Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Happy Fourth!


Today's Tids Issue 5,287 

How special we've been: 



In a few minutes I’ll be walking down the street to gather with Americans. To listen to the reading of the Declaration of Independence by a guy with ties to the earliest Newport founding days, from the balcony of our Colony House where it was first read in RI in August 1776. (Yes, word travelled a little slower in the days before Twitter) The band will play all the rousing songs and people will join to sing all those patriotic tunes from the bottom of their heart. And those Paul Revere cast brass canons will roar again. And my home will rattle with the enthusiasm of loving America 


And, btw, it is July. The beginning of July has been lost in three straight Holidays. Even though yesterday was not official. Today’s fourth festivities will wind down with big TV fireworks and then we are on our way into the real first month of Summer. Where people in a week or so will be moaning about the heat and the news stations will be telling us that what we experience every July is climate change. So, I will disregard that and count the days till colder November. But my heart will be pumping madly in anticipation of the beginning of football season while my brain continues to wrestle with the enigmatic Red Sox. But if I can get near a crowded beach, I’ll be swimming, and I will certainly be waiting for my golf game to come together. July is full of big days for me and the family, so there will be plenty of little celebrations. All in all, July is a pretty good month despite my rantings, and it all begins with a lot of people loving America. 


If you crossed a Patriot with a curly haired dog, you'd get a Yankee Poodle. 


The Question: 

Two Presidents died 50 years to the day of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence. Who were they? Easy peasy. 


The Headlines: 

--America Celebrates its Glorious Birthday. 

--The Stock Market Doesn’t go Down. 

--Politicians Eat Hot Dogs and Pat Little Children on the Head. 


What’s unamerican today is our President trying to figure out how to reinstitute a program that absolves committed obligations. An America that shuns responsivity is a pathetic America. I know the founders would just not stand for that.  


Did you realize that a sad candy cane is Red, White and Blue. 


The headlines that bother me most lately are “Shootings during party!” Breaks my heart every time. 


It’s raining. There goes the morning celebration. But the good news is that a lot of Americans showed up with umbrellas to carry on. I guess it's just not a c good idea ot get the tubas wet, 


I played golf with a guy from Houston the other day. He told me he was here for the summer to get away from the Heat. I mentioned that a day later to another friend and he recalled the one time he was in Houston and how the temperature was 112. That was 40 years ago. Yes, Houston is hot. It’s summer. 


If you cross George Washington with cattle feed, you get the Fodder of our Country. 


The Answer: 

They are Presidents 2 and 3, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson who both died on the same day fifty years after the signing – July 4, 1826. 


Let’s hope America gets back upon its positive track, and we begin to support each other again, just as 13 independent colonies united for the common good that one day in Philadelphia 247 years ago today. 


Have a great Fourth, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!! 






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