Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Never give in.


Today's Tids Issue 5609 

Yucking is good: 


The pros start trickling back to Wall Street as summer places shutter up for the winter and we begin to see what's really on the minds of the big players. At least that has been the trend in September's past. The first week of September has been a signal... for good, or bad.  


What a day... this morning heralding the soothing days of fall to come. I truly felt alive with boundless energy those minutes just beyond dawning as I walked around dew laden grass. The chill, and the warming sun together.  The crispness in the air. Welcome back fall. Let's hope all the gooey days are gone. 


My ceiling isn’t the best, but it’s up there. 


I'd like to have more reporting on the campaigns but there is nothing great worth reporting on.  


The Question: 

What do you call baptized hay? Bonus: What do you call people who can’t stick with diets? Extra Bonus: What do ATMs suffer from? Super Bonus: How do you stop a rhino from charging?  



The Headlines: 

--Uncertainties After Summer Have Major Traders Reexamining the Potential of their Portfolios; First Big Test: Employment Numbers Due Out Friday. 

--Huge Crowds Continue to Protest Netanyahu Actions in Wake of C 6 Hostage Murders. 

--Mongolia Welcomes Putin in Defiance of ICC Arrest Warrant. 

--Pope Begins Historic Asian Trip. 

--Hewlett-Packard Will Continue 13 Year $4 Billion Suit Now Against Estate of Deceased Technowhiz Mike Lynch (Sunken Yacht Owner).  



I watched some of the Olympics last month with the plethora of back stories designed to attach enviable characteristics to the participants. But, you certainly don't need back stories watching the Para Olympics. I just sit there in awe, Blind Soccer; armless archer, Wheelchair basketball players, Legless runners. So many more shouting to eth world that never giving up, giving in, gives you everything.  The Paralympics are the Olympics of the heart. Maybe instead of Circles for a symbol. it should be linked hearts.  


Mongolia is part of the organization that issued an arrest warrant for Putin for crimes against humanity in the Ukraine conflict. It is the first country he has visited where he could be legally arrested. They didn’t arrest him. Maybe it was tanks of the border. 


But the undercurrent news about Putin is that it seems he is  seeking to lower eth standards necessary to retaliate against any country using his nukes. His hard-line military are making te case for using nukes to respond to non-nuke assaults on the country. And the despot in charge seems to be nodding, I’m ok with that. That's the scary new world we are in.  


In case you haven't noticed, the rate cut has already been priced into stocks so any loss of economic faith could wham the markets harshly.  


The headlines are saying that this is the First AI Presidential campaign. Whatever that means. But it seems apropos consderign the candidates -- Artificial Intelligence.  


African leaders are gathering in Beijing today. Xi will unveil his massive satellite infrastructure plan which will bring TV to 10,000 remote villages in 23 countries. They have TikTok to bend minds in in first world countries and now TV for third world countries., Do you think they have a plan to take over the globe? And the patience to wait it out? 


I hurt myself digging for gold. It was a miner injury. 


Get out your Crying Towels, Department. 

The five worst teams in the NFL this season are predicted to be Carolina, Las Vegas, New England, New York Giants and Denver. Going to be a long and dark winter up here. But I'll be there rooting and whining and perhaps getting over excited at a rare, good effort. No O line at the Pats. In case toy are interested, the happy face teams are Number one KC followed by GB, San Fran, Buffalo and Cincinnati. The rest of the top ten are Baltimore, Detroit, Houston, and the NY Jets. Not the Jets. Anny team but the Jets. GreenBay isthe number 2 team in the NFL this year? Yikes! 


The Answer: 

Baptized hay is a Christian Bale. People who can’t stick with diets are desserters. ATMs suffer from withdrawals. You stop a rhino from charging by Unplugging it. 


Hey, Life should be simple. See you all tomorrow. 


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