Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, November 29, 2023



Today's Tids, Issue 5,394

Making Choices:



Do you get the feeling that everything is just going around in circles and that if we sit and wait long enough, we’ll all meet, and everything will be ok. Forgetting though, that they are concentric circles. 


I had to laugh at "Shoe” this morning when they said that at the Chinese restaurant in Silcon Valley you needed a password to open your Fortune Cookie. 


An easy way to shop online in today's smart world is just to sit there in your easy chair and shout out you need new winter boots, and your smart plug or doorbell will pick it up, tell Alexa and in nano seconds you'll have 100 ads for furry boots popping up on your laptop, phone or tablet. Easy-Peasy. 


I have hunch that right about now, Charlie Brown is out there looking for a better Christmas tree for this year. 


The Question: 

Name five of the top Kids Saturday morning TV programs for 1977. 


The Headlines: 

--GDP and Inflation Data Tells Markets Fed Could be Finished with Rates; Markets  

--More Hostages Released as Cease Fite Comes to an End. 

--Israel Raids Refugee Campat Jenin in West Bank Killing Two. Children. 

--CDC Reports that Number of Suicide s In 2022 Reached Highest Level Ever. 

--Pope Says he is Still Not Well. 



Personally, I think a perfect taste treat is 3-4 puffy Cheetos followed by a couple of good gulps of ice-cold diet cola. If some iron chef can’t meet the demands of my personal simple pallet, I don’t care a whit about all the awards on his resume.  


Some people might prefer Stilton cheese and Highland Park 18 Yo old whiskey 


Few things move me like the finale of Mahler's Symphany #2. 


My doctor told me the other day that a wandering mind doesn’t count as walking each day. 


I look at most protests as kids with good grades looking for something to do. And professional activists love it. 


The best businesspeople run the shortest meetings. 


I have always done things the hard way so that is one reason why I'm not excited about AI. The other one is why would you want a machine to replace the joy of creating? I mean, what is the sense of being human if you can’t get down into the fundamentals of discovery.  


One reason you know your older is by how much time Newscasters take to explain to new generations (And maybe to themselves) simple basic things that yoi’ve known for decades. 


The Answer: 

There was Scooby-Doo Dynomite, Super Friends, Tweety and Sylvester, Clue Club; Bugs Bunny and Road Runner, The Kroft Show, Pink Panther Laugh and a Half Show, Shazam/Isis Hour, Fat Albert and the Cosby KIds. Woody Woodpecker, Speed Buggy, Monster Squad, and Land of the Lost/ 


1977 was a huge year for me. Because of several projects today, I didn't get all the way int 1977 but here is a top song for the year to carry you dreamily into tomorrow for a full-blown 1977. (Note: The Star is Born came out in 1976 but this song made it to the top in 1977) 



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