Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, September 20, 2024

Crazy Tidzing


Today's Tids Issue 5,620 

Off a new Base: 


Hey, I got my keys working again. Now, if I only had something to write about. 


The socialists must love Wall Street today because if the economy feels good those in power stay. How's that for irony – Capitalistic success subsidizes socialism 


If I write a spy novel and hatch a plot scheme that would put explosive pagers in the hands of the enemy, nobody would think it conceivable or believable. 


How much deeper would the ocean be if there were no sponges. --Steven Wright. 


The Question: 

Who refuted Albert Einstein's theory of relativity E=MC2? 


The Headlines: 

--Markets Drift into Weekend Following Big Day Yesterday. 

--Israel Strike in Bierut Kills Top Hezbollah Officer.  

--Three Mile Island Nuke Plant to Reopen; To Sell Power to Microsoft. 



Got a couple of stubborn techno-gizmos back working again. It’s nice to feel thirteen years old again. 


My big question has always been, if there is an end to the universe, what on the other side. Now scientists are saying that their new telescopes are discovering odd impact bulges on the far extent of the blackness. (Which by the way is not really black, the light just hasn’t reached us yet.) I think they are bonkers. Maybe they don't want to consider that perhaps there is a God. How else do you explain endlessness. 


AI sucks up electrical energy. That’s why we may see Nuke Plants coming alive again. Interesting irony isn’t it: Now people are in fear of an AI induced societal meltdown. 


The New England Patriots last night looked just like tier preseason predictions... Really Bad.  


We hadn’t had rain in 23 days. My car had forgotten how to turn on the automatic windshield wipers. 


Between you and me, it's hard now to know if any of these polls are true. And how about those teamsters deciding not to endorse because their members went Trump almost two to one. 


I'm thinking that Kamala has one segment of the USA already wrapped up -- those who don't like to work.  


A teacher told me that practice makes perfect. Then she told me that nobody was perfect. So, I stopped practicing.  --Steven Wright 


I watched the game on Prime last night. I have no problem watching without announcers. Football is football, and you can see it.  


Not to disparage Springfield Ohio further, but the fact is that Jonathon Winter's parents sent him there when he was 7 years old to live with his aunt because they couldn't understand him, 


The Answer: 

Nobody! In fact, it has been tested up and down and inside and out.  What Einstein had adjusted to was the newer theory that the universe is expanding and not static as Albert said. There is an Urban Legend that says Hubble showed Albert some photos from a telescope, and he changed his mind. That was n how it happened.  


The great Jonathon Winters. “During his classic "flying saucer" routine would casually mention that if he was not careful, the authorities might put him back in the "zoo", referring to the institution. I feel people may think that of me when I get back into Steven Wright comedy.  


Have a great weekend, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!!