Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, January 3, 2019

The seas never cease.

Today's Tids Issue 4,290
Salt water, salty tears:

Happy first day of Democrat House of representatives, everybody! Or, not.

Sitting upon clam waters, I felt the first breeze rippling the waters that would  bring blackened skies and a fierce storm.

There was a picture in the paper that got to me this morning. It was of fishermen and wives and girlfriends standing neath an expansive bleak sky on a knoll before the Coast Guard station on Point Judith; the sea was black beneath the threatening sky. And I saw the huddled together workers of the sea looking at that vicious foe for hope, hope that the two fishermen who were lost when their ship capsized New Year’s Eve would be miraculously found. It was chilling as I tried to feel their inner grief for friends. The sea is beautiful. The sea is relentless. The sea is always the master over man.

You have to have a little sympathy for articles “a” and “the”, and the many conjunctions that rarely get capitalized in titles and headlines. Talk about laboring in anonymity.

Correction: I mistakenly write yesterday that Starbucks Schwartz was thinking about a presidential run. It should have been Howard Schultz.

“Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm” – Publilius Syrus.

The Question:
Darryl Dragon, who died yesterday, was a serious, highly trained musician and keyboardist for the Beachboys. But, his father Carmen was also quite the well-known Hollywood composer. What were Carmen Dragon’s biggest accomplishments?

The Headlines:
--Apple Pulls Down Dow After Lowering Forecasts Due To iPhone Sales and China; Rest Of Markets Seem Pretty Good In Early Trading But Succumb To Apple Pressure; Dow down 600 Points at 11.
--House Democrats Expected To Take Aim A Some Businesses; Financial Services Chair Maxine W Expected Intensely Target Equifax, Wells-Fargo And It’s Connections To Deutsche Bank.
--Carnival Cruise Lines To Eliminate Free Room Service .
--Beijing Successfully Lands Spacecraft On Far Side Of The Moon.
--New Letter Reveals FBI Divisions Over Clinton Case Decision By Comey.
--Romney’s Niece Says Americans Should Unite Behind Trump.

The new ultra-left in the new house say they are pulling together to vote against Nancy P’s first legislative effort of the year, The “Paygo” rule. That rule says that for all new spending there must be equal offsets, to keep the budget even. The super left decries anything that would inhibit their goal to give everything away free. The battles begin. And the Repubs haven’t said word one.

I imagine you heard the comment from Nancy Lala-Pelosi’s daughter Alexandra; “My mother will cut your head off and you won’t even know you’re bleeding”. That makes sense, if you lose your head you won’t know anything. But, I get the point – don’t mess with Mom.  And people wonder how she survives.

Don’t be surprised if Amazon gets into gas stations next. If you want to control the world, go to where everybody goes.

I always feel guilty when I type “man” to represent universal humans. Well not really. But I thought I should have some level disclaimer to appease political correctness fanatics.

JFK: “We are tied to the Ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether to sail or to watch – we are going back from whence we came.”

A lot of bad laws are created solely for the purpose of an ideological victory. Many politicians only care about their next campaign poster.

A lot of talk will be emerging about the candidates for the dem Presidential nomination. Here are the top 15 today, with more to come, they say: Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar, Kirsten Gillibrand, Michelle Obama, John Hickenlooper, Chris Murphy,  Andrew Cuomo (Just said he’s out), Oprah Murphy, Kamala Harris, Hillary, Deval Patrick, Tim Kane, and Eric Holder. I personally believe Holder could be a person to watch.

In her 2nd term inauguration speech yesterday, the Governor Gina Raimondo of RI said, “RI is a model for America.” Really? It could be if the other states want to strive backwards to achieve the 4th worst in GDP growth. BTW, Gina is President of the National Democrat Governors Association. Better check what your governors are hearing.

There’s a very good basketball game on ESPN tonight – UConn women versus Baylor. Women’s basketball is infinitely better if you like the passing artistry that seems to have evaporated on the bigger men’s stage.

“The Sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy or too impatient.” –Anne Morrow Lindberg

The Answer:
You may have heard of Carmen Dragon as Conductor of the Hollywood Bowl Symphony. Dragon, the son of Italian immigrants was also known for his arrangement of “America the Beautiful”. He won an Oscar with Morris Stolloff for his work on the Gene Kelley/Rita Hayworth movie “Cover Girl”. He won an Emmy for producing the Glendale Symphony Orchestra Christmas Special on NBC. He also composed scores for the films, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Night into Morning and Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye.

“The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore.” – Vincent Van Gogh.

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