Today's Tids Issue 3007
Opening Stuff:

Old Joyce Kilmer surely loved his tree.
And that it's beautiful, I would agree.
But, what God gave that's awesome to me
Is the pounding, erratic, glistening sea.

If the Wolf on Wall Street, and American Hustler are classified as comedies, how come I wasn't laughing.

I keep getting emails selling me "Well Designed" replicas of Rolex watches. Why would I want to buy a replica of an original that leaves me cold.

The Question:
What are ten things the Weight Loss Industry won't tell you? Bonus: What was Joyce Kilmer's first name?

The Headlines:
--Markets Rebounding.
--Teacher Saves Kids Lives In new Mexico School Shooting.
--Egyptian Voting Continues For Second Day despite Sporadic Violence.
--Mitch McConnell Calls Harry Reid's 60 Vote Minimum For Extended Unemployment Insurance Proposal "Ridiculous".
--62 More Killed In Iraq Bomb Attacks.
--O-Man Says Give Iran Diplomacy A Chance.
--Obama to Open "Manufacturing Institute"; Practical Or Politics?

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." That's the Tenth Amendment. It's the written belief of the founders sthat would limit a giant, all encompassing central government like those that they and their ancesters fled when crossing the dangerous seas. I'm not against Government at all. Who would be? I'm just for a dominant state government that cedes some efficiencies for the common good to the Feds.

Speaking of a rampant power grab by unfettered politicians, 0-Man says he won't wait for Congress to pass laws. He will just issue executive orders, especially with respect to illegal immigration and Gun control. "We are just not going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we're providing 'Americans' the kind of help that they need," is what he said. Two things: 1. Americans don't need any more help. They just need the federal Government to get out of the way. 2. Illegal immigrants aren't Americans, so who is he really helping?

He also has said he will issue an order to make the economy grow faster? Say what?

How can you be on the journey of life when you are going nowhere?

What's been really scary to me is that scene where a retired cop in a Tampa Bay theater killed two people because they were reading their smartphone during the previews before a movie. Who am I sitting next too?

What's not outrageous to me is Giselle Bludgeon sitting on her ATV with her kid and no helmets.

Did you see where the Obama Admin is going to inaugurate the first of 3 planned Manufacturing Institutes. There have been manufacturing organizations contributing to innovations in the field for decades. In fact, US manufacturing is incredibly effiecint, so much so that business is returning. The exodux of jobs in the mid earlier decade was not the result of US inefficiencies, but the high cost from wages. Wages are down a bit in the US, mainly due to reconfiguring the Auto industry contracts, and some jobs are returning. Jobs, however, will never return to the extent they had been during the US years of greatness, because efficiency that improves productivity necessarily eliminates jobs. So once again, it is the politicians following the innovations of the entrepreneurs for political gain, only way too late. The train left the station with featherbedding.

As far as I can determine about this new Court decision nullifying Net Neutrality, the only thing I can expect is to be paying more money along the way for a lot of stuff I'll never need.

"Justified" opened with a Bang last Tuesday (Make that a lot of "Bangs") and kept it going last night. It is one of the best shows on the Tube.

Justified was written by Elmore Leonard who died last year. Did I ever mention that these four novels I have written in serial form for Tids borrow some of his style. He's offbeat enough to make amateurs look acceptable.

The Rolex is the symbol of America -- Buy something you don't  like for a lot of money you don't have so you'll look good to people you think you should be impressing. I knew a guy who once said to me, "My goal in life is to have a Presidential Rolex." I don't get it.

I see where The District Of Columbia is weighing evidence on whether to decriminalize marijuana. Great. Just what we need, more civil servants staring at the ceiling. We call it the Rashaan Salaam effect. The good news is that traffic tie-ups will go down as people stay in bed longer.

When you think about it, the only way progressives can really succeed is to obliterate the Constitution.

The Conscience: Chapter 33 continues.
    "Hold on, hold on little Jim. What y'all talkin' about? I don't like to hear, dade white girls."
    "Its true, Joey"! Jimmy Brainy Smith then when on to tell about the confrontation, intervention by the white boy, death of the white girl. "We got to get her outta there or the mobs'll be comin' our way."
     And hour later, Joey and Jimmy plus two of Joey's friends drove their beat-up old ford to the now vacant Fairgrounds site. Jimmy jumped out first, looked around and ran to the rock and bushes. She was gone. "She's not here,"
     Jimmy turned wide eyed to the bigger boys running up. "You playin' games with us again, Brainy?" said one of the other boys.
    "No, No, Leroy, she was dade, right here righ..." he pasued and moved to the rock. "See this, It's her blooood."
    "That sure looks like blood, a lot of blood," said his older brother. By then  Jimmy was off in the bushes looking around at the lake beyond, when he tripped on something. He looked down, and those same lifeless eyes peered back up. He jumped back.
     His startled screech brought he other boys over. "Jeeeesus!" That 's what all they said. The three just stood and looked at each other.

The Answer:

1. "Some of us are big, fat liars" seeking to extract cash form the guilty. 2. Dieting can make you fat. 3. Twinkies and Cheetos could be just as helpful as diet foods. 4. We can make you irritabke and unattractive to your family and loved ones. 5. Side effects range for stinky breath to significant bowel problems. 6. Publisheed calories can be much lower than reality. 7. Americans are getting tired of diets and have become more acceptable to heavier people. 8. Our Industry profits are through the roof. 9. Surgery that makes you thin could easily make you sick. 10. We have saturated the women's market, so we're going after men! Bonus: The poet of the trees was born Alfred Joyce Kilmer.

When I started this morning, I thought I had nothing to say. I wish I didn't have to say so much about politics. I wish I were drifting on a quiet sea; with nary a ripple nor a wave could I see; The only air moving being from my calm, steady breathing; what appeared to be perfect rest. Yet, I knew, there's a world of living neath the surface still; would it let me be, or would the skies darken and the waves surge.

I'm outta here. And, remember, Buy on the dips.