Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Saturday, May 10, 2014

What a beautiful mind it is we have.

Today's Tids Issue 3,089
Opening Stuff:
Aren’t words in songs all about what the singer, composer want you to know about what they think? Consider about how much more beautiful music would be if not cluttered by words; where you could open your mind to endless possibilities of your own, To absorb the strains of melody as the paint for the pictures you feel in your heart. To energize the world around you teh way you feel it, and walk into it, taking it all. Music is so expansive, and yet we often confine it by small conflicting self serving ideas. Let it flow for you, and explode into your own world of love and beauty.
You have to wonder if Mexicans ever get tired of eating their food.
The world and the people in it have always done what they continue to do today. They’ve been angry and ruthless and loving. They have achieved and they have failed. There have been tragedies and marvelous accomplishments. And the only thing that has changed is that now we see it all magnified on YouTube or FaceBook or in instant tweeting. If there was ever a time in history not to overreact to anecdotal evidence this is it. Let the ire simmer and die.
Hey, this week may signal the beginning of  the decline of China. Yes, a team of 10 Chinese legal scholars will spend a week in Rhode Island to learn the basis of our legal process. Yikes. Can you say, Brother-in-law, uncle, grandfather, one party control….Hey, wait a minute, the Chinese already have the RI system.
The Question:
Today, we have the homeless. But, since the beginning of time we have the stragglers on the edge of normalized society. Name some other names for the “Homeless”, the “Traveling man”
The Headlines:
--“Small Stock” Slide May Reflect Trouble In Markets; China IPO Tuniu Falls 2.2% On Opening.
--US Irritated That France Is Selling Russia Warships.
--China Blames US For Rising World Tensions.
--Putin To Meet With World Leaders At D-Day Celebration; Obama Nixes Occasion; Putin Triumphantly Returns To Crimea To Celebrate Victory Day; Ukraine Military Ups Ante..
--NK Kim Run News Agency Fires Racist Slurs Against Obama: “Should Be Monkey In African Zoo” And More; NK Also Slurs Women In Attack Against SK Female Prez Park Geun-hye; NK Gearing Up For New Nuke Tests.
--$1 Million Home Owned By Tennis Star James Blake May Be Site Of Gruesome Murder Suicide Of Four Renters; Home Burned To Ground After Fireworks Explosion That May Have Been Planned As Cover-up.
--Fox News Sunday Outdraws Meet The Press In DC!
Well, waddaaya know, the messages from FaceBook trying to induce me into opening up my account have been now officially declared spam by me internet service. Is this a sign for the future of their stock?
As a way to make some dough from this morning mess, I’m issuing Tid’s T-Shirts. The first would be aTidsShirt with the words, “Tids make you smarter,” emblazoned across the chest. I figure it would go over well with feminists and college kids. Except at Rutgers, where it would be banned.
Twitter Revolution, Department:
Speaking  of mindless students, down here in RI 800 URI students were tweeted into action, showing up en masse to a party in a nice gentle neighborhood. You can guess that it wasn’t a tea party. It became in an instant a riot. What is it with kids and their understanding of responsibility and civility? The ACLU in the past has come to the aid of this animalistic behavior, totally forgetting the lives of the property owners nearby who have to put up with such jungle warfare. There are no excuses. There are no legal outs. It is a travesty, pure and simple. (Note: The University is more irate than usual and kids will be expelled. And maybe, this is the one that will give the neighborhoods back to the people.)
“When you’re down by the sea and an eel bites your knee, that’s a Moray.” Laughing? A reader seemed to exhibit some embarrassment when he sent me that, what he considered the lowest class of humor. Personally I rank it up there with the best.
Just Playing Politics is Dangerous, Department:
Everything Benghazi currently is embroiled in a spat over which party can best call the other politically motivated. If memory serves me, the Dems first dove into politics to retrieve an excuse about why they didn’t heed Stevens plaintive call for help: “The loss of funds from sequester wouldn’t allow it; George Bush cut back defenses in embassies”. If I’m reading that correctly, it sounds like the Dems were willing to put lives in jeopardy to make a political point. If an admin can’t find a few bucks in trillions of budget dollars to protect Americans in a known perilous position, then they should all be fired for incompetence.
James Madison once wrote: “The freedom of the Press, as one of the great bulwarks of Liberty, shall be inviolable.” I think the press is missing its calling.
By the way, you will be seeing a lot about James Madison in the weeks ahead. Lynne Cheney just wrote a good book about him, and the reviews are very good.
The real Attorney General of RI appears to be Channel 12’s young investigative reporter Tim White, with a very able assist from another equally gutsy young newsman, Ted Nesi.
