Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, August 16, 2021

Help me.

Today's Tids Issue 4,974

Helping Heart:


Of all the people in the world, your heart just has to go out to are th Haitians. This is a people who just can’t catch a break. For centuries mired in corrupt uncaring despotic dictators, viciously attacked by storm after storm, and now when seeking to breathe again after the assassination of a president, they get wracked by a massive 7.2 earth quake. They never seem to get to experience ateh soft tender passage of piano concerto, only the angry notes of the wind and the earth. And the heartless.


Now, though, the hearts of the world are also hanging out there for the Afghanistan people, especially the women who more than likely only have to look froward to a future I shackles. How swift and devastating was the rise and domination of the Taliban.


A good Tids reader and friend suggested to me this morning that we would have been better off arming and training the women of Afghanistan. They would know what they were fighting for.


So much for the accuracy of US intelligence.


Husking corn in August is one of those glorious seasonal thrills. Isn’t better wait and enjoy locally grown corn than submit to year-round corn simulated in hydronic greenhouses. Waiting for ornis a wonderful oart of life, and we are always rewarded every summer..


Why doesn’t anybody feel sorry for, take up the cause for, the defenseless Krill. People love to hate corporations for tromping on the little guys, but are in love with whales who eat 40 tons of Krill per day. Are krill just born to be food for happy ocean wanderers like whales, dolphins and penguins. Remember that overtime you smile at a fat, waddling penguin – somewhere a krill’s mother is crying.


The Question:

Name five TV programs or movies for which Steve Carell is best known.


The Headlines:

--Stock Markets Open Down Following Record Week; Working Back Up By Noon; Geopolitical Concerns, Disappointing Economic Results In China, Delta Variant Prime Reasons For Market Retraction.

--Kabul Airport Chaotic; Seven Have Died There Including several Falling From US Transport Palace.

--Haiti Death Toll Up To 1,297; 5,700 Injured; 7,000 Homes Destroyed; Death Toll Expected To Rise But Will Be Far Lower Than 2010 Quake That Killed 200,000.

--Early Signs Point To Repubs Potential For taking Back US House.


It is a little disconcerting to see sports gambling company Draft Kings as a sponsor of PGA Golf on TV. “Did he or she miss that putt on purpose. or…”.


Frankly, it is a little discouraging to think that a growth industry in America is gambling.


The idea that the USA made a difference in Afghan looks pretty shallow now. Like the classic house of cards. Was there anything else going on in Kabul other than Policitacn talking and spending our money.


If the NY Times had comics, maybe their readers would have a more realistic view of life. And maybe they would be laughing a little bit more, instead of glaring angrily at those with different views.


I should have changed my Tids, Fri/Sat Hamlet Soliloquy to, “To vax, or not to vax/…” That is a more appropriate subject for the lament.


How come people who park in city handicap parking places in this town don’t have to pay parking fees. Huh? The spaces are designated for people with physical handicaps, not those with financial problems.


There was an anti-vaccine rally in LA over the weekend which turned into a riot. First, why are they holding an anti-vaccine rally in the first place? Second, how can vaccine people and anti-vaccine people hate each other so much?


The six most corrupt states in the USA are New York, Illinois, Louisiana, Alabama, New Jersey and Rhode Island. You would think that in a state as small as RI, people would be able to keep a close eye on each other.


Do you think there are a lot of people running around madly in the White House today? It could be more chaotic there than at Kabul airport. What a mess.


Ten days. It only took ten days for the Taliban to sweep across the country and take control --incredible what we didn’t know.


The Taliban chiefs must really suffer extreme agita over LPGA golf where men carry golf bags for women.


The Answer:

Steve Carell first became noticed on the Daily show with Jon Stuart. From there he went to The Office and the rest is history. Before The Daily Show launch, he got noticed in Bruce Almighty. His other big Movies were The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Little Miss Sunshine, Anchorman, Melinda and Melinda, Evan Almighty, Over the Hedge, Dan in Real Life, Horton Hears a Who, Get Smart, Despicable Me and Diner for Schmucks.


The H&G Channel is turning into a big blur.


Actually, the world I remember is turning into a big blur.


There are an awful lot of people who need help every day of their lives. Disasters and tragedies just wake us up.


Here is a piece of music I like to think by. I’m thinking of people who need help today







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