Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The lowest common denominator.

Today's Tids Issue 4.656

The eyes have it:


Don’t you think that our government leaders are becoming a little bit of an embarrassment?


Every day as I look out and think that things may be looking better as Covid numbers stabilize, I turn on the nightly news which proceeds to take us the to the depths of the worst Corona hotspot in the country.


Sign in a Veterinarians office: “I’ll be back in ten minutes, Sit. Stay.”


Nothing gives me more angst than the words, “Install you latest update”. What are they going to do to me now? Yikes!


The Question:

Who is Ruggero Leoncavallo?


The Headlines:

--Markets Poised To Open Lower Following Strong Wednesday; BoA Research Sees Economic Recovery In Second Half Of 2021; Says Thee-Phase Recession Will be Unlike Anything In History; Goldman Saying India Will Experience Deepest Recession Ever.

--Midland Michigan Recovering From Dam Break Flooding. To Early To Estimate Widespread Damage.

--Fewer Americans Applying For Credit Cards.

--China-US Relations Could Get Worse Prior To November Election.

--SC Blocks Disclosure Of Unredacted Mueller Grand Jury Report.


I’m watching the Dems and I’m thinking that their plan for November 2020 is to create the illusion that its FDR taking over from Hoover. Unfortunately, they have to work with JB.


Reports are that Trump is unlikely to keep with tradition and unveil Obama’s official White House Portrait. That would be just plain stupid.


Google has had record searches for Hydrox cookies. You remember them, the cookies that have a loyal following by people who don’t appreciate the refined delicious taste of Oreos. Well, it seems people were looking for Hydroxychloroquine. Reports say they were happy the drug came in the form of a cookie. And people wonder why people in power should be cautioned about what they say to gullible sheeple*.


*Stolen from loyal, intelligent reader.


How about that former Dem presidential candidate who had moments of crowd adulation, Kamala Harris? Yesterday as a Senator she proposed an offical bill that would condemn  “phrases like Wuhan Flu, Chinese Virus or Kung Flu is anti-Asian”/ The country is falling apart, and that’s her solution. All she is doing is widening the divide.


Kung Flu. I like it.


Yesterday, my phone popped up with the words, “Watch Software Update”. Being an obedient kind of guy, you know Catholic grammar school and all, I watched my phone compliantly as it did absolutely nothing. My wife got mad because I was supposed to be washing windows. Finally after 2 hours of bleary eyed observation I realized that it actually meant, You have an update for your Samsung watch. Well, it nicely filled time in isolation.


The speedy defibrillator technician was there in a heartbeat.


A new AP poll says that 83% of Americans prefer a slow reentry back in to the world as we once knew it. The media only covers the vocal anti’s on this subject. Which is typical for the media. Look for small loud groups instead of the nucleus, heartbeat of ten country.


Be prepared to hear a lot about abortion in the coming months. You may have heard the so-called deathbed confession of Roe half of RvW where she said that she was paid to say that she had a change of heart about her original stance for pro-abortion. She also said she is a good actress. The woman who divided America is back with an ax.


Instead of just showing Covid hotspots, the media would really be doing us a service if they were to report on exactly why Covid existed more heavily in some spots and not in others. Or, would that be too politically incorrect for them? You know, giving us the truth we could use.


The Answer:

Ruggero Leoncavallo wrote the great opera, Pagliacci. Hmmm. I didn’t know that. I just know that a lot of opera singers on the Ed Sullivan show always sang the famous Clown aria. And I always enjoyed it.


Did you ever think that our leadership would slip down to the lowest standards in America? Whatever happened to rising above?


Today’s song is an oldie that never seems to get tired.


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