Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, July 25, 2022

Widening spaces.


Today's Tids Issue 5,220 

I'm for me: 



Halleluiah! This is a great time for vegetarians like me. Fresh local corn on the cob is beginning to show up on roadside stands, will continue for about a month and a half. There is nothing I like better than Corn the Cob.  


I heard an interesting concept about cultural change a day or two ago. It was about the potential demise of “gathering together”, a once healthy aspect of cultural America and of course other counties. For centuries people would tend to do similar things at the same time. Starting way back when people in small villages would ci congregate around a local water source. As progress changed things, people would read the daily newspaper and gather to discuss. How when radio came along families across America would crowd around that amazing machine at the same time and listen to the same program together. Fred Alan Or Baby Snooks Or George and Gracie, Inner Sanctum the Shadow would be the next day's topic of mutual conversation. And few would feel outside the loop. And of course, early TV was a must-watch appointment. But now, with the ability to stream any kind of program at any time, a sense of community is lost. People will watch alone. And they tweet out something inessential negative binding people together in a character assassination, over something they may never have seen. 

 Today is National Hot Fudge Sundae Day. What possibly could be wrong with today. 


Beethoven’s eighth symphony is underappreciated. It needs a good social media assault to put it up a few notches.  


Amelia Ehrhart would have been 125 years ole yesterday. She was a helluva woman, a helluva courageous pilot.  


The Question: 

Who is Louise Joy Brown? 


The Headlines: 

--Dow and S&P Higher At late Morning; Nasdaq In Negative Territory. 

--Oak Fire Near Yellowstone Continues To Grow; Several Houses In path. 

--Japan Issues Serious Warnings Following The Eruption Of Mount Sakurajima. 

--Wall Street Eruption Could Be The Result Of This Week’s Earnings Reports From Apple, Alphabet, Microsoft And Meta. 

--NFL Full Training Camps Open This Week.  

--Mass, Indiscriminate Shootings Continue Again This Weekend 


You can finagle a lot of costs lower and get inflation under control over time. But will rents ever get lower now that so many landlords overpaid for their properties during the boom? And housing is the most dangerous inflationary item of them all right now.  


Sign language is pretty handy. 


It just makes me madder than hell seeing people die from Overdoses of Opioids and in particular opioids laced with bad fentanyl. Fentanyl lacers should be hung, no questions asked. Deaths from synthetic opioids, (Fentanyl) are up 18 times from 2013 through 2020. And from a cross-section of reports from states and cities across America, Deaths are occurring now at even higher rates. In the early evening a somebody sees a loved one take off for a party and at midnight they are in a morgue seeing a loved one on a slab. It is just won horrible thing and it bothers the hell out of me. 


I said my final farewell to that big pot of boiling water. It will be mist. 


Statistical baseball starting lineups may delight the hearts of mathematicians, but the fan still wants their heroes. The players who have been with a team with whom the fans have lived and died. Fans don’t want to have to relearn their teams each year simply because a new bunch is statistically compatible. Fans don’t want to see the All-Star teams made up of players they used to have. People have to have feelings for the players on the field, not the numbers on a spreadsheet. 


Some Nike golf shirts look pretty good to me, and I’d wear them if they didn’t have a Nike swoosh on the chest,   


I dated a woman who owned a Taser. She was stunning., 


The Answer: 

Louise Joy Brown was born in Manchester England and was the first baby conceived via In Vitro fertilization. Or as the like to say, the first ever Test-Tube baby. She was born at 5 Lbs 12 Oz. 4 Years later Louise’s younger sister Natallie was conceived becoming the 4oth in vitro baby. Louise married in 2004 and had a naturally born son in 2006. 


Apple had to close down its auto production plant. It was having trouble installing windows. 


The Tids editorial staff will be spending the next couple of months catching political candidates in lies and contradictions. Should be fun. If I don’t pull out too much hair. 

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