic wrap over it and roll or pound to 1/4 inch. Remove plastic and lay sage leaves at center of cutlet and pin combo with toothpick. On a plate mix a cup or so of flour, salt and pepper. Dredge cutlets and shake off excess. Heat 2 tbs OO and 1 Tbs butter in skillet over medium heat. Place medallion prosciut down and cook for 3 mins; turn over, remove toothpicks place thin sliced Asiago on top to cover and cook for another 2 mins til golden. Remove to plate, and keep warm. Now in the same pan add 2 Tbs white wine, scraping up bottom while stirring. Let wine cook down for a minute ro burn off alcohol. Add 1/4 cup chicken broth and 1 Tbs Butter and swirl, watching it thicken a bit. Pour over veal combos. Yum.

I would also prepare chicken the same way, slicing breasts down to a little over a 1/4 of of an inch and pounding away. Too many restaurants serve one giant breast where the great flavors are only in the top or bottom of the chunk. Again, I would uses circa 3 inch pieces and about four or five to a serving. Small is better..

I remember as a kid that it was a special moment when somebody sang Panis Angelicus.

They are trying to tell us that in Egypt, a country entirely and often violently polarized, 98% voted for a new Constitution. Upon further review beyond the headline we see that only 38% of citizens voted in the election. While that's slightly more than the number of RI'er's who voted for Chafee-Lite, it's far from an mandate for the future. Like so many Middle East... (Excuse me, I had to pause for a particularly stirring moment of Pucini's "Tre sbirri, una Carrozza". But hell, when trying to unravel the Middle East it's always good to let your mind drift away into something pleasant. Now where was I?) Oh yeah, like so many Middle East situations, what's not being said is what is often most important. You just have to know that the Islamist faction, maybe the most organized group in the country, is just sitting back as they often do looking for new opportunities. As Hank Williams once sang, "I ain't got nothin' but time."

I don't think sharks are getting angrier, it's just that there are more people in the water to eat. Statistics are all about from which side you are looking.

A good reader suggests that Nathanial Philbrick's "Bunker Hill", about that great battle and the reasons behind the Revolutionary war, should be must reading for all school children. The reasons behind the Revolutionary War are why millions upon millions have left their homes across oceans to travel to our shores. At least, before the "Gimmie Era".

Conservative leaning elder citizen group AMAC has just received a gift-wrapped opportunity for advertising -- The new publicity photo of a smiling Michelle Obama holding proudly her AARP Card! Under that pic I see a headline: "Tired of a liberal senior organizations, Join AMAC!" BTW, how smart is the young at heart First Lady who would proudly wave a Senior discount card when only 50? I didn't admit to discounts til I was in my sixties. Aah, the irrationality of vanity.

Some US Auto Chieftons pick as the best new cars, 3 styles of Audi (S8, A6, AllRoad), 2 styles of Ford (Fusion and Fiesta ST - "Best Drive For the Money), Corvette, Jeep Cherokee, Toyota Corolla

During half time, there was a moment of silence for the deceased mime.

In the name of progress, chefs are continually trying to improve lovable old standards, but generally come up with something less. It's a little like what Liberals are trying to do with America.

I'm continually amazed at how much better I can see after each time I wash my glasses. Must be some kind of transparency thing.

Well known International Investor Jimmy Rogers had this to say a couple of days ago: "The global environment of ultra-loose economic policies, characterized by nations that run huge government debts while printing gobs of money, will lead eventually to a massive world hangover." Uh oh! He does say that the Japan stock market which is 70% off its all time high (US is at Peak) would be one of his favorite places to look to put his money. But, as usual, who knows?

On "Run and Chug" nights around here, the only time to eat at Lower Broadway restaurants is that precious hour between the time the runners congregate to warm themselves for the challenge, and when they return to the pubs to drink to their success.

The Conscience:
Chapter 33 continues.
      James finally let his breath go when they turned down the dirt road, speeding past wooden shacks through the clouds of dust to Leroy's home. He jumped out of the truck before it stopped, and walked several steps back to watch the older boys do their work. As they approached the back truck bed, they all heard a moan and stopped in their tracks. James stepped back further in to the shadow of Leroy's house, hoping that the ghost wouldn't see him there.
    Joey was the first to move towards the truck, which was one reason why he was the leader of the guys his age. The other reason was because he had ties to bringing dope to the city, and was pretty well known by black community and in some of the best social circles of Old South. He was also very smart, and had that quality of leadership which others tend to follow. So dead white girls don't mix well in his business or career objectives. Getting rid of the body was critical. Now though as he approached the truck he was trying to figure out what to do with a live white girl who would see his face. Who would have seen his little brother's face. He walked over somewhat gingerly and peered in.
      "Who are you?"
      "Who are you? Joey answered, wondering why she didn't say Who are you nigger?
      She gazed at him with empty eyes, as though looking for an answer to his question.
      He turned to the others, "This white woman is alive. What do we do now?" James came forward, now buoyed by the knowledge that what he heard was real.
      The  little boy, always ready with a good idea spike, "Maybe Joey the men you work with can help." James, even being so young knew that returning the girl to Mobile society would be a bad idea.
      Chapter 34:
     James looked at Jeffery who had the same staring into space blank look of that woman 30 years ago waking up to see two strange black men. Evvy had moved closer to him and was clutching his hand. 
     "So, Jeffery, James now continued," The next day, the police came to Leroy's door to question him about bein' at the the fairgrounds the night before, and that it was mighty suspicious because a white girl was missing. They talked about how he could be hung right in his front yard if he didn't talk, and maybe they'd just do that anyhow to send a message. But old Leroy was smarter than he looked, and didn't break. "I sweat a lot though," he told me and Joey later.
      The girl was gone, and nobody knew anything about it. And those that did had gotten rid of the evidence.
      Jeffery started crying. His body shuddering as 30 years of fear screamed for release from a mind rotting with booze. His wife -- who had endured so much for so many years, but who always stayed, always urged him on, for himself, for thr kids, for her, because she knew there was something good, salvageable deep within that weak sodden soul moved over and wrapped her arms around him.

The Answer:
1. Leno will have good friends joining him on his last week in Feb -- His replacement Jimmy Fallon will be joined by Billy Crystal, Garth Brooks, Betty White, Matthew McConaughey and Sandra Bullock...and probably a few surprises. 2. In 1968, the largest selling record in the world was "Honey". His agent and banker cheered, but everybody else in the world shed a tear or two: "One day while I was not at home / While she was there and all alone / The Angels came.  // Now my life's and empty stage / Where Honey lived and Honey played / And, love grew up // And a small cloud passes overhead / And cries down on the flower bed / That Honey Loved // And I see the Tree, how big it's grown / But friend it hasn't been too long / It wasn't big / And I laughed at her and she got mad / The first day she planted it. It was just a twig.

"Honey" wasn't the greatest song ever written, but its enormous success is a reminder that what we hold dearest in our hearts are little things that bring back magic moments of love.

Remember, one tear could be of a thousand smiles.