Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Today's Tids Issue 4,651

The ankle Bone is...:


Well, it’s May 13 and this morning it was near freezing. That tends to lead to a brisk awakening, but also makes later day middle range temps seem much warmer. You gotta take what good you can get.


The worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades.


I watched a bit of that Senate inquiry into the Coronavirus yesterday. I think the senators must have over isolated themselves. I suspect 75% of citizens of the country could have easily answered the long rambling questions that seemed to confuse the illustrious solons. It couldn’t have been politics. Nah, our leaders would not let politics get in the way of a non-partisan solution to an outright catastrophe that effects everybody equally. Nope. No politics here.


The Question:

Throughout music history there have been very popular rock bands where over time the members begin to hate each other. Some bands dissolve because of it. Others grow up and get back together. Some say that hate fueled great music. The hate has been is attributed, to big egos and star billing, long bus rides and of course the ever-present villain – money. Name “The best bands that run on animosity”.


The Headlines:

--After Late Tuesday Stock Free Fall, Stocks look To Rebound Heartily Today; Powell Remarks Later Today Will Set Tone.

--Supreme Court Heard Arguments On Constitutionality of Investigating President While In Office; Apparently Leaning Towards Allowing Investigations.

--Judge Signals He Is Not Ready to Dismiss Charges Against Flynn.

--Repub Tom Tiffany Takes Wisconsin Seat In Special Election; Beats Dem Native American Tricia Zunker; In Key Cal Contest, 75% Of Returns Show Repub Mike Garcia In Position To Flip Dem Seat To Repub; Garcia 55.9%, Katie Hill 44.1%.

--AOC Joins Biden Campaign; Will Serve On Climate Change Panel.

--Musk Expected To Open His SF Auto Plant On Monday.


The Fly was very close to being called the Land, because that’s what it does half the time.


The Covid crisis has given us a clear picture of the theory of interconnectivity. It’s a vivid view of how much that is absolutely necessity relies on everything else absolutely functioning. The true picture of a house of cards.


We are now in a period of what economists are calling “Disinflation”. That means there is neither inflation or deflation. This real nice for consumers. But economies grow partially due to price increases. Manufacturers and markets raise prices and if consumers accept them, which they generally seem to do, the wealth grows. Now some manufactures work to control cost growth through manufacturing efficiencies. Lately (the last 20 to 30 years) that has meant moving production off shore to lower cost populations. I could ramble on. How did this paragraph start anyhow? Oh yeah, Inflation/Deflation. Inflation is bad for retirees. Now that is a fact.


For me The Voice has become the only form of competition I can handicap these days. It’s what I do while waiting for NFL picks. BTW, the finalist for next week’s sing off are in line with Tids Picks – Thunderstorm, Camm, Micah, Todd and Tonisha. I believe that Todd and Thunder are the favorites.

Money is the root of all wealth.


Good news! Thee is one thing that we don’t have to worry about -- The “Murder” Hornet. It sounds scary and it is big, but not a danger to humans any more than a bee or average hornet. They could however destroy the hives of all honey bees which would really be badness for vegans who rely on cross the pollinization of the shrubs they eat. Oh, wait, the cows and other edible animals also need the fruits of the soil for nourishment. I guess we’re doomed after all. There’s always something.


The “Kale of the Wild” is a newly discovered book by Jack London about vegetarian wolves.


Restaurants in RI are now planning to open for outdoor dining. For most restaurants, the Governor and mayors and town councils would have close off city and village streets to create enough room for the customers needed to make it worth the costs of opening. Everything these days is a Catch 22.


Actually, from the snippets of the Covid hearings I saw live and on the news, it appeared to me that the senators were basically setting the stage for who they will blame for this national disaster when it is over. If it ever is.


Albert Einstein once said: “Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.” Who knew? The Theory of Relationtivity.


The Answer:

#1 is the Beatles. Next is Creedence Clearwater Revival followed by The Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, The Beach Boys, Simon & Garfunkel (Band?), Van Halen, The Kinks, The Police and at #10, Guns N’ Roses. The next five are The Ramones, Kiss, New Order, The Smashing Pumpkins and Oasis>


I just couldn’t help myself. I typed in Fleetwood Mac above, and Stevie Nicks singeing Sara suddenly appeared in my mind.




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