Today's Tids Issue 3,014
Opening Stuff:
Three little words that say frigid nights are cozy and delightful -- Chicken Pot Pie.

A year or two ago Gina Raimondo was my champion and darling to all with hope in their hearts for a RI Future. She was the lion, who took on the entrenched legislature to bring about much needed pension sanity and reforms; At the same time we had another gutsy new Dem who I liked, Angel Travarus, who as Mayor of Providence made the tough decisions to turn around the the great city left in shambles by the little prevaricator now US Congressman Ciciline. Now the two reformers are opposing candidates for Governor and they appear to be in a bidding war to see who can raise the minimum wage the fastest. The real disappointment here is that these two supposed intelligent people say that increases in the Min wage will improve the state's economy. Yeah, sure. Higher wage minimums are a great way to lure companies to the job starved state. Min wages are starter wage safety net, not economic engines as these two politicians advocate. The big winners would only be the candidate who got the most votes, with the employees and the employers both losing, again...witn RI continuing to flounder.

Once again, it appears that the Farmer's Almanac knows what it is talking about when it comes to weather.

The Question:
Hollywood fave President Obama spends a lot of time talking about Income disparity. Name the Ten Hollywood Celebrities with the highest "Net Worth".

The Headlines:
--Bonds Soaring; Sale Of Emerging Market Currencies, Global Sell Off, Low Growth For China Knocking Down US Stocks, Again.
--Islamists Awaken After Egypt Vote; 3 Cairo Car Bombings Kill Five, Send Message; Police HQ And Museum destroyed; Most Fear Attack Beginning Of New Wave Of Violence.
--Syria Peace Talks Appear Collapsing Before They Begin; Opposition Refuses To Meet Syria Gov. Some Moderation Attained As Two Positions Jostle For Control.
--Death Toll From Fire That Destroyed Senior Home In Quebec Could Hit 35.
--Obama Panel Says President's Message Wrong And NSA Snooping Unconstitutional.

The Tids Washington insider tells me that the A&E Network is cancelling Duck Dynasty and replacing it with a White House Saga: "Duck Responsibility".

I knew James Dean and Justin Bieber is no James Dean, department:
If the Biebster keeps on with his reckless life style he may end up in the same tangled mess of metal. He may even recieve the same kind of fan adulation -- But, James Dean, was James Dean.

I have never been able to laugh at Sarah Silverman, and her new attack on Jesus and people who like to see babies born alive was a new low in the new era of comedy, designed to ridicule, defile and defecate upon sincere and reasonable beliefs of others.

I didn't mind watching the premiere of "Rake" last night, the new legal TV show starring Greg Kinear. It has a problem trying to decide whether it wants to be a comedy or drama. But, Kinnear is good as a lovable anti-hero and it held my interest. You have to suspend reality often, but for some reason it worked. I'll watch some more and see how it flows. At times the plot seems more like a device to enable Kinnear to do bad things.

An observer points out that the Abbreviation for President of The United States -- POTUS -- may have taken on a new meaning after his New Yorker Magazine interview on marijuana -- "Pot-Us".

Oops, did I say Chicken "pot" pie?

Are you familiar with that Geico commercial that says, Auctioneers make bad Checkout clerks. Politicians are worse. Giving away the store is a surefire way for the store to go bankrupt. "Oh, you can't pay..."

In case you missed it, US News & World Report has just announced their new Best Jobs In America List. On the broader scale, the Information Technology Industyr rose up to knock down the Healthcare Industry a notch. Specifically, #1 is Software Developer. Next is Computer Systems Analyst followed by Dentist, Nurse Practitioner, Pharmacist, Registered Nurse, Physical Therapist, Physician, Web Developer and Dental Hygienist.

What happen to the Top five job standard of the past several years, Actuary? Pedicure specialist even topped that  one.

Reading Between the Lines Movie Reviews:
--Limited pickin's this week end, and no foorball games too! Yikes! The only new premiere is "I Frankenstein". It is a monster of a movie in the worst of conotations. 200 years after the creation, Dr. Frankenstein's monster Adam still walks the earth. He finds him self in the middle of a war over the fate of humanity, and that he holds the key. Will humankind be destroyed.? You'll have to get thorugh some heavy duty special effects and ponderous scriptwriting to find out. I may not see it it even when it's late show FX movie of the night 20 years from now. Sorry. Go skiing instead. I hope I'm still hear writing Tids 20 years from now.

The Conscience: Chapter 35 continues.
      "In my day to day business dealings in the marine industry, I sought out got to know your old friend Jason Montgomery of the black hating Mobile Alabama Montgomery's. I had spent my life trying to learn your whereabuts while I was also growng my finacial empire," James looked down at his shoes almost humbly after that mention of self-aggrandizement, "and when the trade papers reported on the new president and ownershp of Bernard yachts, I put two and two together, and figured he may be able to give me a lead about your whereabouts.
       "Am I boring you guys," he asked. Evvy was the frist person to answer that it is one of theis first times in  years that she has felt excitied in the rpesnce of her husband." I decided to keep quiet.She waved her hand to go on.
       "To be honest with you, Jeff, one of my objectives was to take over Bernard and destroy Jason. Little did I know that I had hit the motherlode." I raised my head quizzically. "Jason and I became friendly, he really wasn't a bad guy, though, at first was appeared a bit nervous in the presence of a black man. When I told him I was also from Mobile, and knew all about the white men in his life, he turned red and frankly stopped looking me in the eye."
      "So, did Jason know where I had been squandering my life?"
      "One day after a time when I thought I could, I brought up the subject of the missing white girl, asking him if he knew her. I remember clearly how he looked up to the ceiling, how the room went so quiet. I just waited. Finally he told me how hard that had been on him. She was a good friend.

The Answer:
Matthew McConaughey has $65 Mil and is #20. Next is Ludacris followed by Woody Allen, Alec Baldwin and Ben Affleck all at $65M. At $130 we Have Robin Williams who is topped by Al Pacino, Ashton Kucher, Julia Roberts, Larry King, George Clooney, Densel Washington, Bruce Willis, Samuel Jackson and Demi Moore. The top five are #5 John Travolta, Drew Carey, Robert de Niro, Will Smith and at #1 Tom Cruise with $200M

Drew Carey? The price, must indeed be right!

Writing Tids Twenty years from now... I may just be putting some helmut on my head and sending out ideation waves, typos and all, which you can pluck out of the air as the thoughts ooze by. Can you think in Typos?

Have a terrific weekend E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!