Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bravery stays in the heart.

Today's Tids, Issue 2,154
Opening Stuff:
Lonely are the Brave Department:
There’s was something humbling yesterday when I looked up and out my window to see a little tugboat dragging a soulful appearing, yet once mighty, once proud Forrestal super carrier class aircraft carrier down the Ocean path to her final resting place. This is a ship that is best known for a missile tragedy that killed 167 sialors. But before that it was one of America’s finest fighting machines; a brave warrior of the seas. Today, though it was a shell of it’s former self. Powerless. Totally reliant on a younger, smaller assistant. To me, it is not unlike seeing a old soldier marching proudly on the Fourth of July parade; in a uniform that doesn’t quite fit any more. A sad image of a former giant of a woman or a man The eyes are more tired. The legs less powerful. But I know their heart’s never change. And their bravery should never be forgotten.

The biggest disaster that could come out of the gulf oil spill is the passage of the Cap and Trade bill. And you know that the Dems will be using this “Crisis” to rally public opinion.

The Question:
Give me your five favorite Alfred Hitchcock movies, and I’ll give you mine.

The Headlines:
--BP To Set Up $20 Billion Fund For Spill Victims; Lawyers Orgasmic.
--0-Man Tries To Get Tough On National TV; Prez To Meet With Oil Company Heads Today.
--Home Construction Plunged In May; New Building Permits Down.
--Markets Fall On Bad Home Construction News.
--Fed Will Not be Affected By Changes In Financial Regulations; Move Appears To Whitewash Groups Inadequacies.
--New AP-GfK Poll has Americans Wanting Dems Back In Congress.
--New Viagra Pill For Women Not Living Up To Expectations According To two Studies.

Back to More Stuff:

I am successfully proving that new golf clubs cannot improve a bad game.

More and more people seem to be forgetting that everything can’t be done immediately. Life is not broadband.

A new study says that brown eyed white men are considered the most dominant, and much moreso than their blue eyed counterparts. Even photo Shopped pictures that transferred blue to brown come up more dominant. Hmmm. I have green eyes. What does that make me…an avocado?

Even when local state and federal Government operations are clearly at fault for, at least, a lack of oversight (Definition: Doing the job you are paid to do.) that lead to overwhelming tragedies, the Lawyers always go after deep pocketed corporations. Many simply residing on the fringe of an incident. They create dragons with deep pockets. Obama is a lawyer, pure and simple.

There’s no truth to the rumor that the Supreme Court nixed the Miranda Rights Law just in time for the US Gov. To badger Oil Execs without council.

You may have noticed that your favorite novel is missing from time to time more often these days than before. That could mean that either I’m running out of ideas. It’s getting crucial and there isn’t as much leeway in moving it to conclusion. I’ m just too busy with other stuff. Or, I’m basically lazy and I have a problem confronting the brown-eyed thing. You’ll be happy to know that it is at 63,000 words and I expect another 5-7,000. And that I am really happy about where it is going and I want it to get there properly.

It seems that the biggest problem with this admin in it’s dealing with the oil spill is that it has too many lawyers. Much of the hesitation has been about legal interpretation. Even the unfairly pummeled Bush with Katrina, relaxed several statutes to get things moving. One was the the Jones Act which bars the US from using foreign vessels is one of them. In this case, apparently the Dutch a nation below sea level, are experts at solving problems of the type associated with the spill. It was urged to suspend the Jones act to allow them in early in the game. But some are saying that while the Prez and admin are telling it was the legal situation that postponed action, the real reason was to protect their friends at the Unions who want American workers on the job.

One of my favorite slogans for a company’s employees is “It is my job.”

The Answer:
I liked North by Northwest, The Birds, Strangers on a Train, Spellbound, and The Man who knew Too Much. Also you may have picked Rebecca, Suspicion, Lifeboat, Rear Window, Psycho, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Saboteur, Shadow of Doubt, Notorious, The Wrong Man, Vertigo, The trouble with Harry, Marnie, Torn Curtain, Topaz, Frenzy and Family Plot. And these are just the Hollywood produced films. He directed over 30 in Britain in his early career.

So the Tids are late but not totally useless: Did you know that the Pillsbury Doughboy’s name was Poppin’ Fresh, his wife Poppie Fresh and the kids Popper and Bun Bun. There are no new kids in the oven. This information is on a kneed to know basis. I’d get the Tids out earlier if I was making more dough. Shoot me.

I’d give this Tids a C+. I hate that

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