Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, September 13, 2024

No ladders here.


Today's Tids Issue 5,615 

The black cat's pajamas: 


“My hotel doesn't have a 13th Floor because of superstition, but c'mon man... People on the 14th floor, you know what floor you're really on. Jump out the window. You'll see the difference. --Paraphrased from Mitch Hedberg 


In China they don't have a 4th floor for the same reason.  I'm not too superstitious, but I thought I should be careful or delicate readers with apprehensions. 


These two candidates just keep on making up giveaways to all sectors of society for a few voters. I would like a candidate to come out and help protect police from frivolous lawsuits and thoughtless, woke accusations that may arise from a good officer just doing his or her duty in a tension packed situation. That would go a long way to getting America back to sensibility, -- police not nervous about going to work each day.  


Yesterday, Steven Wright asked a chicken to cross the road, The chicken asked, “What for.” 


The Question: 

Name the ten most famous people with first names Steve. Steven or Stephens. 


The Headines: 

--Giant Rate Cut Possibility Crawls back upon Table and has Investors going into Weekend Lightheaded.  

--Boeing Workers go out on Strike; 96% Vote to Walk Declining Company's 25% Wage increase Over three Years and Lower Cost health benefits.  

--Trump Says No More Debates.  

--NK’s Kim Jong Un Releases Photo of Uranium Enrichment Facility; Kim Urged rapid increase in Production of Nuclear Grade Weapon Material.  

--Georgia Judge Dismisses Two Charges against Trump in Election Interference Case; 8 charges Remain.  


Steven Wright also said: What's another name for a Thesaurus? 


When Wall Street goes ballistic because they put a jumbo rate cut back on the table, they are just setting the table for a profitable sell-off next Tuesday in the Jumbo enthusiasm begins to fade. Officially, investors are pricing in a 45% chance for a 50-point decrease. Doesn't quite seem like a sure thing, does it. 


If you really want to save money today, visit a Krispy Kreme where donuts are only 13 Cents. Yum. 


I stick my neck out to champion all of those who like tasty food. Those who eat nuts, oats and lettuce are awash with supportive advocates. Everybody needs somebody, and I’m there for you snack and gravy eaters.  


Our Florida bound Tids National Punster Laureate when not running away from alligators or correcting my grammar, sends in this t for our amusement.  “My friend Sarah left her Pepsi at a rest stop sixty miles south of Tampa. That's where Sarah's soda is located.” Maybe he’d be better off with alligators after groaners like that. 


I can’t remember a period where the weather has been so pleasant for so long as we have seen for most of August and all of September til today. Hearts are happy around here. Except weather people who are spending a lot of time with their analysts. 


The demise of the Pac 12 seems insane to me. It was a great league unique for all other leagues with many good teams with wonderful histories. And now it is scattered by the winds of greed with only Washington State and Oregon State remaining. Alas a pack 2. But it will regain a little momentum with the addition of Boisie State, Colorado State, Fresno State and San Diego State, making them the Pac 6. It doesn't seem to inspire the imagination, does it? Unless you are a federalist. College football is a mess, except for those cashing checks.  


Do you kinda think that Boeing workers Union leadership sees the Company may be in a weakened position.  


If you tell a joke in a forest and nobody laughs, is it still a joke??  
-- Steven Wright 


Celeb influence in anything means nothing But I was a little sarcastic yesterday about Taylor Swift with not understanding all the facts. I have learned, and maybe you already n knew it, that the reason she did so was to correct misinformation that came about after an AI created Meme had her favoring Trump. She said she would prefer to keep her choices to herself. But Taylor “swifties” the latest bunch of national lemmings, obeyed her plea. This morning there was a reported surge in voter registration following her plea. 


The Answer: 

Well, one I thought of first, Stephen Sondheim, #28. Hmmm! I'll just use last names, so I won’t get tired of typing before the weekend. Number one is Spielberg followed by Jobs, Hawking, Tyler, King, Irwin, Martin, Carell, Harvy, Curry, McQueen, Buscemi, Wozniak, Colbert, Segal, Gerrard, Fry, Winwood, Perry and Nash. Steven Wright the guy bow insured me to seek Steves was #38. I'd put him in the top ten. 


I went to a general store. They wouldn't let me buy anything specifically. --Steven Wright 


I thought to prove that the world was nutty by going from Mitch Hedberg to Steven Wright. But they make too much sense compared to what we hear lately. 


Have a great Weekend, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!! 









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