Before we Leave Ri, it appears that Clay Pell, candidate for Gov has locked up the East Side Lib vote with objectives like “Direct the State Board of Education to increase the Graduation rate of minority students.” It’s old school liberalism at it’s most flagrant disregard for human ability best; To legislate instead of to the detriment of a human’s innate ability to overcome and accomplish. What can the board do, take the tests for or just pass everybody without tests. He, in statements like that, will never get to the nucleus of problems just as all the other Dem candidates who ignore the real problems with the State will never get to the crux of the reason for the highest unemployment state in the nation. Frankly, it sickens me. And it would have James Madison too, as the press lets the maxims slide by without calling for the meat of the solution. In fact the coddling of Clay Pell is bringing Hagiographical reporting to an art form; not ruffling the feathers of a State “Treasure”, the scion of a liberal icon. It really is quite disgusting.
Wow! I didn’t expect all that when I started!
The Cleveland Browns last night pretty much replicated the movie Draft Day, which was about The Cleveland Browns getting the “D” player they wanted first, and then trading around for the Iconic QB later. Hey, maybe the Brown’s GM didn’t have a clue until he saw the movie.
The question I have stored away in my Republican brain is, “Why was Hillary so silent for so long after the murder of her people?” Is it just the old Bill Clinton ploy, wait them out until the fire is gone? That’s probably what irks the Dems most, the embers are still bright.
Boco Haram exists in all of its ruthlessness today mainly because the Admin and Hill’s State Department could bring it upon themselves to call Muslims in Nigeria, Terrorists.
I didn’t watch American Idol as intently as I once did, but among the weak group of finalists this year, I liked Jessica Meusse best and was sorry to see her go. Jena and Caleb are mainly shouters to me, and Alex, while talented, puts me to sleep at times.
If I was a Dem, I’d want a Republican Senate just to get rid of of Harry Reid’s daily embarrassment.
Reading Between the Lines Movie Reviews:
--It isn’t quite as bad as trying to live next door to 800 screaming URI undergrads, but The Neighbors exhibits some of that frustration as a couple with a newborn tries for sanity living next to a fraternity house…where nudity, crudity and continuous drug use make life uncomfortable for the young family…and probably most intelligent movie goers. I’d miss just because of the over use of sophomoric antics. You’ve heard I and seen it all before, and it has become tedious.
--All the young mothers want in Mom’s Night Out” is a good time with adult friends and meals on china instead of from paper bags. All that the husbands have to do is take care of the kids fro 3 hours. Get it? Everything goes wrong, but It is probably a lot funnier than The Neighbors, if you can stand the inevitable poop jokes.
--Fed Up Is a documentary, and one side of the story about good food and bad food. Unfortunately, lemmings will see it.
--In the Legend of Oz: Dorothy’s Return, our resilient heroine returns to Oz from post tornado Kansas to save friends Tinman, Scarecrow, Lion and Glinda from new villains The Jester, Wiser the Owl, Marshall Mallow, China Princess and Tug the Tugboat. Well done, and good if it doesn’t scare the kids. My kid over 50 still has nightmares from the original.
Politics has destroyed science.
The Conscience: Chapter 43 continues.
       I moved quickly to the door and stepped out. She must be fast, I thought  I looked at the empty space. Emptiness and silence. Now I heard the click of heels in the distance and knew where she must be as there is only one place where carpeting ends. I started to run, something I hadn’t done much since college. This could be dangerous, I laughed, but quickly realized the seriousness of facing somebody as unpredictable as Sanna, Sally. I wondered what Sally would have been if she and had the opportunity to remain Sally. I felt a small stab of guilt in my heart.
    Now I saw her. She was approaching a garden like structure near the entrance just before the steps. I churned my flabby legs faster, and it really did hurt. I squinted my eyes shut and forced myself on. I might be so winded and physically impaired when I reach her that she will just laugh and walk away. But, I felt she was truly scared now. She had been caught, and saw clearly there was nobody who would be doling out favors in her own world.
     Then she caught a heel as the carpet reappeared, and she fell just before the garden. As I her aying there near the shrus, beneath a large gray rock, my mind leapt back and I froze. I saw those same eyes looking up. Now it was I who was stunned, and I could only watch her move and stand as I tried to find myself again…The pain and agony in my muscles started to normalize, helping me to find what little of me remained. I stood up to my full height and we stared. Neither moving. Her eyes were no longer those of an injured young woman. They are mean and vengeful.
     “You should have made sure I was dead. Now I really am the nightmare you’ve lived with since 1957. She reached behind her and pulled out a small revolver. I froze. “What’s wrong Jeffery. Can’t find that little black bastard to help you now? What a piece of shit you are.”
The Answer:
The so-called stragglers on the fringe may be the victims of themselves or wars or human deficiencies, but they have been in our culture forever, known as Hobos, Bums, Tramps., Railriders, Drifters, Derelicts, Vagrants, Vagabonds, Panhandlers, Guttersnipes, Ne’er-do-wells, Itinerants, Rolling Stones and…
Here’s a familiar piece of music. Paint your own picture!
Have a great weekend, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!

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