Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, September 9, 2024



Today's Tids Issue 5,611 

There must be something better: 


Just in case you are interested, this Tids Guy is happy. There is nothing better for Tids readers than a happy editor. Yes, my beloved Pats well-played game yesterday gave me hope that I may have something to cheer about this year, and at least a chance to feel a little pride. Sorry for this self-serving moment, but sometimes you just gotta say what you feel. 


I feel fairly certain that I may not watch the debate tomorrow, It could be the ultimate fingernails on a black board event.  


The only good thing about those Fox or CBS NFL Pregame Show Player interviews is that they give me a chance to run out and refill my Cheeto bowl. 


Boeing has been battered, much because of their own ineptitude it appears. Most American always looked at the big plane innovator and manufacturer as one of the best in America, a source of pride for American ingenuity. But with the serious plane mishaps and embarrassment of the Space Capsule interface, it is now under extreme pressure to run as fast as possible to avoid a huge strike.  CEO101 has not been working very well up there.  


The Question: 

What did they call the unknown baker? 



The Headlines: 

--Markets Open with and End much Higher to Reverse Dismal Failure During First week of September; Apple Launched iPhone 16 Powered by AI8 Chip.   

--Boeing Bows To New Union Pressure and Offers 25% Wage Plus Better Benefits to Close out Negotiation. 

--EU Members Worried That Petrol Limitations Will Ruin Giant Auto Economy; Urging Softening Ban; EU’s Draghi Urging Countries to Invest $884 Billion Per Year to stay Competitive with China. 

--Super typhoon After ripping through Chana Islands and Philippines Rips Apart VN Bridge sending 13 cars Plunging into River 

--Israel Strikes at Syria Sites Killing 18. 

--Pre debat Strategis Being Played out In Media  

--Catherine (Kate) Princess of Wales Completes Chemo. 


I must be getting old because I'm finding that Pizza is becoming p boring,  


College Football isn’t about raccoon coats and school color scarves anymore. The Quarterback for Notre Dame will make One Million Dollars this Year from endorsements. You got wonder what “Touchdown Jesus” is thinking about today.  


It looks like he could pay for his own scholarship. I still can't understand why $300-400.000 Scholarships weren't considered pay for athletes. 


My prediction is that the National media on Wednesday morning will try to disguise it, but they will clearly be saying Kam won the debate.  


Microsoft word is always updating to improve things, but not for me. 


People tell me I should download ChatGPT, but what is the use of living if you can't write your own words.  


Speaking of words, one of the Tids better wordsmith readers sent this along with permission to steal for today's Tids. "A malapropism walks into a bar, looking for all intensive purposes like a wolf in cheap clothing, muttering epitaphs and casting dispersions on his magnificent other, who takes him for granite.” 


Sometimes I play pretty good golf right up to the moment when I think I’m pretty good. 


I think that the old warrior James Carville is guiding aspects of the Kam-Tim campaign. There are signs of Clinton 1992 in it.  


A guy on the radio was saying this afternoon that Kamala is certainly very intelligent because she has perhaps the finest resume of any candidate who has ever run for President. But Resume is about education and accomplishments and not about beliefs. And beliefs are the essence of what a Prez will do in office. 


What do you call a cow with a twitch? Beef jerky. That wasn't ere intelligent. 


The Answer: 

The unknown baker was called John Dough. 


Sorry about that, But there are days. See you tomorrow. 


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