Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Where there is love, there is hope.

Today's Tids Issue 4,689

Gently holding hands:


I was wondering this morning – do people still fall in love with so much anger all around us? You know, like real romantic love where two people look into each other’s eyes and get hit by feelings that are incomparable. It’s got to be happening everywhere because that’s the real law of nature. But these days when the world is presented to us in a most divisive picture, it becomes harder to imagine seeing lovers strolling along a quiet beach, holding hands, feeling cold water trickle though toes; being satisfied by just being near. There are too many people joined together in anger. I’d rather an old-fashioned love song. Yes, despite what we seem to see, I know it is there. And of all that which will pass away due new technology, or social reordering, pure unadulterated love will always remain. And it feels good writing this Tidlet. Yes, love will persevere,  unless somebody bans it.


One of the major reasons that elite colleges like Harvard and Princeton and Stamford are so popular is because students get to rub elbows with other of the most brilliant students. But in today’s online schooling, which Harvard has just announced as their new norm, there is no rubbing allowed!


A good pun is like a dalmatian. It’s easy to spot! Especially by the hangdog look in the eyes of the punster.


The Question:

Speaking of love and happiness, who was Loretta Scott Crew?


The Headlines:

--Stocks To Vacillate as Analysts Try To Decipher Covid Data; Global Equities Trading Choppy.

--Covid Cases Climb; Texas Hits One Day Record For New Cases; many Locations Looking To Pull Back On Reopening’s; Miami Slammed With Cases’ Especially Due To  Indoor Activities—WH Looking To Pressure Schools To Open On Time With Full Student Bodies.

--Chief Justice Roberts Was Hospitalized Last Month After Fall Injured Head.

--Trump Begins Official Withdrawal From WHO. What?

--New Presidential Candidate West Says He No Longer Supports Trump.

--In Anti-Hong Kong Security Law Move, Google, Facebook And Twitter Suspend Cooperation With Police.

--Death Toll From Japan Floods Now Up to 58.

--Levi Strauss To Cut 780 Jobs Due To Corona.


Patrick Mahommes is going to be paid $503 Million over 10 years to play football. That is about $50 Mila Per Year. Now Patrick is very good, but he is but one of 53 players on a ”Team”. There will come a time when it will be tougher and tougher to keep a good team together, as other key players ask for raises, but the salary cap says no. There is not enough dough left for say good recovers or the all-important offensive lineman. As they say about dough, you can’t have your cake and eat too. I didn’t know they said that about dough.


The latest USA flood will come from the drip, drip, drip of leaks from Mary Trump’s book.


Oldies but Punnies, Department:

(For new readers, this department repeats classic puns printed years ago. After demands by newer reader to add back quality to the Tids we reluctantly gave into the temptation do to what we don’t do -- The Tids doesn’t like to repeat itself on anything unless arms are twisted by readers. I cried uncle.)

--There was a man who entered a newspaper’s pun contest. He sent in ten different puns with the hope that one would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.

--Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft, and I’ll show you A-flat minor.


Signs of the times: The labor market won’t begin to return to normal until the end of this month when generous unemployment plans stop and people are forced to go back to work for less. That sounds odd, doesn’t it.


From my pure and simple strategizing perch, Trump just makes one mistake after another. Some of the commercials supporting him and very clear easy to understand and quite good, But often his actions blunt mind gains. Maybe Joes cellar strategy isn’t such a bad idea. The Repub message is much better than the Dems right now, regardless what media tells you.,



I live in a pretty active tourist town. I have been specking to merchants. I have seen the crowds walking (Majority unfortunately unmasked), but the shop owners tell me it is a completely different crowd now-a-days, the kind, that doesn’t buy anything. So, looking busier does necessarily mean the economy is accelerating. Yes people are not coming here to spend like in the past. They’re coming to pass the time of day.



So basically, traffic jams are just an illusion.


The lack of foreign sturdiest will put a lot of colleges and expensive prep schools in the dumpster. These are not the soft spots in the economy we have felt yet.


The Answer:

In 1927, a book was published for the Girl Scouts called, “Tramping and Trailing with the Girl Scouts. In it there is a recipe written by Loretta Scott Crew – for S’mores. Yes, LSC wrote the recipe and named one of America’s favorite taste treats. How yummy is that?


A simple love song, Smile:


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